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Michael Byfuglin draft p2
(This post was last modified: 03-22-2022, 05:39 PM by Leatherneckmike.)

**Sitting again in the Nevada battle born media room Michael Byfuglyn awaits the call from the Calgary Dragons**

Michael: Well Did they cancel this too?

Delany: *sigh* no I can not tell you what is going on but the should be calling soo–

*ring a ding, ring a gind*

Michael: Hello!

Calgary rep: Hello! Mr. Byfuglyn this is Duncan Mackenzie i'm the new director of scouting here in Calgary.

Michael: Good to meet you even over the internet video call Mr Mackenzie.

Duncan: Please call me Duncan, i'm not that uptight. Not too much older than you ya know.

Michael: Alright Duncan fair enough so what you got for me.

Duncan: What I got is an eye on this highschool tape and you look head and shoulders better than the rest by this Junior year. Good checker and hitter. With a little speed to him and a ton of strength. Now here in Juniors you seem a little better rounded.

Michael: Yeah I hope to be more mauler ish someday but for now i'm just going with my coaches and getting used to minors hockey here. I look at it kinda like the highschool tape you mentioned. I develop over time.

Duncan: Yeah I am gonna be totally honest that is what we see in you. You aren’t the best guy in the draft on the ice but you seem stable off from what we can see and could develop.

Michael: I’d argue I could become the best but I am always gonna say that because I believe in confidence in myself. Am I the best on my team? No, probably not me being a rookie and some having been here a while. I am certainly not the best I can be but I will work everyday to get better.

Duncan: So take me through today with Michael Byfuglyn. I heard you had a workout and interview this morning.

Michael: Yes Indeed so I woke up very early this morning and had an omelet for breakfast at I think 5? 5:30? Something like that. Then I went and had a light morning skate resistance and balance and stuff to help my skating. Had the workout and the interview with Tampa Bay and then I'm here. So yeah good day so far for me.

Duncan: So would you wanna come to Calgary?

Michael: I’m gonna tell you the truth i'm cool with anywhere I talk to here before the draft. I just wanna see some mutual interest if you know what I am saying.Want a place that will look to help me and not just throw me out as some project prospect but can see me as more than a number. Just a place that cares. It’s why i came to Nevada instead of going to College. Soderberg does care and I like that

**off camera Delany shutters and her face and changed from thoughtful listen to annoyed**

Duncan: We absolutely care about our players and strive to help them find success on and off the ice.

Michael: Sounds good to me.

Duncan: So if you had an issue with a teammate how would you want to work it out?

Michael: Well that depends on the issue, if it's just something like oh you jumped a shift or cause us a penalty to lose a game. Whatever if it's ice related I dont really big up those issues on my own team. I just do stuff on ice with the opponent in defending my teammates. If it's an off ice drama I usually will handle it with the person. If they are making negative comments at or about me i'll try and talk to them. If it continues past a convo ill just ignore them and past that i'd hope wherever i am could give me a hand. The one thing I wills ay if my family or certainly my wife gets involved I will not be as kind.

Duncan: Totally understandable.

*after a few more ancillary question**

Duncan: Alright well that is it for this scouting interview. Thank you very much for the time and good luck in the draft Mr. Byfuglyn!

Michael: Thank you good luck to you guys as well.

**After the interview Michael heads home**

Michael: Well I felt good about the Calgary interview.

Delany: I also felt good about talking to them before that interview, not to mention they were interested enough to talk to you earlier than they were supposed to. Oh by the way I looked at homes in Calgary and we could get a nice place for your rookie salary.

Michael: What? Why did you start looking already? We said we weren’t gonna look till #1 after the draft and #2 we’ll still be here in Nevada for a while, you know.
Delany: Well I will say for myself I just have a good feeling about the Dragons.

**After another couple days of interviews it’s draft night**

Michael: *cling cling cling* Hey everyone, thank you all for coming to the draft party. I really appreciate you all being here and flying down to Nevada for this. You guys and gals are absolutely wonderful and I couldn’t be in this position to get drafted into the SHL without you. Love you all!

Group: *clap clap clap*

TV: Welcome to the SHL draft where we see where those who are brand new to the minors are going to go into the majors in a few seasons when they are ready to go. This is where futures are made!

Michael: Hopefully it’s where mine is made too. *sigh* I am so damn nervous, what am I gonna do with myself?

Delany: Well hopefully you find out pretty quick because you get drafted right away!

TV: and here comes the Commissioner with the first pick.

Commish: Hello and welcome to the SHL draft of the S64 rookies. These young men and women have worked most of their lives to get to this point in the sport they love. So without further adieu let us get to the first pick.

**the Nevada homes living room comes to a hush**

Commish: With the first pick in the SHL draft the Tampa Bay barracuda select…. Holden Steady a defenseman by way of the Detroit Falcons. The Winnipeg Aurora are now on the clock.

Michael: Well it’s fine, really didn't think I was going that high in the draft anyway. Probably won't see me till round two right?

Delany: Yeah what I was told, do not expect you to go until round 2. So just hang in there for a while we will get there. Besides thats a defenseman they didnt need a forward that high.

TV: Well what do you know the commissioner is ready again at the podium so quickly after the trade away from Winnipeg to Montreal was made.

Commish: With the 2nd pick in the S64 draft, the Montreal Patriots select… Jonny Patey, a defenseman by way of the Detroit Falcons. The New England Wolfpack are now on the clock.

Delany: Yeah expect the defense to continue for a minute. There are some awesome defenseman around in this draft. Some of them from Detroit.

Michael: What is Detroit where all the great D-men go?

*delany shrugs*

**4 minutes pass**

TV: We are just 2 minutes from time out on the clock for New England… wait nope here we go let's get to the podium

Commish: With the 3rd pick in the S64 NHL entry draft. The New England Wolfpack select..Moritz Seider defenseman by way of the Detroit Falcons. The Montreal Patriots aree back on the clock.

TV: What an incredible run here for Detroit three defenseman in a row here in the high end of the first round. Absolutely fantastic, great sign for a minors franchise when they can crank out the top 3 picks. Marvelous accomplishment to everyone back in Detroit.

** another few minutes**

Delany: alright well if my sources are right this should make us some progress. I think this is gonna be a forward of some kind.

Michael: So even if it isnt me would do better moving me up the order than defenseman is the theory?

Delany: Yeah pretty much

TV: Back once again to the commissioner for pick #4 will the Detroit or the defense runs continue?

Commish: With the 4th overall pick in the S64 SHL entry draft. The Montreal Patriots select…. Mads Mcbride a Left Winger from the Maine Timbers. The Manhattan Rage are on the clock.

TV: one defenseman and one winger is how Montreal goes. They must be quite happy with how things have gone. Getting 2 top 4 picks and getting 2 great players.

Michael: Well mrs. agent you were indeed correct that will move me up in line. It’s a winger too.

Delany: Hey I may be a small time agent with only one client BUT I do have connections and resources. I mean seriously you underestimate me sometimes.

Michael: Yeah you right I do, I should never underestimate you dear. Oooh next pick!

TV: Maybe this is another defenseman the rage need one let’s go to the Commissioner

Commish: With the 5th overall pick the Manhattan Rage select…. Chad Nickleback defenseman by way of the Nevada Battleborn.

Michael: Oh yeah! Let’s go chat!

*ring ring ring*

Michael: Heyyyy congrats mister Nickleback!

Chad: thank you thank you.

Michael: Bro 5th overall for you that must feel great!

Chad: Yeah it does, top 5 pick like I always dreamt.

Michael: Well hey you sure deserve it. Congratulations!

Chad: Thanks again, so hey I didn't call to just gloat how are you doing?

Michael: Oh don't bother about me, I'm just waiting my turn. We’ll both be rocking it in the SHL someday. I’ll just get underestimated further than you is all.

Chad: haha I will be holding you to that in Nevada next year. We still have work to do.

Michael: Yes we sure do. I will see you in a couple weeks. Take care. Congrats again fifth overall!

*Byfuglyn hangs up the phone*

Delany: I'm guessing that was chad?

Michael: Yup, super happy for ‘im.Deserves it.

TV: Picks are coming thicker and faster now here is the Commissioner with pick number 6.

Commish: With the 6th overall pick in the S64 SHL entry draft. The Edmonton Blizzard select… Justin Time, a goaltender from the Quebec City Citadels.

TV: Okay well that is netminder number one off  the board and they will be excited about this up in Quebec. The Fantastic keeper is Time. Was very on time with a %90 save percentage as a rookie.

Delany: Well that one I didnt have so early, a goalie? *said with a puzzled expression*

Michael: Naw this one I heard of. Time is a generational talent and you can’t lose if the other team can’t score. This makes plenty of sense.

TV: Alright so that was Justin Time, now let's go up to the podium for the 7th pick.

Commish: With the 7th pick in the S64 draft the Calgary Dragons select… Winger Evan Winters! By way of the Colorado Raptors.. The New England Wolfpack are on the clock.

Michael: Shit! Well that’s one of the places I could have gone taking a right wing high. Crap alright well delete them off the list.

Delany: well hold your dragon reigns maybe not. Its not like they only need one wing. We all the organization turnover they had they could be looking for new lines in the future you never know.

Michael: Yeah I suppose, boy howdy this is stressful as hell.

Delany: Yeah for me too, the higher you get drafted the more i get recognized the higher the chance of me getting more clients. I had a couple people call but i knew they were going undrafted and I wanna get my experience with you first.

Michael: Well hey it’s my first time going through this so might as well be your first time through as well. We experience good and bad together in life and hockey was never any different before. Shouldn’t be now I figured.

TV: Pick number 8 is on the way and once again the league commissioner is waiting:

Commish: With the 8th selection in S64 SHL entry draft. The New England Wolfpack select… Outdoor Truck a winger from the St. Louis Scarecrows. The Tampa Bay Barracuda are back on the clock.

TV: Well there you go, the Number 8 pick. So it's a defenseman at number 3 and now a 2-way winger at number 8. This kid is very talented but he is so far in his career for apt doing the other things in hockey besides scoring. Only 7 goals last year but he did get 17 assists and was 2nd among the SMJHL rookies in blocked shots. Look for him to be a capable grinder quickly.

Michael: Alright another one is gone, that isn’t me. I knew the top 10 was unlikely. Hopefully I get picked up soon.

TV: Very quick pick from the barracuda let's get back to the leader of the league.

Commish: With the 9th pick in S64 SHL entry draft. The Tampa Bay Barracuda select…… Lord Zomp. A winger coming by way of the Anchorage Aramada. The New Orleans Specters are now on the clock for pick 10.

Michael: Another offensive player not me. But the top 10 is almost over. I didnt expect to go there so maybe soon someone will take a chance.

**Dion looks nervously at his phone in his Battleborn phone case hoping eventually he will heard the goal horn for a text or his wedding song for a phone call from some general manager**

Michael: And nothing on the texts, not that I thought there was.

Delany: Hey just calm down a bit we dont expect you to go till round 2. So why start fretting now. It’s all good, you’ll be bomb wherever you wind up.

TV: Okay the end of the top 10 is here and number 10 is getting announced… right now!

Commish: With the 10th pick in the SHL entry draft. The New Orleans Specters select…. Mikael…

Michael: OH

Commish: ……Jakeobson a winger from the Kelowana Knights. Toronto is on the clock

Michael: *sigh* I totally forgot there was a guy with a name so similar to mine. Fuck me, god I got so hyped. I gotta quit being so hyped up.

TV: So top 10 is done surprisingly fairly evenly split offense and defense considering the first 3 picks that happened were all defenseman. Probably stronger in the forwards at this point and we have no berserkers in the top 10 and they are traditionally great at producing talent. So some of those sure to come.

Delany: Toronto sent me a message saying they are not interested. So you won’t be 11,12 or 16 We know that for a fact. So don’t stress about these picks because well, you will not be going at them.

TV: Toronto at number 11 is all ready and rarin to go so lets go to the podium.

Commish: With the 11th pick in S64 draft. The Toronto North Stars select. Luca Hunziker. Defenseman by way of The Newfoundland Berserkers.

Michael: More defense, doesn’t move me up in line at all. Sheesh

Dad: Oh come on man, don’t get discouraged, you know exactly how good you are and what you can become. Whether you got in round  1 ot 10 it doesnt matter. Just keep going and you’ll keep winning.
Michael: Yeah dad you right. Thanks for having my back. Come on let’s go get some milk and cookies like back at youth hockey camps im hungry

*walking back with handful of chocolate chip cookies*

Michael: Alrighty i am back in time for the next pick that isnt me.

Commish: With the 12th pick in the S64 SHL entry draft. The Toronto North Stars select AJ Williams a winger from the Newfoudnland Berskers. The Montreal Patriots are now back on the clock.

TV: So it is A.J. Williams and this kidd is a UDFA to the Berserkers he joined them after the draft and has been very solid. Probably the most raw talent out of the undrafted free agents that went into the minors this season. More importantly for him and his getting taken this high. One of the only UDFA’s are rookies in general with a positive plus/minus. He has played fantastic in his time with the team.

Michael: I wonder if thats what they are gonna say about me when i get drafted. About me being a talented UDFA.

Delany: Weren’t you known more for speaking in multiple languages using google translate to the minors GM’s as a UDFA?

Michael: Hey at least I didnt do it in the SHL. Also one of those people spoke finnish and I happened to message them in Finnish as part of the gag.what a coincidence. Not gonna lie that part is kinda embarrassing and part totally hilarious.

TV: Here comes the Montreal pick. This will be the Patriotes 3rd pick of the round so far. Incredible draft would do wonders for that team. Let's see what they do next.

Commish: With the 13th pick in the S64 SHL entry draft. The Patriotes of Montreal select…. Shylo Moxii a center from the Great Falls Grizzlies. The Toronto North Stars are back on the clock.

TV: Finally we get a primary offensive player who isnt a wing. This is Moxii one of if not the best offensive players in this draft this is a great pick at 13. Hopefully that will be very lucky instead of unlucky like it is for some.

Michael: That’s interesting, finally  not a wing. Also almost out of the first round and I am starting to get nervous again.

Dad: When haven’t you been nervous? You’ve been fretting the whole time. Like since we got here for catering the whole time. Just chill out man. We all got you here, wherever you go as ive said before don matta.

Michael: Yeah I know we had this talk I am just rattled okay. Calgary is coming up. They may actually like me. How the heck did Toronto get like every pick there is? What the heck.

TV: So pick 14 is here and it is on to Toronto yet again. Here is the commissioner.

Commish: With the 14th pick in the S64 SHL entry draft. The Toronto north stars select. Louise St. Martin….a defenseman from the Quebec City Citadels. The New Orleans Specters are back on the clock.

Michael: Huh I guy named St.Martin in Quebec City what a surprise. Probably asked to play there.

Delany: I mean you faced him this year did you not know about him on the ice?

Michael: I don’t pay attention to names on ice, I pay attention to numbers. I don't look at their backs, I look at the fronts or sides so I see numbers.  Faces also to be fair if I see a team a bunch. This year ill prolly learn more people who aren’t my team.

Delany: Huh, really interesting. I always learned names and faces.

Michael: Speaking of name and face……

TV: So we talked about who COULD be the 15th pick now how about who IS the 15th pick. The Commissioner is walking to the podium right now.

Commish: With the 15th pick in the S64 SHL entry draft. The New Orleans Specters select…. JR Frankestero a winger from the Colorado Raptors. The Toronto North Stars are now back on the clock for pick 16.

Delany: You might be coming up soon. I heard a lot of similarities between you and him in terms of draft position from agents and GM’s. He was 10-18 you would like 18-25 more like second round but still this some someone nearer your position potential.

Michael: Doesn't really sound like it, kinda sounds like he is a group ahead and the draft is just going on. Idk I’m just accepting not the first round at this point like i should have to begin with. Sorry I’ve been all crazy anxious. Weirdly I am calming down the longer I wait. 

TV: Wait no more folks we have pick 16 of the Toronto North Stars. It is their 3rd pick in the last 4 in this draft and they really seem to like the middle of this first round.

Commish: With the 16th pick in the S64 entry draft. The Toronto North Stars select… Robert Bergen, a defenseman going by way of the Anaheim Outlaws. The Baltimore platoon is now on the clock.

TV: So we get the Anaheim Outlaws first guy they drafted in the S63 SMJHL entry draft the class all of these guys who were drafted last year are from. He goes sixth then and he goes 16th now. Defense help for Toronto on yet another first round pick they are loaded with talent from this class.

Michael: I wonder who will be loaded with my talent from this class.

*ring ring ring*

Michael: Oh my god did Baltimore reachout?

Delany: No, I never heard anything from them.

*ring ring ring*



Michael: Hello?

Telemarketer: Hello Mr Bifuglien we have been trying to reach you about your cars extende—


*A stunned silence as the room all looks at the Byfuglyn who just screamed into his phone*

Michael: *hangs up* Sorry all just a damn telemarketer.

**the next few minutes are occupied by talk of how much telemarketers suck. It subsides and the next pick comes up**

TV: After a good long wait we are back from commercials and back to the podium as the Baltimore Platoon finally are ready with the selection here in the first round. Took them the longest of anyone in the top 3. Maybe they were working on a trade? Or just taking their time, what we may never know but right now we will know who they have selected.

Commish: With the 17th pick in the first round of the S64 SHL entry draft. The Baltimore Platoon select…. Ambrosia Snow a winger from the Great Falls Grizzlies. With that the 18th pick and the Calgary Dragons are officially on the clock.

Michael: Ambrosia Snow? Who? How many games did they even play for GFG?

Delany: Hmm.. So Snow played like 22 for GFG and you played 66 for Nevada. You had many more goals and assists even when you ratio it to balance the games played… although snow’s plus minus is better. Not really sure about this one but you know all these players have such raw talent even someone who doesn't play as great is a big whoop over 20 games…

Michael: What matters more is the future beyond yeah yeah but it’s worrying I think i’m better than Snow but hopefully taking someone around my perceived level means i'm gonna go soon?

Delany: Yeah absolutely you are going to be taken prolly in the next 10 picks. Cant see you falling past the middle of the second round…. Well don’t worry here comes the next pick.

TV: It’s Calgary time, who will be getting medieval and winding up with the Dragons. Let’s find out.

Commish: With the 18th pick in the SHL Entry draft. The Calgary Dragons select… Center Godwin Lupercal from the Colorado Raptors. THe 19th pick and the New England Wolfpack are on the clock once again.

TV: Real solid pick from Calgary here. 3rd amongst the Juniors rookies in goals and has a positive plus minus. Nineteen goals and twenty-six assists for the rookie who was taken 31st in the juniors draft. Fantastic result for the GM’s in Colorado taking a lower 2nd round pick and turning it into a low 1st here in the majors draft. Love to see that as a GM and you love to see that for the player as well. Very talented center, just the 2nd taken in these top 18 picks… That is enough on  pick 18 because 19 and the Wolfpack are hitting a quick turnaround on this one.

Commish: With uh, the 18th pick. The Wolfpack select Ashley Stubbs, winger from the elk. Hamilton is on the clock.

**the commissioner runs to the back with haste** 

TV: Er, well that is gonna be an interesting one. Ashley Stubbs is the player manager of the Toronto North Stars and should have been taken by the team in round 2…. It can be kind of hard to GM the team you don’t play for.

Michael: What in the world? A team took another team's GM in the 1st round? Why the hell would you do that?

Delany: Salty and want them to re classify? But seriously, why the hell would you do that? There are a bunch of kids sitting undrafted like you waiting to be called and a GM acts a fool. Going to be asking whoever we go to for a No trade to that team….

Michael: Hey I make the decision on the clauses you ask for in my contract. But that being said, you who know me so well are totally correct. I don't wanna play for an org like that. So summy.

Dad: You two wouldn’t like New England anyway. It is not like Nevada or Illinois or Minnesota where you went to school or juniors it is packed with people. Remember Michael when you were young I got sent there for 3 months on work. Traffic is awful. The Eastern Seaboard is the reason I want flying cars to exist… SOooo much traffic.


Michael: *click* Hello Michael Byfuglyn speaking. Who am I talking to?

Voice: Michael! Hello! This is Grogu mandosson from the Calgary Dragons how are you?

**The anxious hopeful shoots up like a rocket from Kerbal and runs off to the kitchen to get away from the noise of the TV with anxious wife, family and friends in tow**

Michael: Doing good, just sitting in my living room with the family waiting to get drafted.

Grogu: Oh got a draft party going?

Michael: Yup, of course got the nucleus of my support network here as has been always

Grogu: Well It’s always good to hear kids have good support networks. How did you think out conversation went the other day.

**in the next room picks 20 and 21 have been taken in rapid succession**

Michael: Oh I thought it went well. You guys seemed interested. Which if I'm honest is more than has been shown by some.

Grogu: Yeah  I was told our chance came early thanks to some cancellations. Not fun but I am glad you got an enjoyable convo. Well hey listen I got another question for you?

Michael: What's that? Can I speak to your agent? Is She in the room? Need some last second info.

**The puzzled couple exchanges the phone and soon after Delany walks off into the backyard as the stunned family and Byfuglyn sits in the kitchen wondering what is going on.
Dad: He’s surely asking for contract details and they are gonna draft you! This is it! It has to be!

Michael: Dad we don’t know that.. He could be looking for data and knows I dont have it.

**after 7 agonising minutes Delany walks back in and hands Michael the phone**

Michael: Hello?

Grogu: Mr. Byfuglyn id ask you and your family head back to the TV quickly. *beep beep beep*

Michael to the crowd: He siad go to the TV and hung up..

**the small gathering runs to the TV screen**

TV: Time for pick #24 and the Calgary Flames. To announce the pick is Nevada Battleborn GM Gunnar Soderberg.

Soderberg: It is my honor to announce that with the 24th pick in the SHL entry draft. The Calgary Dragons select. Michael Byfuglyn a………..


**The sound of Soberberg and the rest of the analysis about Byfuglyn is drowned out by the utter raptures that the small crowd has become in the home.


**The now future Dragon grabbed Delany by the legs and picked her up and spun in circles in joy.


**gently he puts her down**

Michael: Woooo! Glad we did that research into home in Calgary

**Shaking in his pocket is his phone and he sees Grogu calling him back.**

Michael: Hello! Thanks for drafting me!

Grogu: Haha I can hear all the cheers in the background welcome to the Dragons organization. Duncan spoke very highly of you and begged for us to take you come #24. So happy you were still there and look forward to your long future in Calgary and proving everyone who passed on you wrong.

Michael: Abso-damn-lutely I thrive on proving folks wrong and have since I was a highschool kid and have since I was a UDFA in Nevada because I was told I wasn’t good enough to play and now here i am in the high 2nd round going to the place that interviewed me best out of many places who didnt talk to me.

Grogu: Other organizations loss and our organizations gain is what I say. So what is your schedule when can you fly up?

Michael: Well I've got a local radio set for tomorrow and local TV in Minnesota for 3 days but next week I can come up.

Grogu: More exposure, nice your agent must do one hell of a job. That is more than fine I can see you up here next week. Where am I charting the flight?

Michael: Out of MSP. I will be up there for a while.

Grogu: Alright thats just fine, details will come tomorrow. Enjoy your night!

Michael: Will do thank you!


**The silence in the room around the conversation breaks and the party resumes and the celebrations last long into the night**

5026 words

Great look into your draft experience! Calgary is excited to have you!

Dragonite Dragonite

---> ParmBorg Highlights <---
[Image: cgv4vCv.png] Goal[Image: 95lCCDx.png]
[Image: parmborg.gif]

[Image: steelhead77.gif]

#1 All-Time SHL Goal & Point Scorer 
- First 2,000 TPE Player in SHL History - 
- First 400 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- Only 500 Goal Scorer in SHL History -
- First GM to Win 5 & 6 Challenge Cups -
Esa Anrikkanen Award - SMJHL ROY - Est. S34
Vidrik Onoprienko Award Winner - S45

Dragonite[Image: 271.png][Image: 291.png][Image: 321.png][Image: 401.png][Image: 42banner2.png][Image: r-Wt4-AB350oooo.png] Dragonite

We are so happy to have you on board! Great article!

[Image: %3E%5Balign=center%5D]
Aurora Winnipeg Aurora Aurora

Great article! Can Delany be my agent, too?

[Image: dZqcwmW.jpg?format=webp&width=710&height=473]

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