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S66 PT #3: Breakaway Challenge

Written Task: What are your thoughts on the using shootouts to end games in the NHL? Do you like it? Would you change it? If so how? Bring back the tie? Infinite 3-on-3 until someone scores? Do you find them exciting or do you groan when OT ends? I'd love to hear your thoughts! (150+ words)

honestly, I am not a big fan of it. I understand that regular season games do not matter enough to go to 5 overtimes, because players might have a game the day right after and need to rest, but I think shootouts are too random to determine who gets to have the extra point. So I think they should have one overtime if after three periods the score is tied, but if neither team can score in 3 on 3 overtime then give both teams one point and call it a draw. Shootouts are just not fair enough to decide the outcome of a game in my opinion, and most people seem to agree since they are not there in the playoffs. For just one game it might not seem like a lot, but after a couple game lost in overtime you can be losing quite a lot of points unfairly, and playoffs spots can be decided by just a couple points.

162 words

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|Canada |Steelhawks| Armada|

|Canada| Inferno| Knights|

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Creative Prompt: 317 words

Being on national television with no holds barred is something I do every day.  I work as hard as I possibly can on the ice, and although my stats don't show my tenacity, I hope that the fans are seeing my work ethic out there.  I love to give the fans a fun experience, so for this exciting display, I have the cutest thing you will see in mind when I think about the fun and excitement of a breakaway challenge.  Imagine some dramatic leading music, the lights are low and spiraling around, blue and white.  Then you hear your favorite high school jam come on as loud as the crowd can feasibly tolerate.  The crowd is pumped, people are jumping, they are dancing, they are singing, they are pumped to see Mrs. McSaves, when the lights go completely dark, the music hits a drop.  The drop escalates and the lights shine bright in the middle of the ice to reveal..

...two of the cutest toddlers you have ever seen.  It's Mrs. McSaves' children, a two and three year old, break dancing on the ice.  They are having the time of their life out there.  The crowd is cheering and making the two children smile and bust more moves.  You are impressed that these youngsters are dancing to one of your favorite songs, and it is just a bright and happy moment for you and those you brought with you tonight.  The camera crew pans to Sconnie McHits, on a guest appearance, beaming from the sideline.  Mrs. McSaves dances with them for a few moments to then light the lamp for the fans.  Enjoy folks, this is what it is all about.  

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Hockey Prompt

I actually really like the shootout. I think it's kind of unfortunate that the tied games stat is just dead in terms of goalie and team records. But I'd really hate to pay money to go to a game and see a tie. It would feel very anticlimactic. The shootout is very exciting. I remember back in the day, there were NHL coaches (Pat Quinn) that hated the shootout and said it "wasn't hockey". I disagreed with it then, and I disagree with it now. Honestly, I'm pretty sure he just said it because the Leafs sucked at the shootout. I remember the Sens beating them in the league's first ever shootout. I think it's even less of a point now because teams practice the shootout now. Even in minor hockey, we would practice shootouts a bit. So it's definitely part of the game. I will say, one thing that we lost when ties got removed is the standings implications when teams would tie. Two teams only getting a point each in the standings would be crazy for end of season playoff races.

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Prompt 2:

I love almost everything about hockey, but the shootout is not one of them. Shootouts are probably the worst way to decide a game that I could think of. Imagine running a league where some teams make it into the playoffs because they are slightly better at a glorified skills competition, that sounds miserable. Oh wait, that's the NHL. The addition of three on three overtime was great, it is so exciting and different. It's a nice chance to see the best players in the world really open up the ice and put on a dazzling display, and I think we need more of it. I'm honestly not opposed to bringing back ties either, maybe after like ten minutes of three on three. There also needs to be something done about the team with the puck leaving the offensive zone if they don't like their setup or entry. Maybe give them a delay of game penalty for leaving the zone? Idk what the actual answer to that is, but please for the love of god get rid of the shootout.

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The thing with shootouts is that they're ridiculous, as it doesn't truly showcase skill as much as you'd expect it to. There are so many third and fourth liners who are great when they're in a one on one situation. However, when you have a defender in their way, they shut down.

Therefore, I would get rid of the shootout. At least in the traditional way. I think there are ways to make it more exciting and eventful, kind of copying a playbook from football. What if we did forced Oklahoma drills instead?

We could do one-on-one with one defender and one skater, but I think that still doesn't get to what you want. It does make for a more exciting product as you have to stick handle around the defender and still get past the goalie. However, I still want to have more likely forced endings that shootouts give. So instead I want it to be two-on-one. Two skaters coming down on one defender, giving you similar option of the usual shootout one on one, but with an outlet that forces decisions to be made while not being simple. It's also a play you more commonly see in a game, thus being something translatable to the normal game.

For added intrigue, whoever was selected to be the defender cannot be a shooter for the next 3 rounds, and cannot be a defender again until being a shooter. Just to make the decisions harder. Sure, throw Jack Johnson in there, but when he's more likely to give one up than Cale Makar, but then you lose Makar's offensive output.

An old man's dream ended. A young man's vision of the future opened wide. Young men have visions, old men have dreams. But the place for old men to dream is beside the fire.
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Thanks to Jackson, Copenhagen, and Harry Hans!



Shootouts are a creative and fun way to end a hockey game. There's this old argument that regardless of how you end a tie game, someone will always feel jobbed and it's almost always the people that lost. I think, in the nature of sports fans, we like to bitch and find ways to complain about how our team was blameless and that the other team cheated / the format is bad / the refs are blind or whatever. You can't keep 3v3 forever, which would just result in players getting too exhausted and when players get tired and the exhaustion on their body would result in a lot more injuries in overtime. So you need to agree that there is SOME form of completion which does not involve endless games, and I figure if you looked at leagues like college football, the players would be rather unhappy with how the whole process is run. So I think shoot outs are a great conclusion and should stay.

It all starts with the costume. I'm dressed as the lovable Toronto mascot, Northie, and an wearing lifted skates. I'm talking like 12" of blade on the ice as I skate down the ice and approach the net. As I enter the attacking zone, fireworks and confetti burst forth from the ceiling and I simultaneously do a 360 spin and remove the head of my costume to reveal myself as the mystery skater. I then lift my stick to the sky which is then lit on fire by some well-placed pyrotechnics and violently wave my flaming hockey stick over my head as the puck skates towards the goal. I rear back for a slapshot, only to pump fake and light the puck itself on fire! With my flaming stick and the flaming puck, I approach the net and fire an absolute laser at the top corner, which burns through the netting and gets lodged in the boards behind the goal. It's only then do I do a double back flip and then lay down on the ice for a snow angel. The heat of my flaming hockey stick then melts the ice and I drop out of site to the amazement of the crowd.

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Written Task: What are your thoughts on the using shootouts to end games in the NHL? Do you like it? Would you change it? If so how? Bring back the tie? Infinite 3-on-3 until someone scores? Do you find them exciting or do you groan when OT ends? I'd love to hear your thoughts! (150+ words)

I like the current state of overtime in the NHL, 3 on 3 is fun and exicting at times, but I think it has been proven to be something that coaches can ruin as we have seen sometimes, the run and gun 3 on 3 is a rarity now days and it kinda sucks the last couple of seasons but there has been some great offence and excitement at the same time, the shootout. I think its not being used to often as games tend to end on 3 on 3 but to me the shootout can be fun every couple of games or whatever, its fun to see what time of moves the nhlers can pull off and its always fun when someone you don't think has the best hands pulls off something insane. If they were going to extend the 3 on 3 time, I would love to see 2 on 2 for 3 minutes, then 1 on 1 for a minute or something like that. Thats how the 3 on 3 tournaments I was in as a child settled things.

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Simmer pass

Hockey Prompt

Kill shootouts, just keep up 3 on 3 until a goal is scored is what my initial reaction was especially seeing how early on 3 on 3 was so free. Unfortunately with how coaching has taken over and basically micro managed the heck out of the play, it's not a matter of playing so safely that you eliminate the chances of losing, as opposed to gunning for the win. Rather than trying to come up with some other crazy idea, I think there should just basically be no option to actively take the puck out of the opposition zone as a means of maintaining possession. Then again, punishing that would mean more whistles and stopping the flow of play. If anything, the only option for a back pass or exiting the opposition zone has to be a pass to the goalie who MUST be in the neutral zone to receive the play.

Or to build on top of it, goalie is now involved in the actual play in the neutral and offensive zone. They're exempt from being hit and you cannot score a goal shot from outside of the blueline or in other words, you'd have to enter the zone first before trying to send it into the empty net. That way you have a bit of a wild card element and goalies that are supposedly great puck handlers and extremely cool under pressure can then show off their skills, maybe send a nice cross crease pass for an overtime winning assist. I would honestly love to see that sort of chaos but the amount of rules and potential goalie safety issues would raise too many concerns for it to be feasible.

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When it comes to Shootouts I actually enjoy the fact that we do not just end an National Hockey League game in a tie. I am a big soccer fan and while ties get me excited at times, it always leaves me wanting just a bit more of the action. In the NHL having the shootout take place after OT is just the best of both worlds. You are giving both teams the opportunity to end the game under their own power and also rewarding both teams for extending the play beyond regulation. However, you still are giving them both the option to walk out of their as winners. I even like the fact that we dropped it to 3v3 to create more opportunities for scoring before the shootout. It is one of the most exciting ways to break a tie and I am very happy that the NHL does the SO the way that they do, I really would not change a thing.

164 words

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I think the National Hockey League's current overtime and shootout configuration, with a five minute three on three overtime followed by a shootout is great. Obviously overtime is exciting, and the change to three versus three was a major success, but I think having a limited time period for the overtime does help to ratchet up the intensity. And while lots of people despise the shootout, I personally do not mind it. It is always fun to see what moves players have up their sleeves, and with the NHL becoming ever more skilled, the quality of shootouts should hopefully increase as well. And shootouts are a great to highlight individual brilliance from some players. Breakaways are not that common especially in todays NHL, and one on one battles between shooter and goalie produce some iconic moments, such as a myriad of iconic Datsuykian dekes or even Dennis Wideman's hilarious fall.

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StarsnorwayRenegades // PLAYER PAGE || UPDATES \\ RenegadesnorwayStars

Let me describe the greatest breakaway attempt done by the one and only Shoyo Hinata from the Atlanta Inferno. First of all, Hinata will wear a bird costume during the attempt. There is something special about the costume, it’s on fire. He will start the attempt from the rafter and then jump. What I did not say is that the costume is also a wingsuit and that Shoyo will fly and land on the ice while balancing the puck on his stick. Before leading he will do 60 turns. 60 is the number of points that Shoyo had in his insane rookie season. After landing, Shoyo will light a fire in the middle of the ice. He will then start to skate really fast while handling the puck. He will jump through the fire and slapshots the puck mid-air. The puck will go top corner and all the fans will cheer. Shoyo will then go to the shower to put out the fire.

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credit to Qwest

Hockey Prompt

I think the shootout has been fun, served it's purpose but now it's time to move on and have the NHL introduce ties into hockey. Why would ties work? The NHL has a structured point system. The game has 3, 20 minute periods; if the game is tied after that the game goes into overtime. Overtime should consist of 1, 10 minute period of 3on3 hockey with the first to score the winner. Should both teams fail to score, a draw or tie should be given and both teams receive one point respectively. Personally the shootout is much too hit or miss and doesn't require much skill compared to the rest of the game. (this is only for non-playoff games as the playoff format should remain the same). How come the NHL doesn't use shootouts in the postseason?! Because at the end of the day people want to watch hockey and not a one on one attempt in order to crown a winner and a loser. 

Word Count: 166

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