I hope the team can forgive us for the delay in the announcement, but my dumb ass wanted to be sentimental and write a love letter to this season's captains. Oh, and then promptly forgot to actually do it. But anyway! Without further ado, Ramen and I are proud to present the captains of your S74 Québec City Citadelles!
Affectionately known to us all as Froyo, this half of the Solberg's graduates from her rookie season as S73's home alternate captain to fill the giant boots/goalie pads left behind by Net Man. And fill them she will! Our burgeoning superstar center has already accomplished so much in the J, and yet she's still finding ways to to one up and outdo herself. Froyo is the goofball of our roster, and she's a pro at easing any tension that arises on and off the ice. It's an underrated quality that often gets overlooked in leadership, but that's clearly not the case for this crew. It also goes without saying that Naomi is a wonderful bean of a human, and we are so unbelievably lucky to have her in QCC. She's a great presence in the LR, and an even better friend. We could sing her praises for paragraphs upon paragraphs, but she's already left such a positive mark on the SHL that it isn't necessary. <3
Though he hasn't quite reached Net Man levels of a rabid cult following, Ryland Murphy is the team's quintessential rock. Way too humble for his own damn good, Ryland has established himself as the one that everyone naturally looks to for guidance when things get rough. And that is pretty much the storm that he has been conquering his entire career so far, with QCC going through a rebuild throughout. Thankfully, this season looks to be promising, but the vote has made it clear that the Citadelles still appreciate his calming presence no matter where we are in the standings. Tony himself shares a lot of that same energy. He may be on the quieter side (at least in comparison to our rambunctious S74 crew), but when he talks it's just that much more meaningful. More often than not he's making me laugh, and I'm so grateful that he still finds time for us when he has so many cat children to raise.
Alternate Captain @ Home - Celeste Desjardins - @skyrrhawk
Last year's Away A returns! All score and no defense, Celly is back to use their rabid hunger for the puck for what has proven to be equally as enthusiastic leadership. Celeste provides boundless energy for the team, always there to inspire that extra boost when everyone feels like their tanks are running on empty, and making the heart rates of our d-core skyrocket as they back the winger up on the way to what will probably be another scoring record. Celeste is a force that cannot and will not be tamed, and thankfully they have honed that power to a fine, laser-focused point. Sky is someone that draws you in and makes you want to get to know them in a way that is hard to describe, and I am beyond chuffed that QCC's scouts caught on to that right away. They're a great person to have in your corner, and an absolute blast to have in the locker room. We will happily repeat this over and over until they get on board with how important they are to all of us. :3
This season's only new addition, Sonja is such a natural fit for the position that I honestly thought she'd already been a captain last season. Whoops! Our resident Hard WorkerTM, Sonja is always the first one to hit the ice for practice and the last one to leave. Every single time. She truly doesn't need the extra practice, nor does she have anything to prove. Sonja just lives and breathes hockey, and woe to anyone who gets in her way. I'd say she leads by example, but this particular Solberg expects everyone to hold themselves to a high standard without her having to babysit. Regardless, her work ethic galvanizes the Citadelles all on its own and has helped form a group that's always striving to do more for each other. Tsunny, contrary to some baseless rumours, is in fact not a PS5 console. She always seems to have the right .gif ready for every situation, and single-handedly increased the appearances of Cristiano Ronaldo in the QCC server by like 5000% or something equally absurd. She hasn't let a silly little thing like time zones stop her from establishing herself as an essential part of the team, and we couldn't possibly imagine the team without her.
And we would be doing us all a disservice if we didn't give an honorable mention to our other S74 draftees/pickups: @locrianmidwest, @ThePyroAlpaca, @vic03, @hockeyiscool, @JohnnyPatey Do not think you are safe from my proclamations of love, for your time is coming. I know I sound like a broken record, but every single one of you are 1OAs, and I can't wait to see what you and your players accomplish with each other, and then with your SHL teams (call us Calgary Jr., because 3/4 of our leadership are destined to be Dragons in the future). Cheers to the wildest group of owlets (so far), and thank you so much for giving me the opportunity and the privilege to be your GM (Ramen too I guess probably).
It's an honour to be the captain of this absolutely amazing crew! I have huge shoes to fill in Net Man being our last captain and I'll do everything within my power to help towards that cup! I wanna give a big congratulations to the rest of the leadership team. We'll make miracles happen together.