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S66 PT #0: Passion Project - Printable Version

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RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - brickwall35 - 07-17-2022

As luck would have it, Brick Wall happened to enter the off-season around the same time as his cousin, Green Wall. Green just got drafted into the major league in PBE, so as two top tier athletes, they decided to spend their off seasons training together. Brick isn't normally one to have a big non-hockey passion, so he decided to make training his passion. With Green still being young and looking to get some meat on his bones, decided it would be a good opportunity and a good use of his rookie off-season. The cousins have been hard at work, hitting the gym twice a day together. But they haven't been all work and no play. Brick got some swings in at the Brew City practice facility, and didn't do have bad. Not surprising since he did play as a catcher in high school. And Green got some ice time in Great Falls, and while it wasn't quite up to SHL standards, it wasn't half bad for Green, who at least had some skating experience growing up in Boston. Overall, Brick had a huge off-season, putting on a ton of muscle and really honing in on his fundamentals. It almost felt like a switch went off, and suddenly his hard worked matter. He's hoping to lead the Patriotes back to the playoffs this season and show everyone that a mediocre rookie season does not a career make. Green will be looking to do something similar in his next season. Despite unimpressive rookie numbers, Green still ended up being a top 10 pick and made his way to Cancun. He'll still be playing in Milwaukee this season in the minors, but looks to bounce back stronger. Green didn't focus on any part of his game with his training, more so just working on his overall strength, so that he can fine tune his game throughout the season.

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - nour - 07-17-2022

B Jobin is a really hard worker who hustles all season long, but as the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jobin a dull goalie, so he loves to pick up unique and interesting passion projects every offseason, both to fill out the time so the season comes sooner, and to give himself a break from constantly thinking about playing hockey, that way he keeps his love for the game fresh. This summer he decided to pick up Minecraft, a game he often played in his youth, although this time it was a modded server and he played with his fellow future SHL stars like Tommy Westbrook (but this time i upd, Paul Koivu, Ricky Koivu and Tommy Koivu. Paul and B actually got very into the Resourceful Bees mod, and have accumulated almost every type of bee in the game, which was a very long but rewarding experience for the both of them.

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - takethehorizon - 07-17-2022

Hockey Prompt

Cillian Kavanagh is just looking to last as long as he can in this great league before calling it quits. Entering into his 15th season, Kavanagh is looking to still be an important piece of the Renegades roster between the pipes. Coming off a very so-so season, Cillian would like to add a bunch in the offseason to improve his game. Over the past few years, Cillian hasn't been as quick as he once was when entering the league with Kelowna. Perhaps a little extra speed and quickness moving side to side in the net could help this old stud stay viable. A quickly glove and blocker would also help Cillian excel in the upcoming season. Pretty much every category could be improved besides awareness as that's something players naturally develop over time and something Kavanagh has a great deal of. It will be interesting to see how will Cillian does this upcoming season and if the Texas faithful will enjoy having him between the pipes for yet another season.

Word Count: 170

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - mcpumpkin - 07-17-2022

hockey prompt

well you know with the eight weeks of uninterrupted trianing time over this long sunny gorgeous summer of hell there has been a lot of work done, so much so that if you had to put a numerical value on the work that was done, there was an increase of over one hundred total points earned over this wild offseason of a summer time. of the notable increases my player has been working on this summer includes training in getting open, because if you're not open you can not get the puck, ever. lots of puck handling, because handling the puck is important in hockey, a game of handling pucks into the other teams net. a big increase in my offensive read, and we're not talking any stupid book learning here, just using my single eyeball to see the ice better. a bit of stick checking, because who doesn't check their stick in their off time, and in the offseason there is plenty of time. finally i worked on hitting, because lighting idiots up is the best part of hockey. keep your head up kids 


RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - JKortesi81 - 07-17-2022

The offseason the only time Xavier Doom can really rock his other passion: video games. Doom always loved playing video games growing up. In fact, when he was a young pup developing his hockey game, his life would be something along the lines of “Up at 6am for ice time, breakfast, school, lunch, hockey practice, and then he’d get a couple of hours every night to play video games on his Xbox. It was a very strict life he led as a child, but that’s because of his personal desire to be the best he could be at hockey. But under all of that determination still lied a young kid. Nowadays, with Doom having been in the SHL for over ten years, his free time is even shorter during the season. While he’s not waking up at 6am for ice time anymore, his social life, and media commitments really take up any free time. As a result, he has to get his gaming in during the offseason, so he takes a couple of weeks to rest from the season and just play as many games as possible. (187)

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - Air Crou - 07-17-2022

It's the offseason! Whether you've been in the playoffs or not, you've got some time on your hands now. You're back, wherever you spend your off season, and you're staring down 8 weeks before the start of the preseason. You gotta' do something to pass the time this summer! What'll it be?

Krou is an avid gambler, but he would rather have a change of pace this summer. He was always good with mixing stuff. Growing up in Greece, he would start drinking from a young age, and, by now, he was way too good with making cocktails. He would give top tier bartenders a run for their money. He has won two IPA contests already. He just called at a very famous place in Mykonos, and as soon as they heard his name, they thought he wanted to make a reservation. They were shocked to learn he just wanted to work for 8 weeks, just to fill his empty schedule, but they quickly agreed, as everyone knows who he is by now. Having a famous hockey player visit is one thing. But having them work? That is godsent. And it proved as such. The place was full. From dawn till dawn. Yeah, the place never closed. Krou did not work for straight days, but he would work for 5-6 hours, have 8-10 hours of rest, rinse and repeat. He did not make that much money, but he did have fun. And he scored some hot instagram models as well.

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - Jumbobone19 - 07-17-2022


If I had 8 weeks of uninterrupted time, I would probably train and perfect my video gaming skills. I love playing video games especially other FPS and sport games like Fifa or NHL. I would probably focus on Halo right now. I am really enjoying playing that game. So I would wake up and just play that. I would become a streamer for that time so if any teammates or anyone else wanted to watch me they could. I would follow a pretty strict schedule so I can get used to gaming so much. Wake up and eat a light and healthy breakfast. Then do a quick cardio workout. Now it is time to hit the sticks. Nice headset and gaming setup. Comfortable and ready for the day. Lunch break for a quick sandwich and chips. Then back at it til dinner. After dinner, I will call it a done day. It is time to rest and relax, and Get ready for tomorrow

-163 words

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - McAl95 - 07-17-2022

Player Prompt

Buck's passion project may be a surprising one to some but not surprising to those who know the man himself. During Buck's 8 weeks off during the offseason, Buck likes to play and coach lacrosse. More specifically Box Lacrosse. Playing lacrosse has always been one of Buck's passions outside of hockey allowing him to still practice his hockey skills but also work on his stamina, puck handling and several other attributes that can transfer between lacrosse and hockey. Buck see's it as a way to stay fit and to challenge himself to be just as good at lacrosse as he is at hockey. For coaching Buck see's this as an opportunity to teach young athletes the importance of playing multiple sports instead of solely focusing on one. Buck also sees this as an opportunity to give back to the community he is a part of and a way for him to teach something he is passionate about to the next generation and make them just as passionate.

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - SouthPaw - 07-17-2022

Nibbles the Squirrels non-hockey passion is one that you would never guess. He absolutely loves to antagonize the neighborhood dogs. I know, I know, why would he enjoy doing such a thing? Well I will tell you why, it started as a way to get faster for hockey but, soon he fell in love with the adrenaline rush that he felt listening to the dogs bark but never being able to get him. There is nothing more exciting than creeping up a tree and slowly perching yourself so that the dog notices you but, cannot do anything about it. Then begins the real fun, throwing acorns, scampering on a fence. Always staying just out of reach of the dog. Nibbles also enjoys cataloging every different breed of dog that he antagonizes, it is a fun way for him to stay busy and just pass the time when he his not playing hockey. So yeah surprise surprise the squirrel likes to mess with dogs!

163 words

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - LarryTheMVP - 07-17-2022

It’s quite simple for DAD. His summer are resumed in 3 words : gym, hockey and family. These are DAD’s only passions and he cannot spend a week without playing hockey and going to the gym 5 times a week, minimum. You’ll say that DAD has no break during the summer? Well yes. His family is also so important for him so he’s spending his entire summer in Finland with his mom and siblings. He’s taking care of his younger brothers and sisters to help his mother who’s getting old. His minor hockey coach also reached to him about his training and told him that he could spend his time in the local arena whenever he wanted. DAD does not care about going out, drinking and be a « normal » guy. His only real friends are in Regina and unfortunately no one is Finnish. Hockey is too important for him to have a day off even during the summer, excepting for his family.

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - Tomen - 07-17-2022

PT pass

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - Good_Ole_Kimmy - 07-17-2022

What's your player's non-hockey passion? What kind of project would they take on with 8 weeks off and nothing else to do? Is it something related to another sport, like trying to golf under par on 18 holes for the first time? Something with your hands, like building a whole dining set from scratch? Maybe you want to catalogue every bird in McMillan Marsh, WI? Heck if I know! You tell me! (150+ words)
Jolmi Koivu of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League's Colorado Raptors favorite past time during the time between two hockey seasons is civil war reenactment. There is a very simple explanation as to why he feels this is a really good use of his time when he isn't playing hockey at a professional level, that is that he thinks it is a very fun time. Jolmi Koivu is very into history and he thinks that playing dress up in the park every year holding his toys with his friends is a good time, and who is anyone to judge him for it? It doesn't matter that his wife left him and took the kids, and it definitely doesn't matter that she got the dog in the divorce either even though they bought it together and the dog definitely loved him way more than her anyway so it doesn't make sense.
(155 words)

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - bibleman19 - 07-17-2022

During the off season Billy likes to go home to the Netherlands, and participate in his favorite hobby trivia. He has always dreamed of being on the best trivia show in the world, jeopardy. He enjoys playing along at home, watching all the episodes he missed during the season, and seeing how well he stacks up to the competition. His favorites are the tournament of champions, because it is the best against the best much like the shl. After catching up on all the missed episodes he settles down to enjoy his favorite champion run, the run of Ken Jennings. He has seen the run hundreds of times and has some questions memorized, but he nonetheless loves every second of jeopardy on his screen. After indulging in his favorite TV show, he wishes to taste it for him self so he gathers up some of his friends, and heads out to the pub to do some bar trivia, where naturally he destroys the competition

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - MN_Moosey - 07-17-2022

Player Prompt:
[Image: passion.png]

RE: S66 PT #0: Passion Project - the5urreal - 07-17-2022

Considering the moves that NOLA made in the offseason, It looks more and more like Atticus Hale will be trapped on the third line for a while. Taking that into consideration, and with 8 weeks of uninterrupted training time, Atticus would spend most of the eight weeks working on becoming a better shooter with the hopes of becoming more of a complete player that is a legitimate scoring threat. The third line was very anemic when it came to scoring last season and will need to step it up if NOLA has any hopes of winning the Challenge Cup this coming season.

In addition to shooting/scoring, Atticus would spend some time working on his checking and stick checking. If he can create more turnovers and get more takeaways, that could lead to many more scoring chances going the other way. This would help both the third line and the penalty kill. Whether or not that comes to fruition remains to be seen.
163 words