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S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - Printable Version

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RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - esilverm - 11-21-2022

Before the game Pass Forfeit looks in the mirror and stares for about an hour or two. This is the best stretch because he can take a mental break and break out of his physical entrapment and regain consciousness. Or so he says. It is probably all bullshit

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - liebolda - 11-21-2022

The knights pregame routine is to grab some swords and start sparring. Drawing blood is encouraged in these matches to intimidate the enemy. For away games the team likes to spar in the parking lot for all to see.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - Lumosityfan - 11-21-2022

A pre-game hype-up ritual I have is that I like to just jump up and down and just shoot the breeze with my teammates, not really thinking too much about the game specifically but just getting ready to be my best out there.

43 words

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - Gifter of Bikes - 11-21-2022

My Calgary Dragons teammates know of my pregame rituals. They also know better than to speak about them in public. Suffice it to say what happens in Calgary, stays in Calgary.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - Leafs4ever - 11-21-2022

I need to blare music right before I leave the locker room to go onto the ice. I play whatever song I'm feeling that today super loud and belt out the lyrics and rock out. It gets me hyped and gets the blood flowing before playing an intense game of hockey.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - 3lewsers - 11-21-2022

I sing the entire catalog of Imagine Dragons to get hyped. It makes me so angry and frustrated that it drives me to put a hurting on the opponent. No better time on earth.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - Frenchie - 11-21-2022

Carolina is quite a simple locker room, where we rally around a quite simple yet quite powerful war cry : NO EOTTIRD. Nobody knows what it means, and at this point are too afraid to ask, but it works.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - NYR73 - 11-21-2022

Colorado's gameday ritual is gathering in a large circle and chanting "basedminkus" in unison. It is somewhat cultish but we are too invested in this ritual to turn back.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - bbjygm - 11-21-2022

We all head butt at the exact same time, yell, "Hodor!" and then Hodor gives a piggy-back ride for each member of the team while the mascot chases behind shining blue lights out of the eyes holes of their mask.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - sköldpaddor - 11-21-2022

before every game Lias likes to go into the locker room and put on some really enthusiastic remixes of yodeling. Not like that kid that yodels at walmart, but some real serious stuff to really get people in the mood. Everyone yodels together. Then we go out and win.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - HoltzFan10 - 11-21-2022

Ze'ev screams extraodinarily loudly and keep syelling for 15 minutes before the game to hype everyone up and they all jump around and get excited and we all play awesome idk

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - Seymour - 11-21-2022

Celabratory beans are stored in every locker in Buffalo in preparation for the big day when we win the cup. Some of these cans might get expired but it will be well worth it. We rub the can of beans for good luck

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - ValorX77 - 11-21-2022

Videl's pre-game ritual is quite unusual. She meditates on the ground and then channels her energy to make herself levitate off the ground. Anyone who gets too close will be launched into the wall.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - G2019 - 11-21-2022

Pre-game, you know I've got the music blaring and I'm getting ready to get after it. McHits only goes 110%, so he needs to get fired up. Lately, it's been some old Crown the Empire bangers that he's firing into his ears.

RE: S68 mPT #1: Dialed In - KaleSalad - 11-21-2022

My pregame ritual as it should always includes me listening to da rude Sandstorm with @CementHands Nathaniel Barca before doing a couple chest bumps and hitting each other in "the chest"