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S73 SMJHL Postseason Bonanza

3. The St. Louis Scarescrows will be looking to actually teach Average Dude how hockey works in the upcoming season. After weeks of watching him try and pick up the puck with his bare hands and physically trying to throw it into the goal, STL leadership decided enough is enough. This offseason Average Dude will be forced to watch entire seasons of hockey, both past and present. He will learn the ways of the ice and he will like it. He is hoping to one day become Above Average Dude. But he has a long way to go for that to happen. (101)

4. Average Dude's idea for fun is to kick back and watch sitcoms while cracking open a beer. His favorite sitcoms are the ones where all the jokes have been played to death with bonus points for a laugh track. He plans to invite his entire team to his studio apartment. Dude will take the recliner while everyone else can sit on the floor. To liven up the party, he may turn on some butt rock from the 2000s. He heard the 2000s were making a comeback so he's just getting with the times. Lastly, Average Dude is shockingly good at making charcuterie boards, so he'll have one ready for the party. (111)

12. "Wow. How is this guy even on a team? He has no knowledge of the game, no physical presence, no accuracy, no sense of urgency... I could go on and on. What's even more shocking is that he has had at least some level of success. I think we can safely say the quality of players on opposing teams is going down, because Average Dude's certainly isn't going up. Any SHL team that drafts him is surely wasting a pick. He's also the most broke player in the league. There's no way he'll ever be able to afford anything. From my understanding, he didn't even join his draft class "group chat" until the start of the playoffs, so he doesn't even have any camaraderie with his colleagues. How STL made this guy work is beyond me. Good luck in the draft, if you can even manage to get drafted. F-" (150)

14. When it comes to rest and relaxation, Average Dude knows how to take it easy. That's because he always takes it easy. He legitimately doesn't do anything- SHL is the first thing to get him out of the house in years. So he’ll go back to what he knows best, absolutely nothing! (52)
(This post was last modified: 11-20-2023, 07:46 PM by ShadowFenix. Edited 1 time in total.)

3. Secret Plans

As mentioned in a previous PT, the Raptors have a secret training regime up in the mountains. I can’t give the full details, but the Raptors plan to go back to their prehistoric roots. For any teams that are going to be facing the Raptors next season, particularly the ones in the same division, I STRONGLY recommend that you watch the Jurassic Park movies.

[Word Count: 64]

4. Funtimes

Everyone loves mandatory fun! At least,that’s what I plan to convince everyone of when I bring them Go-Karting! We have a nice track rented out for us, we get 3 races. The first is a practice race, the 2nd is an individually timed race, and the 3rd is a positional race. This means that everyone will have a chance to show their style. Some of our players have wheels, and their speed is their advantage. Some of our players are known more for boxing out their opponents. For the players that are just known for snipes, and scoring, they’ll probably be in the sad zone, but hey, this is Go-Karts, not hockey.

With that said, if the team shows promise, the players have agreed to form a competitive Go-Karting team for the next SGKL (Simulation Go-Kart League).

[Word Count: 138]

6. Team History

One thing that I thought was interesting was that up until S41, the Raptors were actually the Colorado Mammoths. We kept with the old animal theme, but I definitely think that Raptors are cooler than Mammoths, but perhaps I’m a little biased. Colorado was also only made a team in S25. Now that we’re in season 73, the team has a rich history, but I’ll leave that to you to read up on. I only wanted to share the bit about the team name. The rest is kinda unimportant (specifically our playoff records…)

[Word Count: 93]

12. On the Radar

Shadow Fenix has it all. He’s got the speed, the offense, and the defensive capabilities to make a well rounded two way forward. And as shown in his rookie season in the SMJHL, he’s able to slot into a high pressure role, and excel. He’s been one of the most improved players since getting drafted, slotting himself into a top 5 most TPE slot coming from being only top 15. This shows his drive to improve in the league, something that most GMs are wary of coming from a new create.

It’s not all sunshines and rainbows with Shadow Fenix, however. He definitely struggles with the more physical side of the game. This ended up showing with his number of giveaways, as well as the amount of penalties he took. And this is on a Colorado Raptors team that was known for their physicality, so it’s completely possible that his teammates covered some of this weakness for him. So if a team that doesn’t already have physical players were to draft him, they should tread lightly.

With that said, I don’t believe that his weaknesses set him back enough to make him drop in the draft. Currently, most pre-draft rankings have him around 30th overall, towards the 3rd round, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see him go higher. You can be certain if the J were to do a redraft, he would not drop to the 3rd round there.

[Word Count: 240]

14. R&R

Shadow Fenix hates the offseason. He just wants to play hockey and see his numbers go up. His coaches, however, have insisted that he takes some time on a nice long relaxing vacation in the Bahamas. They hope that the calm atmosphere will make it so Fenix stops getting so angry at opposing players, and slashing them in the back of their knees. The penalties Fenix took the past season were the main thing holding him back, so once he gets them under control, all will be good in the world. That’s what the off season is for.

[Word Count: 98]

15. Charity Drive

Shadow Fenix got a chance to show off his skills off the ice when he helped out at the “Lil Dinos” Charity Drive to raise awareness for childhood Cancer. Aside from greeting fans, and signing auction items, Fenix worked his way into the kitchen, making his delicious pasta for the hundreds of guests. Nobody knew that this man had the talent to mass produce pasta, and when asked about this hidden skill, his comment was “Pasta good for stamina. Stamina good for hockey. Hockey good for Charity.”

[Word Count: 87]

16. Goals

Please oh please, let Shadow Fenix win a lot of awards. If you don’t win awards, can you even say that you participated in a simulation hockey league? Everyone scores points, but it is the awards that set people out to be remembered forever.

With that said, to get those awards, you have to remain a competitive player. I don’t think Shadow Fenix is going to do that in the SHL. Sometimes getting money in this league can be a grind, and while writing media is fun, you need to write a lot of it to make enough money. I don’t want a site job either. So we’ll see what happens.

[Word Count: 111]

18. Milestones

[Total Word Count: 831]

2. Looking Towards the Future
As we near the end of S72, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.
It's tough to define a need for Carolina right now. There are 4 natural age outs in Matt Stro, Filip Svatos, and Alexej Kastraba--all forwards. Naturally the big call is going to be on those 3 spots getting filled. As well, defense is going to be in demand. Gato and Kirkpatrick can hold it down as capped players but there is going to be a need for more natural defensemen to come in and earn at a high level to support them.

An area of surplus for Carolina is down the middle. The top 2 TPE players from S73, Murdock and Bjorntjast are centres. Last years 2nd overall SHL pick, Betzee, is a centre. Rence Sykut is another centre near the 425 cap once unbanking takes place, David Grimes is another rookie centre to add onto the list (3 S74's alone which is wild). Really, there are just a lot of centres and that's going to entail those capped players moving around to wing to accomodate stacking top lines with high TPE players--a beautiful problem to have when you get down to it.

With 7 rookies this season, the real question for Carolina is how all of those pieces turn out. There are IA's to cycle out from earlier seasons but it's not as easy to draft a replacement for players in their draft year barring them completely ditching the site. The whole pan going forward is just to draft BPA and if the situation calls for it, run earning players at D for a role. Otherwise goalies are set, COBB's are prepped. Hard to go wrong for Carolina.

250 words, 5 TPE covered

6. Team History
I know history isn't everyone's favorite thing to discuss, but a team's past can really define its identity, what its known for and who they are in the present. Tell us about your team's past! Have there been any franchise defining moments that are integral to your team or even SHL history? Conversely, is there some interesting tidbit that not many around the league know?
I feel pretty darn qualified to talk about Carolina history as someone who has only been drafted to Carolina--and technically Montreal when that was a thing. First off, big moment in history was when Fuzz and Trella took over back in S49. That is, without a doubt, the defining moment in franchise history from my perspective. Along with that is Fuzz kicking me out of the locker room since I was inactive when the move from Montreal was made. Next message from Fuzz is checking to see if I'm willing to come in as a DFA. Funny how that works out. And let me just say, it's worked out.

Speaking of working out, Fuzz and Trella worked out. Immediately when they took over, Montreal wins in S49 and then Carolina wins in S50. Back to back cups for the same franchise, won for two different cities. That's just wild to consider. This is where the Carolina talent pipeline takes off. Sve7en, Acap, and Dwight (Hockeyiscool if we're being official here) come through as first gens. In fact, if we jump ahead to the S54 cup win (with Fuzz and Trella still at the helm) the eventual GM's of Tampa Bay we're on the roster. Just a fun nugget, since I believe S55 is when Trella then went up to put up a zero win season, and Dwight followed to Co and eventually GM Tampa, as he has been for like, ever.

Sticking on the S54 cup win, what a situation for Fuzz and Trella to bookend their tenure with a 3rd cup win. It's headlined by (based off of memory) a huge S52 class. I believe that included TDZ as Keith Lee, and Ace as Frans Eller. Notable SHL users for certain. Then we get to the real meat of what won Fuzz and Trella GM's of the year. Trading for Sven Yxskaft and Stan Hanson. Two future Wolfpackers picked up to really bolster the roster. Plus the S55 draft class wasn't half bad either, Hutton and Foley as D (future 1st round picks in the SHL) and Zuntnere for forward depth is a hell of a way to use your picks.

There's also the "joke" that Carolina, under Sve7en, is a GM factory. Like most jokes, that's born out of truth. Under 7 Carolina has seen a lot of current SHL Co's/GM's come in. Canadice in Manhattan, Roddy in Montreal, JAHF in Tampa (who is, again, under another Carolina disciple), and then in the J we have Retu working with Anchorage and Gumba with St. Louis. I also did a little bit of work with 7 as Co, so I think it's safe to say the factory effect is real, and you can feel the effects of the early to mid S50 Kraken to this day.

There's also 510. I will respectfully not expand on 510 here, but if you know you know.

450 words, another 9 so like, 14 total I hope. Bless up

16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?
This is something I dabbled in for my career retrospective deep dive, but one goal I had back in the day and another goal I have with Murdock is to be a 1 team player--wherever I get drafted is where I want to play the rest of my career. Of course if there are issues I'm not going to force things for this goal, but it plays into my other goal of breaking some kind of record for a team. Whether it be scoring, games played, or just being mentioned in the history books when covering the S70's through 90's for a team, I want that.

HOWEVER, if things go poorly, I end up getting traded, whatever it may be, then I kind of like the feel of being a player who moves around quite a bit. They are of course two conflicting goals and it's hard to say which one will be achievable through a career--or after some moving around I want to settle down for a team--who really knows. But those are two archetypes I like for a player. So for me my goal is to commit to either being a journeyman or being a career x'er. Just because I find the story line appealing. Really I just want to have my cake and eat it too. I want to set records, but at the same time have a fallback if I need to get moved. And maybe that results in a HoF induction, that'd be nice. But that's not a direct goal of mine.

250 words, damn. Another 5 I guuuuess. 19 total, 16 earned. 3 extra just in case I goofed along the way

[Image: mazatt.gif]

[Image: KhdDH3Q.png] [Image: q4PM2XX.png]


1. Fan Appreciation Day

Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan
appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a
special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of
the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given
out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head,
etc.) Write a blurb about the item, including details on during which
game was / will be given out.

On fan appreciation day, the Colorado Raptors will provide a Raptor mascot bobblehead to the first 1,000 fans that come to the arena. These will be given away to our dedicated fans on the last home game of the season. A few random bobbleheads will even be signed by Raptors' players.

Words: 51

3. Secret Plans

It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a
competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra
mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky
equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room?
Anything goes.
Secret plans?! Are you serious? I would never give away my team's secret plans. Here's our secret plan: we're going to win the cup next season. We're going to score more goals than our opposition next season. We will hit harder than anyone else. How will we do it? Well, that's our secret. The process is the secret but you will all surely see the results. 

We'd never slash the tires of the Zamboni for Quebec City. We'd never loosen a pane of glass so that when we check a Maine player, he flies straight into the crowd. We'd especially never replace the water in Anchorage's water bottles with vodka.

Word: 110

4. Funtimes

You have been designated as the team's official Fun Director! Now,
everyone is looking for some sort of fun activity where you all can
spend an afternoon or day to chill, hang out and build some team spirit.
Especially after a long and stressful season, what are your plans to
ensure everyone has a great time?

As the the Raptor's official fun director, we'd all take a trip to the video arcade. We'd play pinball, skeeball, dance dance revolution, etc. We'd play classic arcade games like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, Blitz 2000, NHL 94, Pacman, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and whatever else. We'd satisfy our competitive nature by winning tokens to win the cheapest prize. But the prize doesn't matter, just as long as we win it. I'm not sure if all of us are old enough to drink alcohol yet but we will stick our GMs with the bar tab (and consequently, the underage drinking charges).

Words: 104

5. Superlatives

Every team will always have that really funny/annoying/quirky player and
personality. However, usually they can be the ones that really make
sure the team gels together nicely. Come up with yearbook style
superlatives to describe some of your fellow teammates.
Update Portal: Most likely to hit you with the elbow from the top rope. Oh yeah!
Shadow Fenix: Most likely to succeed
Napoleon Dinklage: Team chef
Valerija Serapin: Least likely to lose a fight
Xavier Beausoleil: Most likely to have a Gordie Howe hat trick
Captain Jussi Mutou: Future GM
Nick Kodiak: Most likely to run you over
Oranj Konhe: Most likely to be an orange cone next season
Brandon Gilleyes: Most underrated player on the team
Words: 77

9. What's in a Name?

A player name is the first of many steps that mark the start of a new
SHL career. From meme names, real life references and parodies of hockey
players, there are a wonderful assortment of names that can be found
throughout the league. Which player(s) have the best name and why?

I believe the best names are those that feel the most real. Love the European names that match their nationality. Like Finn Weiß of Germany, Frøya Solberg of Norway, or Nick Larsson of Sweden. Those players have done their research and named their players appropriately as to where they're born.

There also some great old school sounding hockey names in the SMJHL. Names like Brock Samson, Thomas Sawschuk, or Jeff Hunziker come to mind. Those feel like strong names that you'd see back in the original six NHL days, perhaps. My own name, Leonard Wood, also fits that category.

I just like when a player puts some serious thought into a name.

Words: 112

12. On the Radar

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a
journalist covering the prospects of the S73 SHL draft class. What do
possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it
comes to potentially drafting your player?
Leonard Wood is a hard working player that is on the rise. He may not be on many teams radar but has all the tools to make it in the SHL. He's proved himself a valuable and loyal asset for Colorado. But the question is, have SHL scouts taken notice or will this relatively unknown first generation player drop to the later rounds?

Words: 63

14. R&R

It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or
didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to
take a break and look toward the SHL draft. Tell us how you're spending
your time this offseason, whether it be with family or friends.
Leonard Wood will spend the offseason back in his home state of Wisconsin. Mostly he will take it easy and relax but may find some pickup games of hockey to keep his skills sharp. Leonard will also maintain a workout routine to stay in shape over the offseason.

Mostly, he's looking forward to taking a drive up north to his parent's cottage, getting out on the lake and catch some fish. Then he will just take it all in out on the lake and let the natural beauty of the lake and the woods relieve all of his stress. He'll spend some time with his girlfriend under the stars by a bonfire. Leonard is also looking forward to his mom cooking homemade meals for him all summer. He has plans to also hit up the golf course with some friends as well.

Finally, if there's time, he'd like to play some video games or board games with friends or solo.

Words: 160

15. Charity Drive

Professional hockey players are among the luckiest members of a
community, but not everyone is given the same opportunities. As such,
many players are expected to give back to the community by volunteering
their time and energy off the ice with various charitable organizations.
Write about a charity or event that your player helped out with.
The Colorado Raptors have a teddy bear toss game every season where fans bring in a stuffed animal to be tossed out onto the ice. After the first Raptors goal, the teddy bears are tossed over the glass onto the ice. Leonard Wood had the privilege of scoring the first goal that night. As he lit the lamp off of an odd man rush, the teddy bears rained down from above. Leonard, his fellow teammates, and volunteers from the arena participated in gathering the teddy bears as the visiting team sat on their bench thinking of a way to get back into the game.

Once the teddy bears were gathered, they were set to be delivered to the local children's hospital. Leonard and a few teammates helped give out the stuffed animals to brighten a sick child's day.

Words: 138

Total words: 815

[Image: Leonard-Wood-1.jpg?ex=65e9fdaf&is=65d788...3d17ea60e&]
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2023, 11:52 AM by Troy_McClure03. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Fan Appreciation Day

For the final home game of the season, the Regina Elk are proud to offer up to 4 different commemorative pieces of for the season, based on your level of season ticketness. Firstly, throught the season we have wear and tear on all equipment, from sticks and pads all the way down to tape and bandaids. So all our gold diamond season ticket consumers will be allowed to rummage through any players bin. The bin is filled with all these bits? Want Bayles post game apple core? It's in there! Troys half eaten rack of ribs? It's there! Rowan O'Beirne's cell phone? I threw that in there too, sorry Rowan! All these things will me certified by the players themselves and an agent from the SHL trading card team, to ensure you get top value. Thanks for all your support, gold members!

If you are a velvet season ticket holder, or above, you are still in luck! We have case upon case of practive used pucks! And all these pucks come in little cups! And some of these cups.... have a few bucks.

Okay that's enough of that. But we have 250 cups with pucks inside for each of you. Inside 25 of those cups with pucks is a 5 dollar bill! Exciting no?

For our regular season ticket holder, Rod, we got the smell out of your seat. Sorry about that Rod. Everyone else can get their seats fabreezed and cleaned at no charge, just contact us at Elk bar.

And lastly all members in attendance for our list home game will get a full size Ally Mathieson bobble head. You will get your ticket for the Bobble head at any entrance, and can redeem it after the game in the south parking lot next to kinkos. Thanks everybody! See you all next season!

[300 words]

12. On the Radar

Pre-draft reports for Troy McClure IIII.

Troy entered the league as an undrafted free agent. The first 25 or so games he was adjusting to his ice time and teammates. He was able to block a lot of shots and was doing very well in that endeavor. His skating improved throughout the season. His game has always been defense first, and it doesn't always translate on the ice on the scoresheet. We think his play style didn't complement his defensive partner well, but they both played well overall. Troy McClure IIII was moved from the 3rd to 2nd pairing and was much better adjusted. The expected point production numbers for the season were not met, he was short of his 5 goals 15 assist 20 point projection. He remained very disciplined, only pulling 2 pims in all contest, which was remarkable. We project him to go early in the second round of this year's SHL draft.


14. [R&R]
After the upsetting second round exit from the playoffs, Troy McClure IIII flew back to Czechia to lick his wounds. He reports to his private compound, and starts training immediately. Troy does not take lightly to losing. He takes all the blame and replays all his mistakes over and over again. Every goal against he takes personal. Every missed block equals another 30 squats. Every missed shot is another 30 laps. Every blocked shot is 40 more pull ups. Every goal; he gets to eat one hot pocket. Every shot blocked, he's allowed 1 m&m. Any type! He usually goes for the peanut butter ones. The only break he takes is to get into his favorite room, his hot tub room. He sits in his hot tub, drinking "something bubbly" after each set of laps in the pool. He has 4 different hot tubs in his compound, a traditional 4 person jetted chlorine tub with filters, set "as high as possible" with all the jets on full blast. He uses this as a warm up / stay hot hot tub. A bromine tub set to his body's current temperature, used to allow his body to relax and get back to baseline. He has a huge swim spa type hot tub that he Keeps slightly lower than his body temperature, to allow for cool downs. It is filtered and has salt added to help with inflammation. Lastly he has his "mr. Bubbles. Hot Tub, which is slightly above body temperature. It has bubble bath added to our, and makes things super bubbly. Currently he is using a raspberry scented bubbly bubble bath. The smell fills the entire room.

He will continue his workout until he is back j north America or he gets the call to serve in the iihf or wjc.


17. Feedback
I am personally very happy with the changes. I like to write about things, but being able to pick and go longer or shorter really appeals to me. It's a welcomed change for sure. If you aren't super creative, you can still easily get 50-100 words, and you have so many options it is really difficult to image someone not being able to knock this out pretty quickly. If you are really creative, you can just focus on one and really try to hit that 800 work mark. Honestly it is very great work, hey job everybody! Thanks for this!


850 total

[Image: TROYMCCLURE.gif]
Colorado Raptors Capitan S42-Until Forever!
Czechia Wants you! Ask about a transfer!!


3. Secret Plans
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

As the recent ice hockey season ends and the next looms on the horizon, GFG, with aspirations of excellence, begins to devise secret plans to gain a competitive edge. In the fiercely competitive world of junior hockey, strategic innovation can make all the difference. From on-ice tactics to off-ice training and mental conditioning, the team's quest for success involves a multi-faceted approach.

1. Tactical Innovation:

One key area for the junior team to focus on is tactical innovation. This involves studying opponents' gameplay and identifying patterns to exploit. The coaching staff might develop a system of play that combines elements from various successful strategies, catching opponents off guard. For instance, implementing a hybrid of aggressive forechecking and disciplined defensive play could disrupt opponents' expectations and provide the team with a strategic advantage.

Additionally, the coaching staff could employ advanced analytics to gain insights into opponents' playing styles, helping the team anticipate moves and make more informed decisions during games. By leveraging technology and data, the team can pinpoint areas of weakness in opponents' strategies and tailor their own tactics accordingly.

2. Specialized Training Programs:

Secret plans also extend to off-ice preparations. The team could implement specialized training programs designed to enhance specific skills and physical attributes. This might involve hiring specialized coaches or trainers who can focus on areas such as speed, agility, strength, or endurance.

To keep these plans under wraps, the team might conduct training sessions in private facilities away from the public eye. This element of secrecy not only adds an air of mystery but also prevents rival teams from adapting their own training regimens in response.

3. Mental Conditioning and Sports Psychology:

Recognizing the impact of the mental game on performance, the junior team could develop secret strategies for mental conditioning. This might involve hiring a sports psychologist to work closely with players, helping them develop mental resilience, focus, and a winning mindset.

Beyond individual mental conditioning, the team could invest in group activities that build camaraderie and a sense of unity among players. These could be carefully planned team-building exercises or activities designed to foster a strong team culture. A mentally resilient and closely-knit team can better withstand the pressures of high-stakes games, providing a crucial edge over opponents.

4. In-Game Innovation:

To keep rivals guessing during games, the coaching staff might devise in-game innovations. This could include surprise line changes, unconventional power-play setups, or unique penalty kill strategies. By introducing unexpected elements into their gameplay, the team can disrupt opponents' strategies and capitalize on moments of confusion.

In addition, the team could experiment with unorthodox on-ice formations during practice sessions, gradually incorporating them into actual games. This element of surprise could catch opponents off guard and provide the team with a tactical advantage.

5. Team Bonding Activities:

Secret plans aren't limited to on-ice strategies; they also extend to fostering a strong sense of camaraderie off the ice. Team bonding activities could be carefully curated to strengthen the players' connection and understanding of each other, fostering a cohesive and supportive team environment.

These activities might include retreats, adventure challenges, or unique bonding experiences that go beyond the typical team-building exercises. By creating strong interpersonal connections, players are likely to trust and understand each other better, leading to improved on-ice chemistry and communication.

6. Advanced Technology and Equipment:

Embracing cutting-edge technology and equipment can provide a substantial competitive edge. The team could invest in state-of-the-art training tools, such as virtual reality simulations for strategic training or advanced tracking systems to monitor player performance and recovery.

Secrecy in this context involves keeping the specifics of these technologies under wraps. The team might collaborate with tech companies under non-disclosure agreements to develop customized tools that give them a unique advantage without revealing the specifics to competitors.

7. Scouting and Recruitment Strategy:

A crucial aspect of gaining a competitive edge involves talent acquisition. The junior team might develop a secret scouting and recruitment strategy to identify promising players that fit into their overall game plan. This could involve creating an extensive network of scouts, both domestically and internationally, to unearth hidden gems.

To maintain the element of surprise, the team could employ unconventional scouting methods or prioritize attributes that are often overlooked by other teams. By strategically identifying and recruiting players with specific skill sets that align with their secret plans, the team can build a roster that is not only talented but also uniquely suited to their tactical innovations.

8. Proprietary Analytical Models:

To further differentiate themselves, the junior team could develop proprietary analytical models for evaluating player performance, team dynamics, and opposition strategies. These models could involve a combination of traditional statistics, advanced metrics, and machine learning algorithms.

By keeping the details of these analytical models confidential, the team can make more informed decisions in player development, game strategy, and overall team management. This analytical advantage, when shrouded in secrecy, becomes a potent weapon in the team's quest for success.

[902 Words = 16 TPE]
(This post was last modified: 11-15-2023, 12:31 PM by ec06aaj. Edited 1 time in total.)

Secret Plans
It's no secret that the rookie class of Falcons this year has been fairly rambunctious and vocal with their trash-talking - with the dividends it's paid over the last season, plans are in motion to push that up even further. Insulting one's opponents is being made mandatory: improv comedians have been drafted in to help the team develop quick wit and biting retorts, private investigators hired to dig into the rest of the league and look for weak points ripe for exploitation, and absolutely nothing is out of bounds. Everybody chips in cash to the scheme and the most brutal roast each week wins the pot.

Some party-poopers have raised objections: wah wah it's unsporting, bloo bloo bloo it will make life difficult for players when they graduate, rabble rabble rabble the game is falling into disrepute. To these lamewads, the Falcons wish merely to say "just git gud you ultra-scrubs". (150 words - 3 TPE)

With morale taking a bit of a hit after the shellacking by the Timber, each of the young Falcons took a turn as Detroit Director of Fun, a scheme that was met with universal praise and only a tiny bit of trepidation. Why the trepidation? Because with each passing day, the calendar drew closer to the time when Simo Jaaskelainen, the mad Finn known to play games wearing corpse paint and who was the first person ever to be banned from control of the team's pre-game Spotify on the grounds that deafening one's teammates with Norwegian black metal was a bad thing, took the throne. Some were even heard to discuss calling in sick on that day, fearing a casual marathon through the snow or a day spent chopping down trees.

But oh ye of little faith. The dreaded day rolled around and car by car, the Falcons arrived at the given address to find not a stack of amplifiers the height of a skyscraper and volume of a supernova, but a sauna. Finland is the home of the sauna, after all, and hiding their blushes over the assumptions the Detroit youngsters started to unwind under the extreme heat. The whole thing was deeply relaxing...until Simo stood up and announced the second part of the experience.

See, the steamy heat of the sauna was only one element of it. Once you'd got a good sweat on, true Finnish culture involved going straight from the boiling room and leaping straight into a freezing-cold lake, slamming the pores shut and bringing you crashing back to reality. And Simo - the brick hithouse Simo, the man who spent half his waking hours in the weight room Simo, the junior freestyle wrestling champion back home Simo - was absolutely not about to allow anybody off the hook without taking a dip. (305 words - 6 TPE)

I said this a fair bit talking to GMs before getting drafted - I like creative writing and I haven't had the opportunity to do much of it in recent years, so combining that with my undisputed favourite sport on the planet goes together like peanut butter and chocolate (not jelly, damn you Americans). With Simo, I don't have massively high expectations because he's a fresh character, but my aim is to play out a decent length career and mould him into a hard-nosed defenseman - like I put it to somebody a few days ago, I'd love him to develop into the sort of players that every year makes fans argue he should be in contention for the league's award for best defenseman, while never actually getting the nod because those awards favour players who rack up the points. A Rod Langway type figure, to really go back a few years.

Also, setting league records for most hits in a season. You gotta have goals to aim for, right? (168 words - 3 TPE)

On The Radar
Before the season, it was fairly widely suggested that the Falcons picking Simo in the first round was a reach - there were players on the board with more pedigree, a lot more career to base it upon and arguably a higher floor and ceiling - and even within the class of defensemen he wasn't anybody's choice to go high.

It wouldn't be accurate to say that he's proven all of the doubters wrong. So far, he has played very much in the mould everybody was expecting - contributing a little bit of offense through some decent outlet passing, but really not moving the needle much as a threat going forward and relying heavily on his play as a physical presence. After an unremarkable first dozen or so games, which can be attributed to getting more and more used to American rinks, Simo's numbers began to tick in the right direction - he finished the regular season fifth in hits thrown while registering more than 22 minutes a game. Bear in mind that, while the team as a whole punched well above their expectations, Detroit still struggled in a big way to put points on the board and won a not-inconsiderable number of games through defensive play, not their offense.

What bears notice is the advanced numbers. 3.1 goals against / 60 is firmly above league average for defensemen, 34.7 shots against / 60 below the league median mark, and notable Simo was one of the few blueliners to register a Corsi Against number above 1100 and still have his team's Corsi For surpass that. Not just among rookies, among defensemen as a whole. While not in any way an offensive play-driver, the numbers do suggest that Simo is doing what he set out to do and provide a stable foundation for a lineup to build upon.

As to draft placements: Somewhere in the second round feels like the most likely outcome. It's probably be over-optimistic to suggest Simo was going to hear his name called in the first round for the second time in two years - with that said, if one of the SHL franchises does decide to take a shot with  him, it will look like a lot less of a reach than Detroit's home-run swing last year. (374 words - 7 TPE)
(This post was last modified: 11-18-2023, 08:11 AM by JohnnyPatey. Edited 1 time in total.)

2. Looking Towards the Future

As we near the end of S72, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

When look at the Citadelles going into another new season, we for sure have holes to fill in the roster. When looking at what I determine to be one of our biggest strength draft wise is defence. Even though it may not be the strongest sim wise, we have at a bunch of defence from the S74 class that are only going to get better this season. Looking at where we are going to have to fill the gaps, it is going to be at any forward position and the most important one, goalie. Per the QCC team roster on the portal, it shows netman is retiring and ageing out. With this, we only have 2 goalies with less than 175 TPE each, so this is going to be a big problem for the Citadelles moving forward. I am not sure how many goalies are going to be in this draft but if there is one that is known for being active and a dedicated member of the community, that might be the best choice for the Citadelles since they can not commit to taking someone who is a flight risk at that position. As for the forward position, the Citadelles only have 2 forwards over 350 TPE but do have 6 between the 300-350 range. 4 out of those 6 are S74 players so that shows good promise for our top 2 lines but the bottom 6 may be lacking because of this. For a team that desperately needs a goalie, we are going to need to be scoring many goals, hence needing at least a strong top 9 to add to our young d-core.

276 words 5 potential TPE

12. On the Radar

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S73 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

When it comes to Johnny Patey V2 and his scouting profile, there are definitely things to be excited and worried about. When it comes to the traits to be excited about, it is that he has not missed a single task to complete yet. This is one area where Patey V2 is looking to continue to strive on, to be the very best in his class however possible. Even before Johnny Patey went IA many seasons ago, he never missed a single task as well, making him one of the better players in the minors at that time. Patey V2 is also open to being able to be built the way your team wants him to be built, as long as it is a two-way defenceman. Currently as it stands he is just upgrading himself the way he wants, but is open to whatever it is to help him win. Patey V2 does not care about the stats or any awards that the league give out, other than the 4-star cup. Patey V2 only wants to win with this player, so if that is something that you care about, I am the right player for you, now obviously this is everyones goal, but I go into it more below or maybe a trait to be wary of. Finally, this is a drama free player. Have you ever heard of Patey before around the SHL? Probably not, because he keeps himself out of the lime light around the league and only comes out to enjoy the love of the game on game day. Now this may have a negative side to it as well. I say that because one of the traits that teams may have to be wary about is Patey V2 is not always the most active in the locker room most of the time. Patey V2 does have a lot of commitments outside of the game like a family, work and school, so if a chatty and active locker room presence is what a team may be looking for, Patey V2 is most likely not be the guy for you to draft this upcoming season. Like I said before, he is a positive presence, just not a chatty active presence. Another wary trait of Patey V2 that he is looking to rectify is that he once went IA, after being drafted 2nd overall. This may have had some big effects on a team and may have changed the future for them because of this, which may make lots of GM's nervous about potentially drafting V2. As I have stated earlier, I have always been active when I am here, and I am not planning on leaving anytime soon, so if you draft me, I will do whatever it takes to show you my best, as long as you are giving me your best in trying to win. As I stated before, it is only about winning with this player, which could also turn some GM's away, because they could be fearful that I may be a flight risk. Well you are not totally wrong. While I am not a flight risk in my opinion, I do not want to be a part of a massive rebuild for 5 seasons as an example, I want to at least be attempting to compete in my career, and if this is not something you are willing to commit too, I really do not know what to tell you.

577 words - 11 potential TPE

Milestones TPE+2

Quote:7. Winner Winner Chicken

At the end of the day, what we all really strive for is the Four Star Cup. It takes everyone's best efforts, an unrelenting determination to win and hard work to be able to hoist the glorious trophy. Out of the 12 teams in playoffs, who do you think will win the 4 Star Cup? Are you going for the clear favorites, or the underdogs? Give reasons to justify your prediction.

Really hard to answer all of this as the finals are set but I would have probably gone with the Maine Timber or Vancouver Whalers to win it all. The Newfoundland Berserkers are also a very tough team with a lot of really great players on the squad. But really the depth and experience of the Maine Timber squad makes it difficult for them to not be considered favorites. Not only are the veterans some of the most versatile and talented players in the SMJHL, but they had a very active draft class that has patched any holes in the squad going forward. From Ace Gilded, to Gumbastolemymoney and Icee Richradson, and some complete dofus named Teal'c, the young players have been extremely important in the overall performance of the squad. I think Newfoundland has some truly scary players with the like of Erik Erikson, Sad Ketchup, Dan Craig, and a great goalie in Ben Harrison. They are going to be a formidable opponent for the Maine squad but I am going to have to say that our team takes it in the end. Going to be a very exciting series with a lot of fun performances between the both squads. Nothing like a high powered finals!

207 Words

Quote:9. What's in a Name?

A player name is the first of many steps that mark the start of a new SHL career. From meme names, real life references and parodies of hockey players, there are a wonderful assortment of names that can be found throughout the league. Which player(s) have the best name and why?

I think my view of names is a bit different than others in the league. I think the first time I've ever made a meme name was with my newest player, Teal'c, who is a character from Stargate SG-1. But even then I wanted to keep it somewhat believable. I think I'm more likely to speak on what makes the worst names. Inside jokes, run together sentences, and names so long they barely fit into the sim are some of my pet peeves. Nothing like looking at the score sheet and seeing "Carlton Barlton Marlton Garlton Parl-" and good portion of the name is cut off. Maybe it shows my OCD and ADHD a bit in that statement but it just is a slightly infuriating thing. The other is when people string together words to make their player name. Like having the name "Johnny Porksandwichesaregoodtoeat". I just hate it and find myself cringe every single time I read it. The last is inside jokes. Keep that in your locker room and as your discord name. Usually these names are made up of my previously hated name criteria. But this did ask about the best names. I think the best names are those that fit a setting, have some kind of fun element to them, even if you tie in real life people into your names or something that sounds great. Names that fit in an IIHF locker room in some way.  I can say that my player name is pretty meme-y. But it also kinda sounds like it could fit on Team France. Also names with use of fun surnames that aren't common. Like if someone wanted to make a Dutch player named Jan Meulenbelt, it would definitely something that hits the right notes for me. But maybe I'm just a bit of a traditionalist and someone who likes to fit my players within the setting that I am playing. But I do realize that there is a bit of hypocrisy in that with a player now named Teal'c! But all my previous players fit my criteria! But I honestly am just happy there are so many people in this league. 

361 Words

Quote:12. On the Radar

Write a pre-draft scout report on your player from the perspective of a journalist covering the prospects of the S73 SHL draft class. What do possible SHL suitors have to be excited (or perhaps wary?) about when it comes to potentially drafting your player?

Teal'c is a hard nosed and tenacious defensive prospect for the S74 SHL draft. He hails from Lorgies, France and plays for the French National squad. Teal'c has shown a penchant for being near the puck in a meaningful way whenever he's on the ice this post season. Having scored 45 points in the regular season and led all rookie defenseman in points, the young defender shows a lot of upside in his game. His physical play has not fully rounded into form yet and he needs to learn to play a heavier game. He is great with his stick on both offense and defense and has shown the ability to generate turnovers while limited his own. He plays a finesse game that seems to be popular in many hockey leagues now. But going up against bigger players night in and night out, Teal'c is going to need to learn to block a shot more readily and to play the body instead of the stick sometimes. He doesn't hit as much as a 6'1" defender in the SMJHL typically would. Others in his rookie class were more tenacious with their physical use of body and Teal'c seems to be slightly behind in that area. But with that being his only glaring issues, the offensive skill and passing touch the young French defender brings is surely going to stick out to some teams in the S74 SHL Draft. There has not been a huge amount of talk around the young defender and despite his excellent show in his first season, his tenacious focus on becoming a more well-rounded player, and his role he's played on a team stepping into the SMJHL Finals, he is likely to slide a bit in favor of some more familiar names. The young french defender went 37th in last years SMJHL and has already shown that he was a top 10, maybe top 5 talent in the class. But we will have to see if teams have taken notice of that or if he falls again. Some team will be very happy to have Teal'c in the teens or twenties in the SHL draft. As of right now no teams have spoken about drafting Teal'c but last talking to him he is hopeful that someone will take a swing at him in the near future!

389 Words

Total = 957 Words (16 TPE)

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[Image: Xwhw2zl.gif]
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Alright so firstly we will start by doing team history so 6
Yukon malamutes played their first season in s65 finishing 8th with 30 wins and losses and 6 OT wins so averaging a point per game to be honest it just seems kinda funny how wins and losses just both got a 30 in them for the first season yukon has averaged that 8th placement for its runs and has never won the playoffs or regular season but for now they have lost in the semis 4 times in a row with also yukon has averaged 70 points in the SJHL
with 303 all time wins, 263 all time losses and 28 all time OT losses making it 594 games played for yukon  so yukon has won more games then lost thats for sure and also yukon has a 41 all time goal difference but that has changed a lot in different seasons like in s69(Nice) they had -99 and in s66 they had +86 but all time is 41 so overall yukon also has had more goals then given away goals

Malmutes also have won some awards but most of them are all star awards with some seasons having a bunch of malmutes name there like in s66 there was 6 malmutes in all starrs and also in s72 overall there has been 17 malmutes if my calculations are correct to get into the all star games other trophy winners are alexis metzlr trophy (top defensive defender) sydney shav s72 Alex Light trophy (most improved player s66 oles kobilska and kobilska also has jared hanson trophy (league top points leader) then the final trophy of a player winning under yukons jersey theodore svatos s72 rober martucci trophy (league goal leader)

Malmutes have also never not missed the playoffs not even once every season they would find a way to get into the playoffs but with 9 playoffs run there hasn't been any great succes there their peak is still making it to the semi finals in the playoffs so hopefully soon the malmutes from all these years of just losing in the playoffs could finally just do it and win it all at some point also how could you mention losing in the semi finals without mentioning that yukon lost 3 times in a row to maine in the semi finals that sure was fun for the players

Yukon also has also gotten a good players who have gotten as the first overall pick in the SHL firstly we have sydney shaw drafted by winnipeg as the first overall in season 70 and then in season 73 Toronto drafted florian söderberg-motyla as the first overall pick of s73
But at the same time At the season 72 draft there has been no players drafted at any round from yukon not even a single player

Next we have my goals for the future 16
So my plan is to have fun with all the people on the teams i will be on and also try to help my team to win a championship at least once the time im at the SJMHL and also help when i get to the SHL To help the team there win a championship and also to win at least a single award in the SJHML and hopefully also become one of the best scoring defenceman in the league i also would like to try what coaching would be like so hopefully at least at some point i could make it to be a coach at any team really and would be nice to experience what it would be like then i also have goals to get my jersey gotten up to the arena where yukon play as it would be cool going to watch a yukon game and seeing on the roof kaarlo koivunen #28 s73-(Undecided) also i have a goal what i mean at this point is just praying but to be drafted first overall at the SHL. it would also be nice to have captaincy at some point of any team really i just would find it really cool

Next up we have R and R 14
So for the off season im looking to improve as much as possible to be able to help yukon win the playoffs and also to hopefully get drafted in the round 1 and not just as a late round 1 pick but a early round 1 pick but not all of the stuff will be to improve myself i will also visit finland plenty of times to visit friends and family and just to see the place before the next season starts and i can’t really visit it since i have to focus on the games and stuff not visiting the home country i would also find some me time to do like just chill out and stuff and not just think about anything important

[Image: cVahF90.png]
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2023, 01:54 PM by kenvald. Edited 4 times in total.)

Quote:16. Goals
Although your career may still be in its early stages, it's still a great time to think about the future. What are some goals you have for your career, or some personal goals for the site? Are you striving for a HOF induction? Getting a site job?
I have a couple of goals with Dag-Otto that I hope will be reached over the course of his career.

The Best Faceoff Taker
Is that how you spell it? Let's go with it. The main goal is to become the best faceoff taker there ever was. When I initially thought about how I would build my next player I went straight to points. My past player was a defenseman so it would be nice to be the one who scores consistently. But then I figured that's probably what most people aim for with their players, so I almost did a 180. If not points, then what could be a fun stat to track? Faceoffs! Usually the best centers in the SHL appear to hover between 55-60%, and that's really impressive. My goal is to beat that. I want several seasons with 60+ faceoff% wins.

Penalty Killer
Another way I approach my player less offensively is that I'm going for a more defensive build. When I get enough TPE I'll of course sooner or later become a two-way player. But my focus while that's not possible is gonna be on defense. I want my GM to be able to have me center their PK1 line and see a drastic improvement in the team's PK% stat. It should be an obvious choice to have me on the ice for any sensitive moment where we don't want to give up anything unnecessarily.

Defensive Forward Award
While the previous goal isn't really measurable or tangible, I do have a goal that relates to it. My past player never won any player awards. Although he was nominated multiple times. So on Dag-Otto I would very much like it if I got to see at least one individual trophy in my cabinet. And with his build the most likely award is the defensive forward award. I predict you won't see me among the nominations of many, or any other awards. This is what he is being built for.

Hall of Fame
This one will likely be a long shot but I would be extremely happy if Dag-Otto one day makes it into the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately I don't think we see to many defensive forwards inducted, because defensive stats are harder to calculate and make a less noticeable impact on the ice. I have to hope future Hall of Fame committee members check those advanced stats as I believe that's where Dag-Otto will shine the brightest. And stand out the most.

417 words

Quote:17. Feedback
For recreates, how was doing this new version of CW compared to the old one? Was the experience better, or worse? How were the PT changes? For first gens, you can also talk about your experiences with PTs in general too this season!
As soon as I read that we have the freedom to write however much or little about any of the prompts it made my heart skip a beat because it made me so happy. Part of what made, or make, the Championship Week a little tedious is the fact that we have to cram a specific amount of words into each prompt. If I'm lucky there's a prompt that I can write a lot about, so I get that done quickly. But if I'm limited to only 150 words, or at least won't get more TPE if I write more than 150, then it's a bit disappointing. And I'd have to search through the prompts again looking for something else that I can hopefully word vomit about. So, long story short: I greatly prefer it this way and I hope this format is copied over into the SHL Championship Week tasks by next season so I don't have to work with word thresholds there.

164 words

Quote:18. Milestones
You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim.
+3 Milestones

Quote:You may claim affiliation from an (one, 1) ISFL, PBE or SSL PT this season for a max of 3 TPE.
ISFL Affiliate claim for the last 2 TPE

[Image: sBUQCq8.png]

Past Players

(This post was last modified: 11-21-2023, 10:38 AM by ViN. Edited 2 times in total.)

Fan Appreciation Day - 3 TPE
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.)
GRAPHIC:  Include a picture of the item and at least one SMJHL logo; must look like you at least kinda tried.

[Image: Clexfjc.jpg]

18. Milestones - COMING SOON
You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim. They will come soon!


5/16 TPE

[Image: TqPg1ou.gif]

[Image: U66t7Jy.png] [Image: zyyvIFD.png]

[Image: wu5MVvy.png%5D]

(This post was last modified: 11-15-2023, 10:40 AM by ibuprofenaddict. Edited 1 time in total.)

1. Fan Appreciation Day
Your team is giving back to their supporters by holding a fan appreciation day for one of their games, where the team will hand out a special commemorative item to show thanks for their continued support of the franchise. You have been tasked to design the product to be given out to the attendees (can be a rally towel, foam finger, bobble head, etc.) Write a blurb about the item, including details on during which game was / will be given out.

Fans are in a tizzy in anticipation of the exciting S74 fan appreciation event for the Detroit Falcons. The Falcons franchise, recognizing the steadfast dedication and loyalty of its local fanbase to the team and in honor of their years of support even through the downtimes, has decided to recognize their 7th man and the pivotal home ice advantage they’ve provided on a nightly basis over the years. With a surprise run to the second round of the playoffs in S73 and S74 shaping up to be the best season in awhile in Detroit, there is no better time to reward the fans for sticking by the team in the down years and strap in for what is sure to be a wild ride. With each ticket, upon entry, fans will receive a boxed figurine, featuring GI Joe-like articulating limbs and lifelike features which are sure to delight adults and children alike. The boxes will be opaque, and each member of the falcons S73 team will be available at random (S74 new draftees and SHL callups were all post production deadlines). These figures are sure to be must have for any Falcons diehards. Will you get a Lee? A Zilliams? A Badcock? Purchase your S74 home opener tickets now to find out!
(212 Words)

2. Looking Towards the Future
As we near the end of S72, the SMJHL draft will be happening soon. Going into next season, what are your team's biggest needs and areas of strength? Do any holes need to be filled with call-ups? Do you have a position that is incredibly stacked? Give us all an overview of your team, from top to bottom.

In the future, and the upcoming SMJHL draft of new S75 players, the Falcons have balanced needs. The existing roster profile along with player ages and skills is relatively balanced, with a good foundation on which to build and a solid draft of S74 prospects now ready to take the next step. Overall, and depending on callups, Detroit could use one or two forwards and one defenseman to augment the core of skaters. Perhaps no need is more evident though, than that of a new goaltender. Stalwart starter Wayne Holloway’s days in a Falcon uniform could be numbered, and current backup Dako Nanokov has shown that he may not be able to be counted on to grow into the future starter this team will desperately need when they find themselves Hollowayless. Drafting an active goaltender should probably be among the top priorities in Detroit as we look toward the draft to keep the successful rebuild going and hopefully build the team into a perennial contender in the SMJHL.
(168 Words)

3. Secret Plans
It’s never too early to start thinking about how you’re going to gain a competitive edge next season! How is your team going to go the extra mile to get wins next season? Is it a secret training regimen? Sneaky equipment modifications? Booby trapping the visiting teams’ locker room? Anything goes.

S73 was a great season in Detroit, and with a crop of second- and third-year players ready to take the next step in S74, they should be even better in the coming season. As the Falcons find themselves competing at the top of the standings, things will become tighter, and they’ll need to extract and small advantage possible in order to maximize returns in Season 74.  To this end, the team has a few ideas that could help them gain an advantage.

1.      Simo has wired speakers into the visitors locker room that will play a single Finnish death metal song on repeat at a volume just loud enough to be heard over the general locker room din and pre game speeches made by visiting coaches. These speakers cannot be controlled from inside the room.
2.      Marek Carda’s family has developed a new protein pilsner that will be available to of-age team members over the offseason, so that even when they are relaxing, they’re feeding their bodies and recovering from offseason workouts.
3.      Kenny Omega has instituted ‘the gauntlet’ at the end of all captains skates (with permission from the elders), so that the team can improve their bodychecking, toughness, and durability.
4.      Stormlord Imotekh is hosting off ice lessons in conjunction with he coaching staff, which are exploring how we might apply Necron strategies on the ice to think outside the realm of Earth hockey and gain an advantage.

I could tell you more about some of the other things we’re looking into, but I'm afraid that it might spoil the surprise and negate any potential advantages Detroit would gain, so I’ll leave everyone guessing until you meet the falcons on the ice next season.
(286 Words)

4. Funtimes
You have been designated as the team's official Fun Director! Now, everyone is looking for some sort of fun activity where you all can spend an afternoon or day to chill, hang out and build some team spirit. Especially after a long and stressful season, what are your plans to ensure everyone has a great time?

Hi! Marek Carda here. Since arriving in Detroit at the beginning of the season, I must confess I’ve accrued something of a large tabletop game collection. What began as a neat way to pass the time without becoming addicted to fortnight or warzone of Chel like other guys, has turned into something the team can really use to gel a bit more. Over the offseason I’m planning to institute a weekly game night, where we’ll kick back, put on some background music, and just enjoy a few different 4-6 player games in randomly assigned groups each week. I think some nights of Dominion, Carcassone, Ticket to Ride, or something like Betrayal at the House on the Hill will be a good time to stay mentally sharp and learn a bit more about how we each think!
(136 Words)

14. R&R
It's almost officially the offseason. Whether you just won the cup or didn't even make it past the first round of the playoffs, it's time to take a break and look toward the SHL draft. Tell us how you're spending your time this offseason, whether it be with family or friends.

I think I had a pretty successful season in the SMJHL as a rookie with the Detroit Falcons, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little bit tired. Playing 66 regular season games and then a further 9 in the playoffs is more hockey (at a more demanding level) than I’d ever played before. The first thing I’m doing is going home for a week. It’ll be great to see some of my friends back home and the city again, be able to check on my parents and the brewery.  After that, It’s back to work. I’ll return to Detroit in order to start my offseason training both in the gym, at captains’ skates, and in classroom sessions with some of the skills coaches and Imotekh. I’m really looking forward to building up some strength and endurance, incorporating a bit more off-ice work to round out my capabilities. I feel like now that I’ve experience the rigor of a full SMJHL season, I’m in a much better position to identifying training opportunities that are more applicable or beneficial. Plus, I’m hosting some team building game nights (tabletop!) that should be really fun if all goes according to plan. For leisure, I do hope to explore the area a bit more. We’re only in the SMJHL so long and I want to try and connect more with the community and see the sights before this all ends with me either going to the SHL or elsewhere with my career! From what I’ve seen so far it’s a fun place with a lot to do, and the downtown area is really going through a rebirth following some tough times. In my opinion this is a major league city and I feel blessed to get to play here, but I know there’s a lot I haven’t seen yet!
(309 Words)

Total Words: 1,111

Addendum 11/15:

18. Milestones - COMING SOON
You will have the opportunity to cover up to 3/16 TPE with milestones relating to your player's performance/accolades during the season. Link your post in the Milestones thread and post your comment in your CW reply to claim. They will come soon!

I suppose i didn't need to write so much earlier....


1. I think the commemorative item handed out to the fans should be a blue and gray toy boat. Honestly, my kids play with toy boats in the bathtub all the time, and I can think of nothing better than a blue and gray armada boat for the kids to play with.  They could even make it a package deal and have floating iceberg toys that float on top of the bathwater. The toy boats could shoot little missle things and it could come with toy version of the mascots of all the other juniors teams.  If they came out with this honestly I think we'd see a bunch of adult hockey fans ditching the shower and heading back to the days of yore by having some playtime in the bathtub. I can't think of anything more fun than having getting a good soak in while blasting the scarecrows and the dinosaurs and the ram guys and the grizzlies and the weird owl things and the whales off the edge of the tub. Don't forget to order your Deep Thought #42 bathmat that goes on the bottom of the tub so you won't get caught slippin.  (This is honestly an amazing idea..) WC: 206 words /// +4

3. Anchorage is going to use the power of the montage to gain a supreme competitive advantage next season.  I firmly believe that this has been a huge problem for us over the years, and is probably the sole reason that we were unable to win a postseason series this year. When you're trying to work out as a team and get stronger, it can kindof take a long time. Each individual workout takes a long time and then you have to like rack the weights before you can move on to the next one.  Its a very time consuming and exhausting process.  But when you use a montage, you're able to cut the time in like at least half! Here's how it works.  You do your basic workouts but instead of doing it in real time you cut down the time and put it to music.  Then you cram a bunch of different workouts into the music.  This enables you to get like 5 or 6 full workouts, different workouts even, in the span of one upbeat catchy song.  The music selection is really important.  If your music isn't upbeat enough, your montage workout might slow down and really lose a lot of its umph.  I would recommended something from the 80s.. Europe/Survivor/Whitesnake/Van Halen are all good choices.  This year I think we've planned for ice swimming, polar bear wrestling, log splitting (by hand), and free soloing up a glacier.  We'll probably try to make the song ice themed and then it will really hit.  Something like trapped under ice by metallica maybe.  WC: 266 words /// +5

4. Okay so while obviously the montage workouts are gonna be really fun, its also possible that you can build a ton of team camraderie and chemistry by doing a hanging out montage.  This is where you take like several fun activities and cram them into a fun, uptempo, often funky song.  It also often works best if its an 80s song but something by like Huey Lewis and the News or Cars instead of something super metal and serious.  So the way it normally works best is to get one guy, usualy like the team captain, whos gonna like "get the gang together" for a hangout time.  So i'll be honest im not sure who our captain is, so im just gonna say its me. This works especially well since the prompt says im the one whos getting everyone together for fun.  I forgot about that part.  Anyways, we'll start by going to like a food court at the mall. It will probably just be and like 2 other people, its important to start with a small group at first. Then we need to do some funny things like stick fries out of your nose to make a funny face, or dunk someones head in a milkshake.  Also, itd be funny if someone snuck over the counter and put their mouth directly underneat the nozzle for the soft-serve and we all got kicked out in a funny way.  Then we'd go into the shoe store where one of our teammates is working and try to convince him to quit his job and join us on our fun montage adventure.  Don't forget that the whole time this is going on Huey Lewis is playing.  Thats super important.  So once we pick up a few more of our comrades we'll go into victoria's secret and like try on thongs and stuff, just as a joke, and for the camraderie.  But in reality someone is secretly into wearing women's underwear and so they buy one when no ones looking.  Then we'll head to the minigolf place and by this time the whole team is together and we're laughing and hugging and Gabe is pretending to hump the hole that the golf balls goes into and we're all just dying laughing cause this is a montage and you have to laugh really hard.  Lastly, we'll cap it off by all sitting in some lawn chairs we found at the top of a cliff at sunset where we'll all drink some drinks with umbrellas in them and like clink our glasses togheter right as the song plays the last beat. We'll all be really happy to be together and forget about all the horrrible things that happened during that ill-fated playoff series. The sun will set and the screen will go dark right as the lyrics finish up: "I am happy to be stuck with you(Ooh) Yes, it's true (yes, it's true)I'm so happy to be stuck with you(Ooh) 'Cause I can see (I can see) That you're happy to be stuck with me"- Huey Lewis and the News. WC: 514 /// +10

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(This post was last modified: 11-19-2023, 11:44 PM by Esso2264. Edited 3 times in total.)

1. Fan Appreciation day also happens to be Road Safety day this year so for the occasion, everyone coming to the event will receive a custom mini cone figure with mini player jersey. Fans can get a limited edition Jussi Mutou figurine or a rookie sensation Shadow Fenix figurine. The event is brought to you by the only trusted association of thermoplastic lifeform in the Colorado region, the TPLGOP (thermoplastic gathering of people) (73 words)

2. The Colorado Raptors of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League are currently one of the younger team in the league so there is not a lot of holes on the team currently. Our young players are getting better and better. The teams strength relies on a strong defensive core with fast and technical forwards. (54 words)

3. The Colorado Raptors of the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League have prepared a new ice surface to try and get a totally fair and not at all cheating. During the commercial breaks, traffic cones will rise from under the ice in the opponent's end and it will distract them with the power of confusion and thermoplastic. (56 words)

9. Around the Simulation Major Junior Hockey League, different players have all sort of surnames and patronyms. Some are great and some are the most funny thing ever. One of them is Troy McClure IIII as we all saw during the draft broadcasting on the Youtube as the presentator didn't know how to call them. (54 words)

17. I like the CW like this better because if you have an idea on a prompt you can just go ham and get rewarded for the amount of work you. I think sometimes prompts can be hard so if you have an idea on one of them and you're stuck on others, you can still get the full amount. (59 words)


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