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S53 PT #1 - Shelter At Home
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2020, 11:15 AM by Ferda.)

Big Wanger has taken his talents into the world of painting with a brand new original masterpiece by the man himself. Such dedication to his newly found craft. So much in fact that he has even grown an afro in memoir to his idol, Bob Ross.

This painting depicts Wang doing what Mr. Ross said to always do, which was to always "beat the devil out of it".

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Armada        Canada        Stampede
Falcons        Usa

Ivan Maximus Journal:

Day 1:  "This isn't so bad.  I'll get to relax a bit, got plenty of time to workout, and maybe actually play some video games I've been wanting to play"
Day 3:  "Well I haven't worked out at all yet, but I deserve a bit of a break.  I'm also getting tired of hotpockets already and need some toilet paper.  I should go to the store"
Day 4:  "People suck, the store was PACKED.  I got more hot pockets but no TP.  They did have an abundance of coffee filters though so that'll have to work.  Plus it's quite soft"
Day 7:  "So I weighed myself today and already up 6 pounds.  So I worked out and it sucked.  Gonna have to get back into the habit"
Day 10:  "I HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE.  People are doing 'virtual happy hours' but that sucks too.  Imma go get some real beer"
Day 14:  "Have only worked out once since this started, but dont have a lot of energy today.  Maybe I'll get some sleep and hit it hard tomorrow"
Day 15:  "Well I have a fever.  Shit"
Day 22:  "As my last will and testament I shall convey all my unclaimed TPE to @notoriousTRON and my remaining bank to @Geekusoid.   I know the bank account is disappointing but @dankoa still wouldn't give me my 10x10"
Day 24:  Dead

[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


Joseph Weston is going quite bananas, going stir crazy at home. Not to compare apples to oranges, but this is quite possibly the end of the simulation world and no real solution is coming. Joseph Weston finds himself going back to the hidden, ancient, old, deep, dirty, writings, concerning the ancient, old, deep, and dirty, forgotten Declarations of Simon the Uncaring Deity. Thankfully, this is now heretical under the glorious loving guidance of our new lord and savior, Franchise Hockey Manager 6. So Joseph Weston spent his quarantine burning the heretical, ancient, old, deep, and dirty, forgotten writings of Simon the Uncaring Deity. From there, Joseph Weston began the procedure of filing to create a new religion for the Simulation Hockey League to follow, all from the comfort of his own home. However, the SHL HO does not have an official department of religious fanatics, and this was all for naught.

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S66 Damian Littleton

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Battleborn | Barracuda | Usa

Vorian Atreides would definitly not be sexting old exes as all the woman he has loved in his life, are well..... kinda dead by now. After existing on this planet for over 10000 years. So even if they were alive, i dont think they would be great subjects to do sexting with. Instead Vorian is sitting at home, just bideing his time. He has lived for so long, so for him a few months can go by in a snap of a finger relatively. So it will just be work out on becoming stronger and find a better balance so he will improve himself as a player. This physicality training is being done easily in quarantaine without any ice, so he will not work on his on ice skills at the moment. Its just a small time for Vorian but it will pass in no time as he gets ready for the new season.

Words : 154

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Former players:
Ivo Willems (S9 SMJHL) (S10-28 SHL)  
Xander Green  (S33-35 SMJHL) (S36-47 SHL)
Vorian Atreides (S49-51 SMJHL) (S52-61 SHL)


If Mika Kandinsky were to be held up at home, he'd probably have an ice rink built in his basement so he could still practice his game at home. This would be good for him because he'd be able to lace up and skate and then stop and take a break between skates. He'd have some time to cook that slow cooked pork shoulder he's always been wanting to do and think about life and just slow down and enjoy life for a little bit without any pressure. In a quarantine situation, there is no more FOMO because no one is really doing anything or expected to be doing anything. It would be a good time for Mika to reconnect with himself outside of the hustle and bustle of SHL daily life. But he would definitely keep playing and practicing one way or another. On top of that he'd probably play a bunch of Rocket League to keep his game senses up. Rocket League is a pretty good trainer for keeping your brain active and in game time thinking mode.

Mika Kandinsky Stars 

[Image: mika_kandinsky.gif]


In a hypothetical situation where Kaarlo Kekkonen was forced to stay at home, he knows he’d be alright due to the abundance of hobbies and interests he possesses that can be carried out indoors. Due to his incredible intellect and laser focus, he became a highly accomplished chess player from a young age, and has also spent a lot of time learning foreign languages and can currently speak to a fluent level in multiple dialects. An elongated spell at home would mean more time spent exercising through the medium of home workouts and working on new languages, playing chess and finding new games to master. However he is known as someone of a fuck boy, so with no new girls on the cards in this (hypothetical) situation, he may well be forced to get on his phone and send some text messages to some exes. But luckily for Kaarlo, it’s very unlikely the world would ever be forced into this situation so no need to worry right?

167 words

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Lallo Selman managed to fly back to Montreal before the travel ban took effect, he decided to spend the lockdown at his summer house in Montreal since his home in Switzerland is right near the epicentre of the European outbreak in northern Italy and his home in Chicago is in the United States which he feels has handled the pandemic poorly so far and could pose just as big a risk down the line. Lallo recognized that he is in an extremely fortunate situation to be able to choose the safest of 3 houses to ride out the pandemic which is why he decided to give up his $5 million salary for this season. He has split the money in two, $2.5 million will be donated to Italy to help purchase ventilators, PPE, and anything else they may need to help combat the virus. The other $2.5 million will be split amongst employees of the Chicago Syndicate who find themselves out of work and with no income to pay their day to day bills because of the virus. Lallo is fortunate enough that he is financially stable enough for the loss of this season's salary not to affect him too much and so he felt like it was the right thing to do. He also decided that once the crisis is over he will hire event planners to plan proms for local high school seniors in Chicago and Montreal who will miss out on a lot of the stuff that comes with senior year, it should give them one last moment to spend with all their high school friends and one final high school memory to cherish once all this is over.

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I get we have to do a point here but I figured from both me, Chetib, and the super handsome Tibuk Soonika we are hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy during these really difficult times. This is something totally unseen in our history and while it is serious I hope the best for all of you out there in my SHL and SMJHL family. During this break and while Pre-season is being played, Tibuk will be rigorously inspecting high gear to determine where the holes are, he will also be working with coaches to determine if it isn't just more effective for him to a third D-man on the ice. Unfortunately after several Ice-sessions it has now been determined that Tibuk cannot pass or shoot worth a damn so he might be getting relegated to a stat keeper while on the ice. Coaches are now working with Tibuk to get over his terrible penmanship.

Tibuk Soonika - G - Tampa Bay Barracuda| Portal Page

It's really important for Manuel Gotze to stay in game shape as he keeps getting older and advancing towards the twilight of his career, so he will certainly be spending at least a minimum baseline of his time working out, perhaps even trying to run a marathon on his balcony like some other crazed souls. He would also pick up a new hobby in playing the newest Animal Crossing title, New Horizons, as it provides a nice method of escape to a nice normal world where there is no new virus slowly bringing pretty much everything to a standstill. As he does not have a true job to speak of during this offseason period, he would also be happy to help out with some volunteering. He's back in Germany of course, so his first priority is making sure his parents are taken care of. Outside of that, he also volunteers for a local virus hotline service, first having trained on the basics of dealing with common problems people have and then helping them as much as he can.

[Image: gotze_team_siggy.png]
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Timber Barracuda Valentin Kalashnikov - Somewhere underground in the Michigan wilderness.
5:00am Wake up in bunker military cot.
Start generator to power facility and training equipment
5:45am Breakfast Beer and Pickles 
6:00am 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 jumping jacks.
6:30am 10 mile treadmill, 10 mile cardio bike
7:00am Ice shower.
7:15am Monitor security cameras and investigate trail cams. Clean air filtration system, check beaver traps. 
7:30am Hunt or go watch old Simpsons episodes seasons 6-12 only.
9:00am make more ammunition at bullet press. Take inventory of food supplies and gasoline for generator.
10:00am Watch old CCCP hockey footage to learn from greats.
12:00pm Cold Borscht for lunch with dried jerky made from any successful hunts.
1:00pm Training or Ice Fishing for fresh air.
5:00pm Cooldown Beer and Pickles
6:00pm Dinner of old Soviet MREs. Including smoking any cigarettes provided. 
7:00pm Simpsons reruns. Monitor cameras for any updates. 
9:30pm Nightcap Vodka, Stolichnaya, 3 shots, chase with pickle juice if needed.
10:00pm Bed.

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     Platoon    Timber

When Ola Wagstrom heard about the lockdown, the first thing he did was run to the store for supplies. He looked to stock up on food and other basic necessities, and was alarmed to find the shelves barren and stores overrun with desperate people. It felt like the apocalypse, but he was able to salvage a few canned foods and some produce. He decided to get in contact with his teammates and see if they were facing a similar situation. Everyone on the team, fortunately, had managed to adequately stock up on supplies in spite of shortages, which Wagstrom was thankful for. Fearing for the struggle that those who are not professional athletes would have, Wagstrom decided to donate a large chunk of the savings he had from the last year of his massive deal to charities such as Feeding America and the Red Cross. He hoped that he could contribute in some way to making sure that people could keep roofs over their heads and food on the table in these trying times. Now, it was time to shelter in place at home, read to pass the time, and stay active the best that he could under the circumstances.


Tokolosh's first day of quarantine would be a complete waste. Trying to adjust to a work-from-home workflow (so for the SHL, i guess that's training and game film) is a multi-day process. There are a lot of distractions at his makeshift desk. He does a good job avoiding the TV and traps and pitfalls of watching all of "Love Is Blind" in one sitting, but he is addicted to an online human simulator, called IRL. His player is a 1500 TPE "Graphic Artist" that is one season away from regression.

Tokolosh will alternate being incredibly busy with mind-numbingly slow. He likes social outings, but is also fine on his own, as long as his "own" is his own. deep wikipedia rabbit holes, researching product information for something that he isn't going to buy, putting off real training to get better at niche skills.

Staying in game shape is iffy. Julio only drinks socially, so with no one to socialize with, his body would likely plateau.

After he got his schedule down, he would rebound by sleeping in (morning), getting a ton of work done (midday), facetiming with his draft class friends (afternoon), do some slower projects/cook (evening) and dick around on IRL (late night). posting this at 7PM local time should let everyone know just how good Julio is with schedules.

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My player would be out there helping as many people as possible and spending his downtime reading a book. When you're a player in the SHL, you're not just playing for glory but you're a role model for every kid who wants to be you and every adult who wishes they had your skill set. Living up to that kind of hero worship is tough but by giving back to the less fortunate you show that you're just as humble and as human as everyone else. Of course my Player is training in the middle of all this, running on a treadmill, lifting weights, yoga and Pilates, etc. But he spends his time helping people, donating his time at a food bank, donating money when he can and helping to shop for elderly and disabled folks who may not be able to do so because of the virus concerns.

(This post was last modified: 03-24-2020, 08:04 PM by kenvald.)

Sven is someone who would not really mind isolation for longer periods of time. While he does enjoy hanging out with friends at bars and of course loves every second on the ice, he also likes to take a breather every once in a while. To stay at home and getting away from responsibilities and work feels like a rare treat.

Before hockey became the focus of 90% of Sven's time, he was an avid gamer. So if anything this gives him a chance to work on his huge backlog of games. He might even try to connect with some old internet friends to see if they are up for anything online-based.

However, if this quarantine turns into a longer ordeal he of course need to stay in shape. He has some workout equipment in his basement and decided to add some more to it before everything closed down. So while there might be more sitting down and more Doritos in the near future, he will make sure he does not lose his edge.

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