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S76 PT #3: Hostile Takeover Due: Sunday, April 28th @ 11:59 PM PST

Option 2:

If Luke was to play another position in hockey it would have to be goalie. Growing up playing hockey I always had a passion to be a goalie and eventually became one around the age of 12, starting at the house youth level working my way eventually to AAA youth hockey. I absolutely love being a goaltender and still play adult league hockey (all roads lead to beer league) to this day at least once a week without fail. Luke is also a two hundred foot player who prides himself on being good in every zone on the ice. He's always been the best defensive forward on his line. That being said, Luke has always been on a team in the SHL with Justin Time for his entire career, so the need for a good goaltender has never been there on either team he's been on. I still think Luke would be the best goaltender in all of the SHL though.

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To make an away game a surprise home game, the January 8th, 2043 game against the Kelowna Knights is a perfect choice. Why? Because for a short period of time, Kelowna would have been a home game for Howlett. Enough people still remembered his performance there, however brief as a DFA, to really get the ball rolling. Even some Kelowna fans got in on it, with a few "welcome home, cheater!" joke flags contrasting the major Great Falls presence. Unfortunately, if someone is ever described as a rabid fan of James Howlett, someone who thinks charisma is some fruity drink at a bar, they may not be able to pick up on some of the... subtleties there. Definite fights ensue, but this somehow just inspires the rest of the fans to cheer harder. True, Great Falls lost that match, but to many fans who showed up it was one of the best games they'd been to in a long while.

After the game, when asked about the huge showing his fans had put out, Howlett had this to say: "What're you talking about, bub?" and "Well duh they'd start a fight. I would've too."

"I'm the best there is at what I do... and what I do isn't very nice."

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Written Task, Option 2
If given the opportunity, Rodrigo Banes would likely take a page from his father's book and switch to playing Defense. However, his prowess in the faceoff circle would not do him one sterling ounce of good there. That being said, he would still enjoy the strength of his positional, defensively sound play to generate offense from the back end, as well as retrieve and break the puck out effectively. A trade-off that might have upside, situationally. He would likely not become an All-Star Defender, but could probably play the position effectively. What the future holds for Rodrigo Banes is unknown. Does he flourish as a Center in the SHL? Does he struggle to generate and slide to the wing? Does he take after Roddy B the 1st and finish his career patrolling the blue line?

These things are unknown. But whatever the future holds, this PT is done and now I can sleep.

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Since this is my third player already, I have some serious experience in this league. I had one right wing forward and one defender before this forward. The one thing I know, I would never create a defender again. Why? I had one of the few 2K TPE club defenders back then and I wasn't even able to get a contract. Player underperforms statistics wise and it's just a bit boring to watch it. So, if my player wouldn't be a winger, I would definitely create a center again or maybe a goalie. I was just thinking how boring it would be to have a goalie, but then I changed my mind. If goalie gets selected by a good team and is their primary option, it could be very interesting. However, I rather watch my player score anyway, so probably he would still be a forward no matter what since those stats are always more interesting.

Words: 150+

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Written Option 2
Thinking back on when I created Slowpoke my only concern was filling a spot that was widely needed (at least from my perspective). I’ve been upfront that I’ll build however the team wants me to build to fill a role at a defensive position which usually in my experience is harder to fill. But if I had made my player to fit a role for Slowpoke the Pokémon then it would clearly have to be goalie. While I don’ think goalie is any less physically demanding (and some would easily argue its more) I find it funny to think of Slowpoke in net. Goalie can also be a mentally challenging position as getting in your head can be quite detrimental. Slowpoke on the other hand seems like a relatively even-keel albeit aloof at times when it comes to his mental thoughts. The coaching staff could rely on Slowpoke to give them the same level of skill whether he’s let in zero goals or seven.

160+ Words

If Rasmus wasn't a defenseman, he would be a goalie. Now you may be wondering - why not a playmaking winger since he's an offensively minded defenseman? To that I'd say - have you watched him play at all or looked at his numbers? For an offensive minded defenseman you'd expect at least a couple more points or something from the guy and we're getting squat. Nil. None. So in the net he goes where he doesn't ever have to think about making offensive plays, just stand in the blue paint and throw his body in front of the puck as best as he possibly can. He's got solid reflexes and decent shot blocking skills already, so it's a logical next step to begin to actually put more pads on and do it for a living. Being a goalie does seem scary with wanting to actually get hit by the puck, so on second thought perhaps he'll still pass.

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Berserkers     -       syndicate      -     Berserkers

This is a really easy question if we are being honest here, I may a RW at the Shl level, but truthfully I would be an outrageous RHD as well. Why? Because I have an outrageous level of playmaking skill. I ooze talent and the ability to read the game quickly, effectively and skillfully. My skating is also one of the best assets that I have for my player, so quite frankly that is a skill that passes down to quite easily to RHD, as smooth skating and acceleration are basically mandatory in this day and age of hockey — if you can’t skate or pivot on a dime, you are cooked. Lastly, the biggest thing is the the ability to read the game, or high hockey IQ, even though I would be playing defense I have the same brain, so constantly be able to make the right calls while i am on the ice, tells me I would be just fine as a d man!

“I thought I was a goalie, but STA told me forget being a goalie they make nothing, and no one cares about them.  Guess what I was a center all along and I had no idea. Now I am the toast of the town, and I am getting offers from all the GMs and Scouts.”

– Spidey Talent Agency, on Activity Check

If my player was not a forward he would be a goalie. it has always been his favorite position, and his favorite national hockey league player of all time is henrik lundqvist. my player really admires the athleticism and the mental fortitude that the position requires for one to be good at it. Goalies are the backbone of the team and the team's success lives and dies by the success of the goalie. it is also one of the most fun positions to play, my player used to play goalie as a kid before he switched to forward. he would always play goalie for casual street hockey and roller hockey with his friends, and still does to this day. it would be unfair for his friends who are not professionals if he were to play forward, so he plays goalie to even it up for them. my player is also pretty bad at defense so playing as a defenseman would be out of the question

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sigs from @sulovilen @_Blitz_ @Ragnar and @enigmatic

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Written Option 2: What position other than your current position would your player choose to play if given an opportunity to change their position, and why? What about their playstyle lends itself to that position, or what about your personal hockey fandom would be better fulfilled by playing that position than the one you picked?

Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk, if he was not a defenseman, would instead be a goaltender. You would ask why a 6 foot 9 inch player would be in net, and it's actually quite simple: because he would be the best goalie in the league. Being so big gives him an advantage no other goalie has currently: he can cover the entire net without having to shift around a whole lot. With his height, he can go full flop mode and just smother anything that comes his way without breaking a sweat. Now, some "analysts" might say that being a 6 foot 9 inch goalie might be "an injury risk waiting to happen" or "incredibly slow," but I'd argue these people are stupid and you shouldn't listen to them. The league is lucky Jølngüštrâädüvich DuBølk is a defenseman, since I honestly doubt that the league could handle him at goalie. If he were to switch... good luck and may god rest their souls.

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Option 2:
If Leo Roze changed positions he would probably become a goaltender. He is 6 foot 6 so he his height would be a big boost in goaltending if he learned how to maneuver properly. The main reason he would become a goaltender however, is because this man is allergic to getting any points. Maybe he could become a fourth line grinder who would just wear down the opposition but any other role as a forward would not do well. The thing with him being a goaltender however is he is not flexible enough. This man is a wooden plank when it comes to terms of maneuverability and would probably give up 10 goals a game. He really is built to be a defenseman, and only a defenseman. He does block a lot of shots already though so maybe he would prefer being in goal that way when he does block shots it’s with more padding instead of just right into the shin

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I think Cheeks would play winger if he had to switch positions. My last player was a winger, but not very high TPE due to very inconsistent earning which I'm trying very hard not to slip back into. Getting a bit dangerous here recently just due to my own laziness and complacency with Cheeks being at a solid TPE and performing fairly well for my own standards. But he does already have a great offensive skillset as an offensive defenseman and is pretty good at goal scoring for a defenseman too. He could probably make the switch semi soon and be a great two way player. He's got good skating, great endurance, and in my opinion, pretty good offensive understanding with the responsibility and awareness to be defensively sound. Plus on Calgary right now, they could definitely use some solid scoring options up front. While there's still a lot of talent coming in through the prospect pipeline, Cheeks position swapping would probably be an immediate upgrade that'd help Calgary a lot.
(This post was last modified: 04-29-2024, 01:23 AM by Grum. Edited 1 time in total.)

Written Option 2:

The most obvious answer here would be to change my player, Daniel Grumathan, to any other forward position but I actually think he would probably excel more so at defenseman if he was to switch positions than say center as he would have to learn faceoffs, something he has never done in his life ever. Grumathan is a pretty bad defender as is right now so he would probably need some shutdown defender as his mate, but he'd do well in an offensive defenseman role taking control of the puck and operating offensive plays from the back. Grumathan has always been a bit more of a playmaker than goal-scorer so I think the transition wouldn't be too bad. He already has a very physical style of play that would be equally as valuable on the defensive end. The main concerns would be his lack of stamina and he would need some major lessons in defensive positioning. I also personally like the role of a defenseman. A more defensive and supportive role was always what I played irl and I feel like they go underappreciated.

I would play goalie, I would always want to be a goalie and I think my size would have been perfect for that. I would take up most of the net and I am on the team's best shot blockers I think it is a skill that would come naturally to me and something that I could learn and adapt and be better for my team and be one of the best goalies in the simulation hockey league and be one of the most exciting players. But ya I think the transition to goalie would be something that would be easily done and it would make sense. I would know the defensive positioning and how to be in the right spot and know what the other teams offensive players would want to do next from my experience being on the defensive side of the puck. Also, it would be fun!

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I didn't even have to think about this one. February 9, 2043. Citadelles at Berserkers. Considering how Detroit has been a far bigger thorn in the side of QCC recently this might strike you as weird, but hear me out. Quebec and Newfoundland have been far and away the best teams in the North and have been trading the conference lead back and forth since the beginning of the season. As the playoffs draw nearer and nearer, it would be a huge morale boost to the team to see such a huge fan presence away and really tighten the screws on the Berserkers' mental. Considering how the Citadelles haven't made their way out of the conference finals the last few seasons, any and all help against such a tough team might provide some extra momentum and confidence to do it again in the playoffs, or at the very least the next day.

If she had to not be a goalie, Ana Söderström would probably choose to be a two-way playmaking centre as it would be the best use of her hockey IQ skills that she has honed over years in net. She probably wouldn't exactly emulate the playing style of former Dragons star Sophie Bordeleau, as she doesn't necessarily have those finesse skills and hands to fit that mold, but Ana's good enough to keep up in a two-way or defensive deployment with her cerebral play. While she isn't the fastest skater, it's pretty much a requirement for a goalie to be an excellent technical skater in order to effectively move around the crease, and those are skills that can be applied effectively to being a skater. Other than being a centre, those skills in edgework and finesse could also be applied to being a puck-moving defender, with a focus on knowing where each one of her teammates is in the breakout and getting the puck to them.

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