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[FHN] S58 Fantasy Analysis: Week 0 and 1
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2021, 07:02 PM by PremierBromanov.)

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Hello and welcome once again to the FHN Fantasy Analysis. Today we're taking a look at the week 1 and 0 results. Week 0 is thus named because zero indexing is cool and also because it's sort of a prequel to the week 1 analysis. Week 0 is always crazy, and many teams don't yet have their strategy lined up. It's also a potentially dangerous time to release a bunch of data that basically says "Hey, Martijn Westbroek fuckin sucks because he's rank 93rd, drop him like a bad habit". Of course, you'll see now he is tied for 2nd.

The data we're looking at comes from two places.

Week 1 is a snapshot taken Friday morning, yielding results of the previous 7 days.

Week 0 is a snapshot taken the Friday previous (7 days ago), which includes all of the games from the start of the season until then. This data is not a full week, and thus does not deserve it's own analysis.

Average Draft Rank is taken from @Keven's lovely article here, which is a LOT of manual labor and insight into the draft. If you haven't read it, your bloodline is weak and history will forget you.

FHN reached out to keven earlier in the off-season requesting that he once again reprise his efforts so that I could present to you this data in context of the draft. Keven agreed, thankfully, and I am super happy to be able to use his data to offer some kind of analysis.

Draft to Week 0

Once again, it need not surprise anyone, but the 0th week of fantasy is a total crap shoot. By that i mean, there's zero information to really be gleaned. For one thing, if a player scores 3 goals, they can rocket up the standings about 50 ranks, since a single goal (4 poins) is such a large percentage of anyone's score. At the time of the snapshot, 1 goal could be 8% of a player's total score in the top 30.

In this brief analysis of week 0, we'll look at 3 players.

Jon Forty-One. Jon is my boy in GB and he's a stellar player. In week 0, he came rushing out of the gate with 45 points, good for 26th in the league. For a guy drafted on average at 44th, usually the last forward for a fantasy user, this was pretty good. But what is that 45 points made of? 2 goals, 8 assists, and a smattering of shots, hits, and blocked shots. A pretty good start.

Martijn Westbroek. In week 0, Martijn had a rough start. Just 31 points. 1 goal, 4 assists. He was ranked 94th. There's a difference of 14 points between someone ranked 26th and 94th.  Westbroek was drafted, on average, 4th and was picked in 100% of the groups he was in. It looks bleak if you're reading this data as it happens. This, I hope, helps to illustrate the volatility of rankings in the early part of the fantasy season, and once again why I did not create a week 0 analysis. Because honestly, we're all still trying to figure out the best way to read and use this data.

Finally, Edward Williams, another Great Britain boy. Ed was, by and large, undrafted. On average he was the 48th pick, and showed up in only 1 group. That group is group 35, which started AFTER the season started. So basically, Edward was undrafted. I say this because he's been top of the league for these two weeks and hasn't really fallen for a single day. This group, which had the insight of the start of the season, still picked him 39th by new user @steveoiscool (shouts out). No one with real experience thought he was a good pickup. And yet... Williams began the season red hot, with 7 goals, 7 assists, and just enough hits to edge out 2nd place Josef Kubinec. only a few other players had 7 goals, and only Josef had more (10), but none of his contenders had more than 2 assists to go with it.

Week 0 to Week 1

So, back to Jon Forty-one. This week, rankings can still move quite a bit. But Jon is now ranked 98th in the league. He followed up his 2 goals and 8 assists with just 2 more goals and 1 most assist. Things move fast in fantasy, and if you don't keep up your production, things can stagnate. (at the time of writing, Jon is back up to 38th)

Martijn Westbroek. Now tied 2nd in the league with 11 more goals and 6 more assists, to a total of 12 goals and 10 assists. Things do indeed move fast, and Martijn has one of the biggest swings week to week we've seen thus far. For all intents and purposes, Jon and Martijn have swapped places.

Lastly, Edward Williams. The rock, the solid group upon which temples are build. Ranked 1st last week, now ranked 2nd as he continues his success with Texas.

All 3 of these stories should indicate one thing: That the first few weeks of fantasy are WILD most of the time. There are players who start hot and stay there (for now). There are players that start slow and then tear it up. There are players who start quick and fade away. All of this means that if you are looking at your team week 0 and looking to make a change, you may be shooting yourself in the foot. Things are incredibly volatile. Give it a few weeks before making any moves. I myself have trouble following this advice (as I've just dropped a player last night), but I think the longer you wait, the more you mitigate the risk of being wrong. If you're right, more points for you. If you're wrong, enjoy the gutter. There is a lot of parity in a lot of groups these days.

Lastly, one of the things that stands out to me about this 1st week of fantasy results is AGE. So many of the top 50 are players who are S50 or younger. Williams himself is S53, in his basically 2nd season in the SHL. In fact, many S50 players are found in the top these days. S50 was a massive class at the time that has produced some very strong players. Compared to seasons previous, I think it marks a huge change in the direction of the SHL. It was a huge reddit draft and coincidentally (or not) marks a turning point in how this league conducts itself.

I've seen personally many old vets show up that i've never really met or interacted with, but the consensus among them is that they aren't quite satisfied with where the league is. By contrast, it feels like we've expanded way faster than I think we anticipated, and we have many many new faces. Not just new faces, but really strong players with better access to ways to make money and earn TPE.

What this means is, you're going to start seeing a lot more change than we've had the last 7 seasons. The old titans will soon fall away. S50 is a massive class hitting their prime, dancing on graves and scoring goals. But they aren't even the largest or most "talented" class since then. Many classes have had extremely strong drafts, especially with the move to the new system seeing more recreates than ever before. Super teams built on the back bone of early 40s players are going to struggle when rebuilding teams with the S50+ classes start to bloom (ahem, hello).

As with the league, so with fantasy. From this point forward, I think fantasy will be harder to gauge for those last few picks. Do I want Phillip Winter, class of 43? Do I think he can ONCE AGAIN style on this league and earn himself a top 20 spot in fantasy? Or is he FINALLY too old? Or Darrow? When will their stock ever run out? Is now the time to invest in Samuel Michaud, Jakob Hamr, or even William Hartmann or Phineas Gold or, might I suggest, Tom Fiddler?

Keep an eye on things. I'll be here next week with another recap. As always, check out the sheet here. It updates with live data from the SHL index and calculates fantasy scores. I still dont calculate goalies cuz im lazy

Team Name ---- Rank | Week 0 Rank | Change || Average Draft Rank | Change Points
Specters Lyle Odelein III ---- 1 | 9 | 8 || 11 | 10 135
Renegades Edward Williams ---- 2 | 1 | -1 || 50 | 48 122.7
syndicate Martijn Westbroek ---- 2 | 93 | 91 || 4 | 2 122
Steelhawks Elijah Jones ---- 4 | 19 | 15 || 3 | -1 120.6
Panthers Philipp Winter ---- 5 | 3 | -2 || 46 | 41 117.5
Steelhawks Samuel Michaud ---- 6 | 16 | 10 || 27 | 21 113.5
Barracuda Jakob Hamr ---- 7 | 34 | 27 || 16 | 9 112.5
Stampede Bobby Sharp ---- 8 | 47 | 39 || 30 | 22 112
Argonauts Cassius Darrow ---- 9 | 15 | 6 || 5 | -4 111.8
Stampede Augustus Wang ---- 10 | 58 | 48 || 21 | 11 111.3
Renegades Josef Kubinec ---- 11 | 2 | -9 || 50 | 39 110.8
Blizzard FR Finn-Rhys ---- 12 | 41 | 29 || 2 | -10 110.7
Stars Adam Barron ---- 13 | 7 | -6 || 44 | 31 108.6
Argonauts Satoshi Zizagooney ---- 14 | 18 | 4 || 49 | 35 108
Dragons Barry Batsbak ---- 15 | 17 | 2 || 41 | 26 107.1
Platoon Karl Krashwagen ---- 16 | 4 | -12 || 49 | 33 106.7
syndicate Corey Kennedy ---- 17 | 68 | 51 || 10 | -7 106.5
Inferno Rex Kirkby ---- 18 | 55 | 37 || 30 | 12 106.4
Dragons Esa Parmborg ---- 19 | 6 | -13 || 13 | -6 106.3
Steelhawks Michael Scarn ---- 20 | 77 | 57 || 5 | -15 105.6
Renegades Adam Scianna ---- 21 | 5 | -16 || New | -- 105.5
Dragons Kaspars Claude ---- 22 | 25 | 3 || 41 | 19 105.5
Renegades Kaarlo Kekkonen ---- 23 | 10 | -13 || 50 | 27 105.1
pride Henrik Lekberg Osterman ---- 24 | 43 | 19 || 50 | 26 103
Dragons Brennan Kennedy Jr. ---- 25 | 44 | 19 || 32 | 7 102.5
Stampede Nicholas Owens ---- 26 | 54 | 28 || New | -- 102.1
Renegades Andreas Kvalheim ---- 27 | 13 | -14 || 40 | 13 101.7
Stars Bobby Lane ---- 28 | 8 | -20 || 41 | 13 100.4
syndicate Daniel Smeb ---- 29 | 81 | 52 || 14 | -15 100.3
Rage Phineas Gold ---- 30 | 50 | 20 || 48 | 18 100.1
Blizzard Barrett Blackwood ---- 30 | 11 | -19 || 50 | 20 99.6
Stampede Monkey D. Luffy ---- 32 | 103 | 71 || 15 | -17 98.9
Inferno Dominic Montgomery ---- 33 | 89 | 56 || 46 | 13 98.6
Specters Bradley Barkov ---- 33 | 45 | 12 || New | -- 97.5
Dragons Boris Poroshenko ---- 35 | 22 | -13 || 48 | 13 96.3
Renegades Alexander Wachter ---- 36 | 20 | -16 || 48 | 12 96.2
Stars Ruslan Zaporozhets ---- 37 | 35 | -2 || New | -- 95.7
Steelhawks Theo Morgan ---- 38 | 70 | 32 || 21 | -17 95.7
Panthers Poopity Scoop ---- 39 | 32 | -7 || 48 | 9 95.6
Blizzard Karlstrasse Scholz ---- 40 | 56 | 16 || 42 | 2 95.5
Wolfpack Slap McShotty ---- 40 | 96 | 56 || 50 | 10 95.1
Stampede Alexander Selich ---- 42 | 46 | 4 || New | -- 94.6
Specters Steven Moyer ---- 43 | 29 | -14 || New | -- 94.4
Dragons Maxime Bouchard ---- 44 | 23 | -21 || 35 | -9 93.7
Platoon Nat Emerson ---- 45 | 67 | 22 || 20 | -25 93
Renegades Bjorn Leppanen ---- 46 | 71 | 25 || 50 | 4 92.8
Panthers Jimmy Slothface ---- 47 | 99 | 52 || 11 | -36 92.3
Barracuda Tom Fiddler ---- 48 | 42 | -6 || New | -- 92.2
Steelhawks Hugh Jazz ---- 49 | 23 | -26 || 44 | -5 91.9
Inferno Eko van Otter ---- 50 | 114 | 64 || 22 | -28 91.4
Stars Danny Marston ---- 51 | 75 | 24 || New | -- 91.1
Wolfpack Sven Yxskaft ---- 52 | 39 | -13 || 50 | -2 91
Stars Rhys Pritchard ---- 52 | 27 | -25 || New | -- 90.3
Rage David Vent ---- 54 | 28 | -26 || 50 | -4 90.2
Barracuda Zoltan Topalo ---- 55 | 49 | -6 || New | -- 90.1
Blizzard William Hartmann ---- 56 | 51 | -5 || New | -- 89.8
Steelhawks Zlatan Ibrahimovic Jr ---- 57 | 140 | 83 || 49 | -8 89
Platoon Valentin Kalashnikov ---- 58 | 104 | 46 || New | -- 88.9
Renegades Piotr Horvat ---- 59 | 12 | -47 || New | -- 88.1
Rage Oliver Cleary ---- 59 | 97 | 38 || 47 | -12 87.9
Renegades Eric Hudson ---- 60 | 14 | -46 || New | -- 87.6
Rage Andrej Doskocil ---- 61 | 120 | 59 || New | -- 87.6
syndicate Gunnar Soderberg ---- 63 | 40 | -23 || 48 | -15 87
Panthers Michael Fox ---- 64 | 48 | -16 || 46 | -18 86.8
Inferno Simon LeBlanc ---- 65 | 64 | -1 || 47 | -18 86.8
Steelhawks Mitchell van der Heijden ---- 66 | 79 | 13 || 49 | -17 86
Stampede Hippo Passamus ---- 66 | 131 | 65 || 50 | -16 85.9
pride Sven Svenson ---- 68 | 86 | 18 || New | -- 85.7
Steelhawks Aaron Wilson ---- 69 | 88 | 19 || 17 | -52 85.5
Inferno DeMaricus Smyth ---- 70 | 66 | -4 || 49 | -21 85.5
Argonauts Gabriel Johnson ---- 71 | 52 | -19 || 21 | -50 84.8
Dragons Mats Marner ---- 72 | 31 | -41 || New | -- 84.6
syndicate Ryan Shepard ---- 73 | 37 | -36 || 50 | -23 84.2
Stampede Matt Kholin ---- 74 | 130 | 56 || 46 | -28 83.8
Blizzard Julio Tokolosh ---- 74 | 63 | -11 || 7 | -67 83.7
Wolfpack Dick Clapper ---- 76 | 20 | -56 || 37 | -39 83.7
Argonauts Thomas Vanice ---- 77 | 135 | 58 || New | -- 82.8
pride Alex Petrenko ---- 78 | 142 | 64 || 48 | -30 80.9
Rage Ola Wagstrom ---- 79 | 83 | 4 || 41 | -38 80.8
Blizzard Jean-Paul Boivin ---- 80 | 159 | 79 || 50 | -30 80.5
Panthers Barret McCarthy ---- 81 | 76 | -5 || 50 | -31 80.5
Stars Delver Fudgeson ---- 82 | 30 | -52 || 49 | -33 80
Steelhawks Skao Anazibf ---- 83 | 148 | 65 || 50 | -33 79.7
Monarchs Mathias Seger ---- 84 | 113 | 29 || 45 | -39 79.7
Aurora Slip McScruff ---- 85 | 129 | 44 || 50 | -35 79.7
Aurora Nick Brain ---- 86 | 53 | -33 || 21 | -65 79.6
Inferno Brady McIntyre ---- 87 | 133 | 46 || New | -- 79.1
Steelhawks Ray Bork ---- 88 | 181 | 93 || New | -- 78.6
syndicate Parker Smeb ---- 89 | 91 | 2 || 27 | -62 78.2
Renegades SLATT Potts ---- 90 | 38 | -52 || 50 | -40 77.6
Wolfpack Jakub Bruchevski ---- 90 | 123 | 33 || 34 | -56 77.2
Barracuda James Ronlain ---- 92 | 115 | 23 || New | -- 76.6
Panthers Jimmy Wagner ---- 93 | 72 | -21 || New | -- 76.4
Rage Austin Roenick ---- 94 | 106 | 12 || New | -- 76.1
Monarchs Jack Klompus ---- 95 | 118 | 23 || New | -- 76.1
syndicate Ryuuji Minamino ---- 95 | 156 | 61 || 50 | -45 76
Blizzard Jon Forty-One ---- 97 | 26 | -71 || 44 | -53 75.7
Barracuda Ambacas Cuddles ---- 98 | 108 | 10 || 47 | -51 75.2
Renegades Burlok Sulfurgold ---- 99 | 33 | -66 || New | -- 74
Panthers Tony Ford ---- 100 | 102 | 2 || New | -- 74
Stars Axel Meszaros ---- 100 | 95 | -5 || 50 | -50 74
Stars Mika Kandinsky ---- 102 | 98 | -4 || 48 | -54 72.9
Panthers Thomas Bathory ---- 103 | 90 | -13 || New | -- 72.5
Blizzard Tony Pepperoni ---- 104 | 61 | -43 || 19 | -85 72.5
Stampede Steve Harrington ---- 105 | 161 | 56 || New | -- 72
Inferno Guy Zheng ---- 106 | 171 | 65 || 20 | -86 72
pride Chico Smeb ---- 107 | 151 | 44 || New | -- 71.8
Stampede Emilia Bergman ---- 108 | 111 | 3 || New | -- 70.6
Stampede Jaska Seppala ---- 109 | 163 | 54 || New | -- 70.5
Platoon Ethan Duncan ---- 110 | 80 | -30 || New | -- 70.4
Steelhawks Rikard Hammarberg ---- 111 | 197 | 86 || New | -- 70.2
Wolfpack Erben Kasius ---- 112 | 36 | -76 || New | -- 70.1
Panthers Keith Lee ---- 113 | 59 | -54 || New | -- 70
Argonauts Kriss Darzins ---- 114 | 194 | 80 || New | -- 69.6
Dragons Joseph Weston ---- 115 | 69 | -46 || New | -- 69.5
Steelhawks Guy O'Shea ---- 116 | 109 | -7 || New | -- 69.3
Specters Lil Manius ---- 117 | 62 | -55 || New | -- 68.9
Argonauts Bo Kane ---- 118 | 149 | 31 || 46 | -72 68.8
Aurora Magnus Liljestrom ---- 119 | 191 | 72 || New | -- 68.8
Stampede Aron Hernadivic ---- 120 | 170 | 50 || 48 | -72 67.8
pride Walton Stromberg ---- 121 | 198 | 77 || New | -- 67.5
Stampede Aumy Jr ---- 122 | 59 | -63 || New | -- 67.5
Specters Conner Hutton ---- 123 | 214 | 91 || New | -- 67.4
Monarchs Alex Marshall ---- 124 | 188 | 64 || New | -- 67.3
Monarchs Mika Mayfield ---- 125 | 217 | 92 || 50 | -75 67.3
Stars Ryosuke Sato ---- 126 | 92 | -34 || New | -- 67.3
pride Jeff Brogen ---- 127 | 230 | 103 || New | -- 67.2
Aurora Goku Muerto ---- 128 | 100 | -28 || New | -- 67.1
Wolfpack Alexander Oscarsson ---- 129 | 110 | -19 || New | -- 67.1
Argonauts Jack Kanoff ---- 130 | 143 | 13 || New | -- 66.9
Specters Atlas Rush ---- 131 | 86 | -45 || New | -- 66.7
Dragons Leopold Lockhart ---- 132 | 78 | -54 || New | -- 66.1
Rage Guy LeGrande ---- 133 | 204 | 71 || New | -- 65.9
Rage Jax Aittokallio ---- 134 | 207 | 73 || New | -- 65.9
syndicate Nick Connolly ---- 135 | 134 | -1 || 48 | -87 65.4
Wolfpack Ethan Price ---- 136 | 219 | 83 || 50 | -86 65.2
Inferno Nathan Explosion ---- 137 | 101 | -36 || New | -- 65
Blizzard Daniel Laforest ---- 138 | 153 | 15 || New | -- 65
syndicate Akira Ren ---- 139 | 155 | 16 || 48 | -91 64.9
Renegades Theo Kondos ---- 140 | 137 | -3 || New | -- 64.4
Argonauts Alexei Rykov ---- 140 | 105 | -35 || New | -- 64.2
Barracuda Michael Fitted ---- 142 | 82 | -60 || New | -- 63.8
Stars Ryu Jones ---- 143 | 141 | -2 || New | -- 63.7
Aurora Yoshimitsu McCloud ---- 144 | 125 | -19 || New | -- 63.2
Stars First-Name Last-Name ---- 145 | 172 | 27 || New | -- 63
Wolfpack (Clean) Andrei Kostitsyn ---- 146 | 112 | -34 || New | -- 62.7
Specters Olivier Cloutier ---- 147 | 74 | -73 || New | -- 62.5
Stampede Alexander Roach ---- 148 | 215 | 67 || New | -- 62.5
Blizzard Kyle Sutton ---- 149 | 138 | -11 || New | -- 62.2
Specters Oliver Klozoff ---- 150 | 178 | 28 || New | -- 62.2
Monarchs Collin Gibbles ---- 151 | 233 | 82 || 50 | -101 61.8
Barracuda Justin Keahi ---- 152 | 57 | -95 || New | -- 61.7
syndicate Lallo Selman ---- 153 | 65 | -88 || 49 | -104 61.5
Renegades Mikkel Asmus Sondergard ---- 154 | 73 | -81 || New | -- 61.5
Platoon Luc-Pierre Lespineau-Lebr ---- 155 | 179 | 24 || New | -- 61.5
Stars Ursin Zimmermann ---- 155 | 235 | 80 || New | -- 61.2
Platoon Teddy Park ---- 157 | 119 | -38 || New | -- 60.8
Monarchs Rocco Berni ---- 158 | 168 | 10 || New | -- 60.6
Blizzard Conor Tanner ---- 159 | 128 | -31 || New | -- 60.6
Monarchs Noah Gallagher ---- 160 | 184 | 24 || 50 | -110 60.4
Renegades Noah Brusky ---- 161 | 116 | -45 || 50 | -111 59.9
Monarchs Slimey Snail ---- 161 | 200 | 39 || New | -- 59.7
Rage Luke Thomason ---- 163 | 94 | -69 || New | -- 59.2
Rage Piotr Czerkawski ---- 164 | 224 | 60 || New | -- 58.8
Steelhawks Devin Basher ---- 165 | 192 | 27 || 49 | -116 58.3
Rage Perry Morgan ---- 166 | 146 | -20 || New | -- 58.2
Argonauts Reid Sutherland ---- 166 | 213 | 47 || New | -- 58
Monarchs Cal Labovitch ---- 168 | 246 | 78 || 50 | -118 57.6
pride Rikard Bjerg ---- 169 | 188 | 19 || New | -- 57.4
Dragons Mikael Choybuk ---- 170 | 164 | -6 || New | -- 57
Blizzard James Truong ---- 171 | 154 | -17 || New | -- 56.9
Aurora Prince Devitt ---- 171 | 152 | -19 || New | -- 56.8
Aurora Commander Shepard ---- 173 | 199 | 26 || 50 | -123 56.5
Stars Liam Slate ---- 174 | 122 | -52 || New | -- 56.4
syndicate Akashi SixNine ---- 175 | 127 | -48 || New | -- 56.3
Dragons Otis B. Driftwood ---- 176 | 132 | -44 || New | -- 56.3
pride Yngve Simonsson ---- 177 | 187 | 10 || New | -- 55.7
syndicate Jules Watt ---- 178 | 174 | -4 || New | -- 55.6
syndicate Disisde Dayudie ---- 179 | 218 | 39 || 49 | -130 55.5
Inferno Manuel Gotze ---- 180 | 106 | -74 || New | -- 55.4
Panthers Vorian Atreides ---- 181 | 222 | 41 || 50 | -131 55.3
Specters Nicolaj Muller ---- 182 | 229 | 47 || New | -- 54.8
Barracuda Panda Panico ---- 182 | 85 | -97 || New | -- 54.6
Platoon Daniil Nikiforov ---- 184 | 136 | -48 || New | -- 54.5
Specters Filip Zadina ---- 185 | 177 | -8 || New | -- 53.7
Specters Darnell Johnson ---- 186 | 186 | 0 || New | -- 53.5
Argonauts Hiro Fujikawa ---- 187 | 143 | -44 || New | -- 53.2
Inferno Patric Twist ---- 187 | 147 | -40 || 50 | -137 53.1
Blizzard Tor Tuck ---- 189 | 139 | -50 || New | -- 53.1
Aurora Pojo Biscuit ---- 189 | 203 | 14 || New | -- 52.8
Platoon Tanjiro Kamado ---- 191 | 150 | -41 || New | -- 52.8
Stars Taylor Johansson ---- 192 | 84 | -108 || New | -- 52.5
Dragons Mack Daddy ---- 193 | 169 | -24 || New | -- 52.4
Barracuda Colin Lambert ---- 194 | 145 | -49 || New | -- 52.4
Steelhawks Bork Lazer ---- 195 | 184 | -11 || New | -- 52.1
Rage Jed Mosley Jr ---- 196 | 268 | 72 || New | -- 52
Inferno Carlos Brown ---- 196 | 166 | -30 || New | -- 52
Argonauts Abel Skinner ---- 198 | 206 | 8 || New | -- 52
Barracuda Igor Victory ---- 199 | 205 | 6 || New | -- 51.7
Monarchs Noah Tedla ---- 199 | 238 | 39 || New | -- 51.4
Wolfpack Calvin Hobbes ---- 201 | 183 | -18 || New | -- 51.3
Dragons Chris Goodname ---- 202 | 173 | -29 || New | -- 51.2
Rage Luca Veccelli ---- 203 | 212 | 9 || New | -- 50.8
Barracuda Vladmir Petrov ---- 204 | 239 | 35 || New | -- 50.2
Dragons Sachimo Zoidberg III ---- 205 | 125 | -80 || New | -- 50.2
Barracuda Elwulf Jericson ---- 206 | 201 | -5 || New | -- 50.1
Platoon GOD McZehrl ---- 207 | 165 | -42 || New | -- 50
Wolfpack Leonids Balzams ---- 208 | 121 | -87 || New | -- 49.9
Wolfpack Gudmundur Kristjansson ---- 209 | 196 | -13 || New | -- 49.7
Argonauts Frederick Wanesly ---- 209 | 208 | -1 || New | -- 49.7
pride Nathan Thomas ---- 211 | 160 | -51 || New | -- 49.1
Rage David Kastrba ---- 211 | 216 | 5 || New | -- 49.1
Barracuda Dwight Knight ---- 213 | 231 | 18 || New | -- 48.3
Aurora Zakkira Diporov ---- 214 | 225 | 11 || New | -- 48.3
syndicate Jean-Uhtred Ragnarsson-Tr ---- 215 | 194 | -21 || New | -- 48.1
Blizzard Axel Foley ---- 216 | 175 | -41 || New | -- 48
Platoon Ivan Maximus ---- 216 | 124 | -92 || New | -- 47.8
Inferno Stan Q. Next ---- 218 | 208 | -10 || New | -- 47.4
Barracuda Joorgustraad DuBolk ---- 219 | 158 | -61 || New | -- 46.1
Aurora Jason Desrouleaux ---- 220 | 264 | 44 || New | -- 45.7
Inferno Simon Takshak ---- 221 | 242 | 21 || New | -- 45.4
Inferno Anders Christiansen ---- 222 | 211 | -11 || New | -- 45.4
Wolfpack Teylora Petrov ---- 223 | 210 | -13 || New | -- 45.2
Dragons Nicky Pedersen Jr. ---- 224 | 162 | -62 || New | -- 43.9
Steelhawks Rotticus Scott ---- 225 | 228 | 3 || 49 | -176 43.5
Aurora Calogero Crudelli ---- 226 | 244 | 18 || New | -- 43.3
Platoon Adam Friedland ---- 227 | 117 | -110 || New | -- 43.2
Aurora Zelma Zuntnere ---- 228 | 220 | -8 || New | -- 41.5
Rage Jukka Timonen ---- 229 | 257 | 28 || 50 | -179 41.2
pride Jax Duggan ---- 230 | 260 | 30 || New | -- 41
Monarchs johnny Shuffleboard ---- 230 | 237 | 7 || New | -- 39.9
Inferno Maximilian Egger ---- 231 | 227 | -4 || New | -- 39.2
Panthers Elias Kierkegaard ---- 233 | 176 | -57 || New | -- 39.1
Monarchs Jmac NCheese ---- 234 | 260 | 26 || New | -- 39
Barracuda Matthew Forrester ---- 235 | 167 | -68 || New | -- 38.9
Panthers Jonas Kahnwald ---- 235 | 258 | 23 || New | -- 38.4
Stampede Knute Knurtsson ---- 236 | 190 | -46 || New | -- 37.3
Renegades Joseph Fantobens ---- 238 | 221 | -17 || New | -- 36.6
Platoon Brock Nuck ---- 239 | 193 | -46 || New | -- 35.8
Blizzard Kalevi Karhunen ---- 240 | 256 | 16 || New | -- 35.5
Platoon Lord Raiden ---- 240 | 156 | -84 || New | -- 35.3
Stars Luffy Richard ---- 242 | 241 | -1 || New | -- 35.2
pride Andrey Barbashev II ---- 243 | 179 | -64 || New | -- 33.9
Aurora James Kimanje ---- 244 | 252 | 8 || New | -- 33.1
Specters Bale ---- 245 | 236 | -9 || New | -- 32.6
Platoon Bryce McMahon ---- 246 | 202 | -44 || New | -- 32.6
Platoon Patrick Shepherd ---- 247 | 232 | -15 || New | -- 32.4
Monarchs Asclepius Perseus Flitter ---- 248 | 223 | -25 || New | -- 32.1
Specters Anthony Archer ---- 248 | 247 | -1 || New | -- 31.9
Wolfpack James LeBlond ---- 250 | 240 | -10 || New | -- 31.4
pride Niccolo Livius ---- 251 | 250 | -1 || New | -- 31.3
Stampede Rintarou Okabe ---- 251 | 249 | -2 || New | -- 30.8
Argonauts Dee Centerman IV ---- 253 | 254 | 1 || New | -- 30.5
Specters Kenny Creller ---- 254 | 252 | -2 || New | -- 30.3
Monarchs Rock Strongo ---- 254 | 268 | 14 || New | -- 29.8
pride Fleetway Super Sonic ---- 256 | 255 | -1 || New | -- 29.6
pride Henrik Lundqvist Jr. ---- 256 | 182 | -74 || New | -- 29.4
Panthers TURG TURG ---- 258 | 248 | -10 || New | -- 29.1
syndicate Lassi Suhonen ---- 259 | 226 | -33 || 49 | -210 29
Wolfpack Sasha Dangelchek ---- 259 | 233 | -26 || New | -- 28.9
Argonauts Sabo Tage ---- 260 | 259 | -1 || New | -- 26.8
Specters PBJ Souppan ---- 262 | 245 | -17 || New | -- 26.1
Aurora Adrik Baranov ---- 262 | 251 | -11 || New | -- 25.9
Panthers Grape Fruit ---- 264 | 263 | -1 || New | -- 21.8
Argonauts Mikas Bieksa ---- 265 | 262 | -3 || New | -- 19.7
pride Anastasia O'Koivu ---- 266 | #N/A | #N/A || New | -- 19.5
Monarchs Arsene Leclerc ---- 267 | 266 | -1 || New | -- 18.5
Aurora Sarah Burke ---- 267 | 270 | 3 || New | -- 17.3
Panthers Rainbow Dash ---- 269 | 267 | -2 || New | -- 16.6
Wolfpack Alexis Vermette ---- 270 | 265 | -5 || New | -- 13.4
Stars Juni Panda ---- 270 | #N/A | #N/A || New | -- 2.3

1380 written words + data.

Split pay between myself and Keven. Thank you for your hard work, Keven.

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

Somehow forgot to list total points....

[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

Sorry to whoever drafted me for having my regression build in week 1 Confused

[Image: 66818_s.gif]

Always love this sort of analysis! Glad to know my draft data was helpful yet again

[Image: Keven.gif]
Thanks to @enigmatic, @Matteo, @sulovilen, @zeagle1, and @TheOPSquid for all the sigs!
Czechia Malamutes Rage Czechia
Canada Citadelles pride syndicate

no delays here! fhn best network fasho

[Image: pppoopoo.gif]
[Image: 7925.png]
Thanks to @karey and @JSS for the sigs!

Former USA Fed Head, Carolina Kraken Co-GM, Tampa Bay Barracuda GM

02-19-2021, 07:07 PMslothfacekilla Wrote: Sorry to whoever drafted me for having my regression build in week 1  Confused


[Image: premierbromanov.gif]

Fuck the penaltys
[Image: EePsAwN.png][Image: sXDU6JX.png][Image: eaex9S1.png]

S50 taking over!!

[Image: JvI8fTp.png]

[Image: 9tINabI.png] [Image: c97iD9R.png]

[Image: uDjThoa.png]


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