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Pre-Playoff Finals Presser: Georgette Pel Ask me quesitons yo

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[There's a press table set-up for the Raiders in the press-room of the Scotiabank Centre, and the usual Raiders names are sitting down and participating -- Banning, Iversen, Volkova, the Raiders' Coach, but also Kosonen, Reflieux, Laing, anyone the media has really been keeping a keen eye on the last few games.

Alex Reed is in the middle of answer a question when Georgette Pel in shorts and Lokomotiv Yaroslavl hoodie slinks by trying to make her way from the cool-down cardio room to the showers; she stops a moment to listen to Reeder answer his question, taps him on the shoulder half-way through, and the two engage in a fist-bumping, elbow-tickling handshake even as Reed keeps his head forwards while answering the reporter who asked him a question. Pel shifts towards the background once more, hoping to make it to the showers unobstructed, but Reed's finished talking, and, surprisingly, the media's next target is her.]

SB NATION BLOGGER: GEORGIE! Georgie, we have a few questions from our live-stream Twitter feed, if you've got a few minutes?

PEL: [muffled] Wait, fucking -- for real?

SB NATION BLOGGER: Yah, for real. You mind sitting down for a sec?

[Pel pauses at the edge of the table and looks to coach, who nods and gestures at the seat where Reed currently is. Reed grins, gets up, and offers Pel is chair. Pel shrugs, and goes to go sit. She looks tired, maybe a little subdued, but ready to answer questions.]

PEL: Alright, do your worst guy. Whatta ya got for me?

Quote:[b]REPORTER: (<a href='index.php?showuser=2245' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Grapehead</a>) Which SHL team interests you most?[/b]

PEL: You mean for the upcoming draft, or generally? I gotta say, my boy Dicky C. has some superb taste singing with the Calgary Dragons, but my understanding is that they're ass-deep in goalies at the moment, so I won't be following him there, that's for sure.

Otherwise? I don't know, it's a tough crowd at the moment for goalies if you're not a top-five tending pick. To be honest -- Toronto and Portland both have situations that I find incredibly appealing at the moment; you've got some big guys who are still marquee names running the show in net in both places, but give them another couple of seasons, and they'll slowly be sliding out of their prime. It's a great time and place to start to get to know a locker room, start to get to know your teammates, and really make a home, you know? Plus, I'm patient. I don't mind not starting immediately, so I don't care if I'm behind someone who has four to five seasons left on their clock before regression. When I arrive, I'm gonna arrive in a big fucking way, and I'm happy to wait if it means giving me a chance to shine in that top spot.

More immediately, though, I know Manhattan, Hamilton, and Texas all need people in goal, and pretty much tout de suite. I'm not averse to any of those teams approaching me so long as I get the impression they're as invested in trusting me as I am them with the future of my career.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Why are you so underrated?[/b]

PEL: Well, that's a hell of a question.

[Pel sighs, and looks away from the camera, scratching at the purple bandanna covering her forehead and pushing her hair out of her eyes. She eventually shrugs, and begins talking again.]

PEL: There are a few factors -- one is that there have been some serious heavy hitters in goal this season for the SMJHL, and a few of them are definitely rookies. Wahlgren and Waters have both been magic in goal for their respective teams, Aittokallio -- while not as surprisingly well-performing -- has the name and the legacy to back-up his claim to draft pick fame. Rudnikova and Wehner have both put up some surprisingly adept performances. Rudnikova, I have no idea how she faces the quantity of shots she does and still manages to maintain that kind of style consistency -- she's a gift to the Mammoths, who'd be far worse off without her. Wehner, despite his time split with Link, has done some gorgeous shit in goal for Vancouver. You've also got Kirkstone -- who despite being in a similar to mine has managed to make enough of a splash that I think any scout worth their fucking salt will make sure that SHL teams looking for a goalie on the down-low take a good hard look at him as well.

And then, to be honest, there are my own failings. I was absent from a lot of the SMJHL pre-season hullabaloo, partly because of trying to transition my charity's management to some folks my agent picked out --

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Is this the same charity mentioned in your pre-signing profile by the sports media blog, The Ringer?[/b]

PEL: Ah -- err, yeah. Actually. Shit, I'm surprised anyone remembers that profile -- I never wound up being able to do the follow-up interview I had originally agreed to because of how much our season picked up, and how much play-time I wound up actually seeing as a starter for Halifax. I actually -- I actually feel kind of terrible about that all said and done, but yeah. It's an after-school hockey program designed to target at-risk youth in urban areas, takes waivers for low-income households, and we have a pretty in-depth need assessment to make sure that pretty much anyone who wants to be there can be there. We run the kids around, work on their skating confidence, basic hockey skills, feed 'em, and then workshop their leadership and off-ice confidence as best as we can in small-group environments -- listen, I digress. It's called Puck Club, I think our media intern even has a website up and everything now -- Google that shit.

But yeah, transitioning Puck Club management was a lot more difficult than I initially anticipated, probably because of my own personal investment in it, so I wound up trying to sign into the SMJHL post-draft. It was hard. I didn't honestly think I'd get pulled off UFA status, but Bottas -- the GM over at Halifax -- apparently listened to the sugar bullshit my agent was spinning, and, well -- here I am. I'm not as well trained as some of the other tenders out there, not just because of my late acquisition, but because of a pretty large pause in play. I didn't come straight from Bantam, or Juniors AA -- I was first year college hockey, but I kind of fucked that up due to some personal shit and had a year or so where I wasn't playing much. Halifax as worked with me as much as they're able to get me back in fighting shape, and I owe a huge portion of that effort to kick my ass back into shape not only to my management and coaching staff, but to the other goalies -- Dicky C. Hocolate's been fucking awesome, and Fleury and I have spent extra time working together to get my miserable skating up to scratch, so. You know.

All in all, it's been a process. For people that didn't see me play for Dalhousie, for people that don't bother to look a little deeper at the work I've been doing, it's pretty easy to dismiss my performance this season. But someone's gonna draft me, that's for fucking sure, and it'll be the best decision they've ever made, even if they don't know it yet.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Thoughts on the Jeff Kirkstone trade?[/b]

PEL: Shut the front fucking door, Kirky got traded?

[Laing leans over and whispers into Pel's ear for a minute. Pel turns to look at her and blinks, before looking back out at the press.]

PEL: Good for fucking him, man. No -- really. He's dedicated as all hell, and while it's a shame to see him go to Detroit of all the fucking places, I hope they treat him to some serious ice time so he can stretch his wings. It's always a pleasure to see him on the ice, even when I'm playing against him, so I hope Detroit is where he finally comes to roost.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Will Halifax beat Prince George? and Why?[/b]

PEL: Fucking right we will, I'll bet anyone on that dumpster of a team $8M with the misguided balls to say otherwise -- and you can absolutely quote me on that. Why? If we were any other team in the East, you wouldn't even fucking be asking us that, that's why. Halifax has had some really rough waters when it's come to our regular season, but goddamn you have to be blind to try and deny that we don't have the talent to wreck Prince George sitting and waiting to be let out of the gate at the first opportunity. We are defensively diamond hard to crack, Dicky's been putting up a silky-smooth performance in net -- with really two exceptions thus far -- and our forward lines have gone from being a little rough around the edges to razor sharp in the crucible of the playoffs. I don't think our performance is going to -- I don't know, all-of-a-sudden about face, and anybody who says otherwise is fucking high or salty as hell.

I don't mind people calling us a Cinderella team, but it's factually inaccurate -- we were never downtrodden rags to begin with, haters be damned. We've been our weakest when luck and focus weren't on our side, and both have been working for us these first two rounds here at this season's Four Star Cup. I have to believe -- no, really, you're laughing, but I have to believe we're 100% capable of knocking down the Firebirds' front gate and wrecking the living daylights out of them in four games, because hubris is all we have. Humility is something people often tell you is a virtue, especially in professional sports yeah, but fuck that -- as far as I'm concerned, at it's core, hockey bleeds luck. It's skeleton might be built from skill, but you cut the game's skin, and it dribbles out chance and determination and grit. Just like a human body can die from blood loss, so too can hockey die from a lack of belief, from a lack of desire to simply win. More than skill, more than stacking up our stats neck to neck, the Raiders will out perform the Firebirds due to a simple difference in how badly we want to win. A simple difference in our frank confidence. Have you seen us on the bench? Have you heard us in the locker room? Have you seen us fight and skate and bleed? We want it more than they do, so we'll take this series from them. There is no doubt -- at least, not for me.

[Pel shakes her head and grins, like she's laughing at an inside joke no one else can hear.]

Next question.

[Pel pulls her gymbag into her lap, fishing out a small tupperware of snicker-doodle cookies which she opens and offers briefly to Laing sitting next to her, who peers at them and looks up, asking a question too low to be caught on mic. "Nah, they've got protein powder in them -- like eight grams a cookie, just try one they're pretty solid --" Pel mumbles in return, and Laing tentatively fishes one out of the plastic container. A reporter clears their throat, and Pel turns around, shielding her eyes.]

PEL: You -- uh, in the funny looking toque. Yeah, man, you. Go for it.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: (<a href='index.php?showuser=73' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Boomcheck</a>) Would you be fine competing with another goaltender from this draft class if you are drafted by the same team?[/b]

[Pel grins a grin so wide, her face looks a little painful. She takes a moment to deliberately fish out a cookie and bite it into it, before answering with her mouth full.]

PEL: [chewing] Thish fucking queshtion -- theresh no right anshwer honeshtly --

[Pel chews, swallows, and clears her throat.]

PEL: Look. It's a draft. I don't have a choice in who takes me. It's also a draft so deep with goalies, so looking at free agency is a very real proposition for me at the moment, depending on how scouting goes and how the rest of my playoffs fare. I'm not in a position to cherry-pick how and with whom and under what circumstances I go to any team in the SHL, not right now. But yeah, between you and me and the few thousand or so people that are gonna wind-up watching this presser when it gets posted on the League website? No. No I would not be fine, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean, competing against another rookie goalie from my own draft stock for a 1A/1B position on an SHL team.

The difference in our skill levels are minimal at the moment -- although, a lot like how when you're younger, small changes in age matter more than when you grow older, the small differences in skill are absolutely more visible at the moment. I also do get why GMs are looking at two goalie picks -- especially those thirstier for keepers at the moment, like the Manhattan, Hamilton, and Los Angeles front offices -- so many of us tenders this year are aggressive and determined to make our mark, it's hard not to want to spread your chances of nabbing a Hall-of-Famer when so many of us seem determined to claw our way to that level of potential. But bottom line, I feel like double-drafting two of us from the same stock is akin to a GM doubting our level of commitment to our trade and craft, not to mention our commitment to our future team and continued careers in the SHL. When we go into the draft, we as potential players are required to have a bit of faith that the GMs calling our names up on that stage want us to play and play hard for their teams. Double drafting a goalie, I feel -- well, I feel like it's not returning that same faith. It's an expression of doubt in both the people drafted. Some might feel like that worm of doubt is a great way to breed motivation to work harder, play harder for your teammates -- I'm more of carrot than a stick gal, myself, so to be perfectly honest, negging my abilities and my commitment isn't the way to get me to go all out for you or your team.

[Pel shrugs.]

PEL: But again. I have no say in who drafts me, or to what end. If that's the situation I'm pushed into, I'll do what I can to make the best of it, but you can be sure I'll be gunning for an early trade depending on the reception I receive -- it's not fair to me or my draft classmate to have us at each others' throats, not unless we're staring each other down across enemy ice.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: You're one of the most dedicated people I know, how do you feel having a high amount of TPE even though you were a FA?[/b]

PEL: Do I really -- I mean. I don't know, I stand a lot to gain in the skills department, but I'd like to believe I've tried to make the best of everything available to me in the regular season and the post season in terms of training.

[Pel eats another cookie.]

PEL: Where it's really started to show up, honestly, has been these playoffs. The two times Dicky's been called back, and I've had to step in and step up, I've come away with a 0.93% saves percentage and that's not too fucking shabby at all. I also had a five game win streak where I was starting during the back-end of the season that was just honestly rewarding as all hell. When you work hard, and you see it pay off -- the degree of satisfaction is almost indescribable, you know?

Slow and steady is the only way to to approach things, especially, I feel, when you get a late start. I'm going to take advantage of every training opportunity I can manage to -- post-season, pre-season, you name it. I'm going to keep pushing the boundaries of my skill set as hard as I can manage until I start winning more games, until I start stopping more goals, until I'm so good people can't help but notice how well I'm doing. I think my skills accumulation up until now is an indication of my dedication and motivation to that end goal, and I hope everyone else -- especially my teammates and SHL scouts -- see it that way too.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Should Kasparek continue with his hockey career or pursue his newfound love for baking stuff?[/b]

[Pel is about to eat a third cookie, when the hand lifting the cookie from the container freezes, and she looks immensely guilty.]

PEL: Uh. Can, uh. Can Kasparek bake? Really? Ah-hah, uh. I had no idea, man.

[Pel gently replaces the cookie and firmly closes the tupperware. She pushes the closed box to the far end of the table and very much out of her reach.]

PEL: Well, you know. It's good for people to have hobbies, right? And the kid plays some good hockey, for all he's a cocky swinging-dick, so if he bakes like he shoots --

[Pel stares with a disturbing degree of intensity at the cookies -- her left hand, almost as if on auto-pilot, goes to reclaim the box, but Georgie suddenly realizes it's moving without her explicit permission and pulls it back, balling it into a fist, and folding it under her elbows.]

PEL: -- yeah, if he bakes like he plays hockey, he should. I don't know, start selling his baked goods to the community or something. High-protein snicker-doodle cookies, for example, could easily find a market among athletes, especially if they're made with a low-glycemic index sweetener like agave and have a perfect dusting of cinnamon, nutmeg, and granulated monkfruit on top --

Quote:[b]REPORTER: You're talking about these "potential" cookies with a high degree of specificity for someone who doesn't actually know about Kasparek's baking skills --[/b]

PEL: Oh fuck off, guy. There's a pinterest board I'm on that talks about those protein cookies, OK? It's not like they're the very same ones I was given a box of in payment for dating consultation services rendered--

[Laing elbows Pel, and elbows her hard. At the same time, the reporter makes a very concerned "uhh--" noise, and opens their mouth for a second follow-up question. Pel panics, knocks the tupperware box clean off the table and practically yells --]


Quote:[b]REPORTER: I have a few here about your personal life -- (<a href='index.php?showuser=2297' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>InciteHysteria</a>) rate your Karaoke skills 1-10? Who is the best Karaoke'r in the rookie discord. Make a ranking please.[/b]

PEL: Please, I'm amazing at karaoke and have the voice of a caged songbird -- 20/10. As for the rest of that question -- I mean, I think at this point it's no secret that there was an unsanctioned chat room started up for SMJHL rookie fraternization during the pre-season combine, right? So sometimes, outside of general shitposting and talking, things get a little crazy up in the voice chat, talking devolves into singing, and before you know it -- karaoke-ing happens. I've only personally been privy to one such occasion, but my lovely roommate, for all she's bashful about her skills --

[An empty water bottle is haphazardly thrown at Pel from further down the table, and without missing a beat, Pel catches it with one hand and continues to talk.]

PEL: -- actually has a pretty decent set of pipes on her. Isn't that right, Volksie?

VOLKOVA: [off-camera, shouted] Fuck you.

PEL: -- like an animal?

VOLKOVA: [off-camera, shouted] NO.

[Pel is trying hard not to laugh and is failing more than succeeding.]

PEL: But -- hah, uh. If you want a ranking, I'll give you my top three I guess, in no particular order: Eduard Selich (<a href='index.php?showuser=2285' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Tomen</a>), for the sheer balls it takes to sing Selena Gomez solo, Trevor Wilson (<a href='index.php?showuser=2293' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>twils</a>) for the unexpected rap chops, and the last spot -- though certainly not the least -- is going to go to Volks (<a href='index.php?showuser=2238' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>shlpris41</a>) over there for two reasons, the first of which is simply that her fluidity in delivering Kanye West's Monster was both surprising and impressive, the second of which being that there are some things that happen in karaoke that have to stay in karaoke but that surviving those things takes grit and some serious self-forgiveness, so bless you buddy. And no more Nine Inch Nails.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Also, any plans for you and [Volkova] to go on tour?[/b]

[Pel opens her mouth to respond, but there's a click and the short static burst of another microphone on the desk auto-adjusting its levels as it turns on. The camera zooms out to include the entire panel of players and coaching staff in the frame. Pietra Volkova leans in and answers the question before Pel manages to say anything.]

VOLKOVA: Are you high?

PEL: More importantly, we wouldn't make enough money off royalties to make the whole thing worth it. I already talked to my agent about it.

VOLKOVA: You talked to your agent about it.

PEL: The off-season is a long and lonely place, Volks. Besides, after that last house party, we're poor as hell -- you know how much it cost to repair the roof of JLR's house after you and Kaisey --

[A reporter clears their throat loudly. The camera zooms back in on Pel, who looks mildly sheepish.]

PEL: Sorry. Continue.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: If your cat was a transformer which one would it be? If your cat is not represented within the current transformers, tell me which car would represent it.[/b]

PEL: Well, I currently have a dog -- her name is Muffin, she's a bullmastiff, and she's been living with Ivers and Volks and me since I brought her home pretty early on in the season. I'm gonna do her first, if that's OK -- and I'd say she's Wheeljack. Muffin causes some pretty ridiculous pandemonium up in the Raiderettes household, and nine times out of ten, it's not just your standard dog-related nonsense, I swear she plots and schemes and invents little doggie Rube Goldberg machines just to try and jailbreak herself from the doggie pens we have set up, or to get her food from the top of cabinets where even she can't reach. It's ridiculous. And it usually ends in tears -- her tears -- like the one time we had to unstick her from where she'd wedged herself behind the washing machine. That combined with how energetic she is, and how frankly atheletic she can be when you really let her run outside in the woods -- Wheeljack, through and through.

Back home, I left my two cats with some of the guys that still camp up at Rivière-Moisie, since I wasn't sure how long I'd be up in Halifax for -- my two lovely shitheads Felix and Belle.

Belle is Bumblebee, without a doubt -- and I'd say Felix is Sixshot. Belle is a runt like Bumblebee, she's a smart-ass and she's sneaky, able to squeeze into places and through obstacles you would never expect her to be able to get through. She's also got incredible eyesight, even for a cat -- she tracks the smallest movement in shadows on the wall -- it's ridiculous, you think she's crazy, sitting and staring the corner wall, but then you realize she's tracking the slightest of glare coming off the screen of your cell phone. Felix is Sixshot because he's belligerent as hell and frankly insane. I've seen him rip a mouse to shreds and laugh. I've seen him sail across a five meter gap, tuck into a roll, and then run half way up a vertical wall, all in pursuit of a fly. I've seen him mourn the loss of great enemies after he dispatches them, with a tenderness you wouldn't expect from a man, let alone a cat. Those are just three of his modes, though, because like Sixshot, Felix has about six different approaches to getting what he wants. He'll sneak under furniture and blitzkreig your ankles. He'll cuddle up on you, lick you, and then go-full face-hugger with razor claws and teeth. Like Sixshot, you just don't fuck with Felix.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Explain which sandwich is the greatest and tell me how it is superior to other sandwiches.[/b]

PEL: The one sandwich to rule them all is a cheese, pickles, and Vegemite sandwich. Best served on napkin-like sliced white bread, the cheese, pickles, and 'mite combination is an uppercut of umami funkiness right to your tongue tinglers. It's salty, it's tangy, it -- like all excellent sandwiches -- combines a perfect semi-soft al dente pop with the gooeyness of Vegemite and the mild crunchiness of pickle relish. The bread is honestly immaterial to this sandwich, but crustier, more hearty loafs would truly distract from the supple wonderment required to fully appreciate this combination in all its glory. Praise be to the Cheese, Pickles, and Vegemite square, there are no others like it, or above it, in excellence.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: If the Rookie Discord smelled like something, what would that smell be?[/b]

PEL: I'm pretty sure the different rooms all have their particular odeurs. The meme channel probably smells like day-old poutine, general disaster -- like fabric softener and baked pies. The voicetext I imagine has the enduring aroma of alcohol and shame, shlfanfiction -- I'm not even gonna touch what shlfanfiction smells like, but it involves Old Spice Bearglove bodyspray. Gaming, like stale sweat and the acrid acidity of Monster energy drinks. Trashtalk oddly smells like burned toast -- I can't figure that one out at all.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Favorite tabletop RPG system? Benefits of the system and when the hell are we going to play it?[/b]

PEL: What, like Dungeons and Dragons type shit? I, uh, honestly, I don't really play tabl e to P RPGGGGGGGGSSSS ---

[The lights all cut-off, and all that's left is the glowing silhouette of a door, its' frame illuminated only by the edges of light streaming out from behind it. It opens, and out steps Boz (<a href='index.php?showuser=2349' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>Fivehole</a>) from behind the Fourth Wall.]

BOZ: Yep, there was no way to keep this one in character, so I'm here to answer this question. I love, LOVE, love Powered by the Apocalypse games. Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, Urban Shadows, all the ones I can get my hands on, and here's the why in a nutshell:

>It's a simple system -- it operates on a 2d6 decision engine, although some of the games incorporate other dice for damage rolls. It has three clear-cut outcomes for any one attempt at an action -- Success, Partial Success, and Failure -- and true success is quite rare, allowing most dice roles, by virtue of the failure clauses for the roll, to actually move the action of the story onwards.
>It's a story first, stats second system. These will always be my favorite systems.
>World building is communal, and by the seat of your pants. You spend a little time first session figuring out your environment, but inter-related PCs and places and catastrophes that can't be predicted get edited into the story as your characters move through the world, and the degree of improv storytelling expected of the MC (GM) as well as the participation of the PCs really enrich games played using this system.
>Because you don't have to stat out attributes like crazy, this is a great game to use with people who are a little tired of two-page stat sheets and with RPG novices alike.
>I've only ever had fun playing these games. I will willingly DM these games.

Now, as for when we're gonna play, if you get me at least three PCs, I will run a game for you. Pinky promise. I'm only currently a PC in one game irl, so I have the time and the inclination to do it, I just would need the players.

[Boz smiles, waves, and turns for the door.]

BOZ: At any rate! Now back to your regularly scheduled presser with Peller. If you've got more questions for me personally, I might wind up lumping them all in at the end to come back to after we're done with the SHL-related shenanigans. Tschüßi!

[She walks through the door, and slams it. The lights immediately come back on, the door and its frame vanish, and Pel is sitting at the table, looking stunned and a little vacant.]

PEL: Wait, sorry, what was the question?

Quote:[b]REPORTER: If I have water in my ear, is it still safe to listen to electronic music?[/b]

PEL: Are you just -- are you reading everything people are tweetering at you? What the hell kind of -- it's probably fine, OK? Just make sure you're wearing rubber soles when Skrill drops it hard, and never -- while we're on the topic of electrical no-nos -- under any circumstances try to curl your hair while sitting in the bath. Also, nothing to do with electricity, but don't try cook rice on the stove after you come home drunk from the club, just order falafel like a normal person; I had to Google what to do about a kitchen fire once while there were active flames coming from the cookware on my stove, and it wasn't pretty. Life advice.

[A young man with a Deadspin press badge waves at Pel, and after taking a sip of water, she nods at him to go next.]

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: (@shlpris42) Just had a couple of question submissions via the comments of my live-stream of the event. This one reads: why are you so insistent on getting [Volkova] a boyfriend, Peller? [She's] fine alone.[/b]

[Pel audibly groans.]

PEL: OK, I don't know who told you I've been -- listen. Volkova's mom. Nice woman, probably, I mean -- someone married her, and Mr. Volkov's actually a really sweet little old man -- so I imagine she must have something approximating actual redeeming qualities? But wow. Volkova's mother is a menace.

She comes to "visit" the apartment really early season, and I guess she must've tried to work Ivers first, but it's almost impossible to get Ivers to do something she really doesn't want to do, so then Volkova's mother decided to work me. Starts off by feeding me so much food, wouldn't let me stop -- kept refilling my bowl and hit me with a wooden spoon if I tried to protest her reupping me on borscht -- and I tried to endure that by itself for as long as I could, but then she starts in on the heart-to-heart over her daughter's future as a professional sportswoman, and whether or not that'll allow for her to be truly happy once she's old and broken down like me and how like all women, Pietra needs a pack of children or whatever so she'll have little girls to worry about in the future like how Mama Volks has Pietra now -- I mean, Jesus Christ. I'd be a terrible mother. I have no idea why she's trying to get me to help her force that on someone else, let alone her daughter who can be frankly terrifying with a carbon fiber stick, but here we are -- I've been eating borscht for four hours at this point, and I didn't know what was worse: the stomach cramps I had because I'm actually fucking allergic to beets, or the fact that Izolda Valerinichna Volkova was beginning to cry -- probably fucking crocodile tears because that demon woman knew exactly what she was doing -- recounting that the dream she'd had since a child to have three generations of female Russian excellence in the same house and learning from one another.

So yes. I agreed to keep an eye out for potentially appropriate suitors for Volks, and y'know. Encourage the coupling if it was someone Mama Volks might actually approve of. It's possible I've been a bit more vindictive in my blind date choices than the situation strictly-speaking has warranted, but four hours of borscht. I had to take Immodium for three days straight.

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: Favorite roommate? [Image: eyelashes.gif][/b]

PEL: Muffin. She's a better big spoon than Greta and Pietra combined -- plus, she doesn't snore. Yes, she might steal the food from my plate when I'm not looking -- especially on bacon cheat days -- but so does Volks, and Ivers sheds more hair than Muffin does most days, so. Bullmastiff wins in almost all categories.

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: Since when do you spend so much time with Laing?[/b]

[Between questions, Pel has been in the process of reclaiming the dropped container of cookies. As this question is asked, she's once again gotten the tupperware open and is sharing them with Reed Laing, who is still sitting next her. Georgie is snickering at a series of rude gestures Laing is making behind her chair, poorly hidden from the camera. Georgie freezes as the question is asked, and turns with narrowed eyes towards the reporter.]

PEL: I spend perfectly appropriate amounts of time with Laing, someone who happens to be my teammate. And also a friendly acquaintance.

[Laing rolls her eyes. Pel might be blushing.]

PEL: Who the hell is even asking you these bullshit questions anyway?

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: Welp, username GOONKOVA, who by all accounts is -- actually -- your roommate. Who is still sitting at the other end this table.[/b]

[Pel cranes her neck to look down the table at Pietra, who's tapping away at her phone. She flips Pel the bird.]

PEL: Oh come the fuck on, seriously?

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: There's a new fingerprint on my vodka glass. Is that yours and why did you touch my vodka glass if it is?[/b]

[Pel is still staring down the stable, addressing Volkova directly -- who in turn is grinning, but still typing on her phone and studiously not looking up at Pel in return.]

PEL: You mean your gross-ass petrie dish full of dissolved photo chemicals and paper sludge that you still actually drink out of? I've been placing it on Maman's altar before leaving the house for games -- if you like your point totals so far, don't change its hiding place, you douche. It took me way too long to find where you keep it in the first place.

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: You had better re-download those episodes you wiped from our DVR, otherwise I'm making you sleep on the couch until the end of time.[/b]

PEL: You know On-Demand is actually a thing. Has been for years. Why don't you just use that, dude? And if they're not on there, it's like -- what -- two episodes of Game of Thrones? I've read all the books, bro. I'll reenact them for you -- and I promise I'll do a better job of entertaining you than whatever bullshit diversion from the story-line nonsense they've cooked up. I'm not sleeping on the couch; it's terrible for my back, plus I'll whine about my back-pain forever. Do you really want to subject yourself to that? No. No you don't.

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: Can we go out for pizza today?[/b]

PEL: Only if you'll go half-Hawaiian with me.

[Volkova stops typing to make a protracted gagging noise, and finally turns to look at Peller.]

VOLKOVA: How are you that gross? Pineapple does not belong on pizza you brain-damaged ing--

PEL: Sweet, salty, umami. The perfect tastebud threesome. It's proven culinary science, which is not at all subjective and practically irrefutable bud. Just accept that your narrow view of acceptable pizza toppings and belligerent refusal to share half a pizza with something you don't agree with is both supremely un-Canadian of you and--

VOLKOVA: -- says #teamnotasandwich, yeah OK there bud.

PEL: Why do I even try?

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: (<a href='index.php?showuser=2238' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-54'>shlpris41</a>) Top 10 rookie prospects in the draft, and why?[/b]

PEL: Holy shit, a serious question. [cracks knuckles] OK, fine, let's do this. I like my underdogs, so this might surprise you a bit, and I know already without question these guys and gals aren’t going top of the board, but they’re 10 of my favorite prospects in the draft, and sometimes that means more than experience or stats can really quantify, so -- brace yourselves. In no particular order, we have:

Hylytyr NoRetornable Firebirds TPE: 246

You know, I'm not entirely sure what possesses a highlighter to develop as a baby marker, go through the hormonal changes that make him neon, and then finally, after making it's way out of the Back-to-School discount bin, decide to take up a career in playing hockey. Is it insanity? Is it love of the game? Is it just sheer grit and incredible color saturation? One way or another, this office supply has wound up as a forward I'm never pleased to see coming down the ice with the puck. He's shown surprising endurance and dedication to his craft, and he'll continue to be a crowd pleaser, I'm sure, for whatever SHL team has the gumption to draft this remarkable forward skater. He's got a highlighter reel that's sure not to disappoint.

Frankie Latta Whalers TPE: 246

Funny story -- I met this kid ages ago back when I was in Montréal for a little bit and actually in school -- he was real fucked-up and having a hard time recovering from a concussion at the time. I wasn't sure I'd ever see him again, let alone in Major Juniors, but he's had a harder time than most getting here, and is beyond the definition of a true workhorse. His stats are deceptive, especially his point production, but if he works on getting some points on the board, even as many as that Welsh rookie linemate goon of his, he'd have a plus-minus approaching low positive numbers, which would put him into the top 25% of the Whaler's plus-minus spread. His ability to prevent scoring when on the ice is excellent, but likely to get overlooked since his point generation is currently lagging behind it.

Jeff Kirkstone Falcons TPE: 284

Kirky's great. Good guy. In a similar 1A/1B situation to my own, where he was really fully splitting ice-time with another tender. His attitude has always been can-do, and he's out there and really willing to produce for his team. I think with some tweaking, and maybe more opportunity now that he's with Detroit, he'll be in great shape for the Show in maybe a season -- maybe even now if he manages to find a team willing to take a gamble. I think you'd be smart betting on Kirkstone; I feel like we're kindred in the sense that we're probably both twice as hungry to prove ourselves versus some of the showier names at the top of the goaltending scouting reports.

Alexsander Komarov raiders TPE: 193

This guy. This fucking guy. I’d like to believe that one day, far in the future, when I actually feel responsible enough to maybe consider the terrifying concept that is the possibility of my reproducing, I want my children to grow up to be this guy. Fucking pass cantaloupe so can score, is right, buddy. Have you seen his highlight reel? Take a look at this gem:

Quote:Originally posted by ToeDragon84@Sep 16 2016, 07:53 PM
Boone spits out his mouth guard and moves on Komarov to steal his. He's coming in heavy to fuck this dudes day up -- Komarov tries to dodge the incoming fists and fingers, but Boone looks like he got a finger inside the mouth of Komarov! Oh!!! Komarov bites!!!! What were you thinking Boone!!!! OH MY!!!!! And that's going to leave a mark my god! I can see the blood!!! I want to taste it It's a beautiful sight. THAT'S SOME SHIT!!! I DON'T KNOW WHO HAS THE ADVANTAGE ONE GUY BIT HIS FINGER THE OTHER DUDE IS GOING PUT AIDS BLOOD ALL OVER HIS FACE IF HE LANDS A PUNCH!!!!! YOU CAN'T LOSE HERE FOLKS!!!!!!!

Would you fuck with that guy? No. No you wouldn’t. Do you want that guy watching your ass on the ice, even if -- maybe -- he’s a little less experienced than some other enforcers out there? Yes, yes you do, because this crazy bastard fights like a bear on drugs. It’s beautiful. Alex, buddy, good fucking luck in the draft.

Marc Leclerc Falcons TPE: 264

He’s a little shy, I guess, and a bit too pretty for my usual tastes, but damn if you can’t argue with his results as a true defensive defenseman. His playoffs ended a bit too abruptly, but Leclerc’s solid season performance will hopefully outshine his shyness in the public forum. The guys in the Detroit lockeroom only ever speak highly of him, even if he is a little bit of a shit, and guys’ got passion, if his PIMs rap sheet is any indication, and a body he’s willing to toss around a block shots with. Good pick up in the draft.

Isaac Kaiser raiders TPE: 245

The little engine that could, man -- this kid is all heart, and has a knack for timing and great fucking luck. Third overall in the league for penalty shots, in the top 25% for Halifax for both game winning and game tying goals, a positive plus-minus for the season and the 3rd overall plus-minus for the season 30 playoffs, this kid is magic. Yeah, ok, his points total isn’t the best in the game -- no one’s arguing that, but with a bit of patience and some augmenting, his public persona and media control also notwithstanding, he’d be a draft steal anyway. Once you consider the whole package, kid wouldn’t be out of place as early as a 2nd round grab.

Ronnie Westbrook Scarecrows TPE: 243

I’m not sure if it’s horse tranquilizers or an incredible amount of pot, but this guy is completely out to fucking lunch anytime he’s not on the ice -- when he is on the ice, though, watch your ass. He’s pretty vicious on the face-off, and had the fourth best plus-minus on his team. He makes points happen, even if he’s not generating them personally. He’s fucking tinkerbell on the ice, for all he’s a toothless ginger bastard. His lackadaisical attitude and chummy locker room personality bely an incredibly useful player to have your team, so folks should honestly keep an eye out before he disappears off the board.

Geronimo Otto Knights TPE: 267

How more people aren’t talking about this kids’ antics, I don’t know. Mr. Personality, jesus -- if I had half the media-presence this kid had, I’d be picking up double every night. Plus, have you seen his suits? Little bastard has them custom tailored. I’m jealous as hell and I don’t even wear suits -- but if that’s what his ass looks like in a real pair of slacks, shit, maybe I should start. He’s a pretty OK hockey player too, from what I hear, hidden gem on Kelowna and all that, but I’m honestly too distracted by that booty half the time to really comment on his worth as player. Besides, I’m pretty sure other people’s scouting reports have that nonsense covered by now. God damn.

Ryan Vas Militia TPE: 243

Good taste in horror movies, doesn’t hog the popcorn, good competitor, probably the best part of the Militia because honestly -- fuck the rest of those guys, what a trash compactor of a team.

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: Is that an on-the-record comment about your feelings regarding the Montreal Militia?[/b]

[From further down the table, a water bottle is thrown with precision accuracy and it hits Pel in the head with a hollow thunk. She blinks.]

… I misspoke. I apologize. The Militia are great competitors, really put up a solid effort in Round 2, it was an honor to play them, and I can’t wait to see what kind of hockey the play against us next year. Vas is still probably the best guy they have on that team, though -- especially now that Kirky’s gone -- you can take that quote to the bank.

Adriana Starosta Knights TPE: 246

Tabernak but this girl can fucking skate! Have you seen her dance right through offensive passing lanes, scooping up that puck like it’s absolutely nothing? Visualizing three-dimensional space and puck vectors like she’s a goddamn graphic calculator? She has 48 blocked shots regular season. 48! Not to mention, she’s a top-of-the-line puck feeder, racking up 20 out of her 22 points via assists to her forward lines. Why more people aren’t talking about her, I don’t know, but if I live in a world where a beauty like this goes after me in a goalie-stacked draft, I just don’t want to live anymore.

And I think that finishes off ten, so -- next question!

Quote:[b]DEADSPIN REPORTER: Do you love me? <3[/b]

PEL: Do I love you? I don’t even fucking know you, dude, why --

VOLKOVA: [off-screen] Me, you goddamn imbecile. Do you love me.

PEL: Oh.

[Camera zooms out to include the whole table. Pel and Volkova are looking at each other, a sea of players in between.]

PEL: Yeah you’re alright, I guess.

VOLKOVA: Asshole.

[Pel grins. She turns back to the cameras.]

PEL: Any other questions for me, or can I head off to the showers?

Quote:[b]REPORTER: (<a href='index.php?showuser=2273' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-3'>bk1689</a>) Thoughts on Halifax playoff run?[/b]

PEL: I feel like we’ve won, like we’ve really fucking won. It’s almost as if this presser has gone on for so long now that I can see into the future and past the upcoming series against Prince George. I made my thoughts on why I felt this team is in the right place to win this cup right now earlier on when asked, but to be honest, this is just such a fantastic group of players -- that maybe seemed greater than the sum of their parts on paper to a lot of people for a very long time. Those same people used the potential they saw as a reason to drag us through the mud and decree us an “underperforming team,” one with “discipline issues” and an internal culture focused too much on personal indulgement and “partying pastimes.” Facts are, we are a new group of players. A lot of us, brand new to major juniors hockey. We all wind up bringing our own personal baggage with us when we arrive, and -- more often than not -- not our A-game. We don’t arrive the best we can be. There’s been a lot of support, I feel, both from the veteran players like our captain Colin Banning and guys like JLR and Hocolate, as well as the coaching staff and Front Office, in terms of letting this team grow at its own pace. Our regular season left a hell of a lot to be desired, but two rounds into these playoffs, I think we’ve shut up most of the detractors and hecklers by now. There’ll always be a few hold outs, salty or bitter, maybe, about the culmination of their efforts, but the laws of Any Given Gameday hold true as much here in the SMJHL as they do anywhere -- we weren’t up to topping out our division, but we came ready to fucking play the shit out of these playoffs. If you don’t think we’ll do just that against Prince George -- another team that frequently faced scrutiny, albeit because of their undervalued potential, during the regular season -- you’re only kidding yourself.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Is #bustkova ever going to break free of the hash tag?[/b]

PEL: Even the smallest people are capable of overcoming the largest of adversaries -- and internet hashtags are, indeed, a large adversary.

[Another water bottle flies in Pel’s direction from down the table, but Pel is ready this time and catches it mid-air before it connects.]

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Why did you have to beat us?[/b]

PEL: Because the hockey gods decided it was our turn to win, first and foremost, but also because we worked fucking hard and pushed ourselves and played the best goddamn hockey it was possible for us to play. We had a whole season of having our team torn down to make up for, when better to do that than in the playoffs?
Quote:[b]REPORTER: Who's your favourite Co GM on [The Three Mile Islanders]?[/b]

PEL: Oh, is it Kennedy sending these in? No shit -- sorry for breaking your cup dreams in half, buddy. You’re pretty alright for a Montreal player, too, I guess. At least, you haven’t stolen my lucky tape during Juniors practice, yet, or taken the last protein bar and left behind the empty box -- that says something. Let’s see if we can’t whip these Islanders into shape to maybe make our mark on Juniors, huh?

[Pel finger-guns at the camera, winking.]

PEL: Next?

Quote:[b]REPORTER: (<a href='index.php?showuser=2274' rel='nofollow' alt='profile link' class='user-tagged mgroup-17'>Rabidsponge21</a>) If bread toasts, does toast toast?[/b]

PEL: Come again?

[The reporter seems unsure, reading from his phone, and hesitantly repeats the question.]

PEL: That seems like a pretty philosophical question for a sports press conference.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: I'm just the intern, man, I read what they tell me to read.[/b]

PEL: I'm not sure I'm the most qualified of people to really expand on the inherent nature of inanimate objects, but I'll, uh. Do my best, I suppose. I don't think toast can toast. Toast is toast -- it's a state of being, not a intransitive verb, at least in this particular instance. Water can freeze, but ice can't freeze, it's already frozen. Are there variable states of being toast? Possibly, as there is a distinct difference between being lightly toasted, browned, and burnt -- but again, I feel as if being burnt toast is a separate and distinct state from a simple piece of bread evolving into to toast in the first place. Semantics? Probably. Important? Almost definitely not. Worth differentiating between? I guess to the asker of this question.

What else do ya got for me?

Quote:[b]REPORTER: If you had to rate the best dressed rookies who would be your top 3?[/b]

PEL: Jeeze, ask me a hard one. Geronimo Otto, for sure. I already spun rhapsodical about the merits of his ass in bespoke suits -- that shit is real, kid.

Gonna give credit to my own team here for a minute and give my second shout-out of the day to Isaac Kaiser -- guy might not look like much, but he cleans up surprisingly well. The other morning I caught him sorting out his real suits from his game-day suits; dude has some good shit in there that's not just your standard Brooks Brothers nonsense. I'm talking some seriously sexy Kiton and Zegna shit, three-piece, silk bow-tie country club shit. To be on the level, I'm not entirely sure who the hell is bank-rolling his fashion choices -- lord knows we don't make all that much on our salaries despite the figures on paper because we buy back into our training -- but Kaisey's getting that sugar from somewhere and his long-suffering plebeian teammates don't benefit nearly enough from it.

Last, but not least, my girl Ekatarina Rudnikova got some seriously sweet casual clotheshorsemanship going on -- she seems to dig these really soft fabrics and cute patterns that don't initially seem like they'd really go together, but the finished effect is really nice, eye-popping, you know? I caught her shopping in Alice + Oliva the last time we took a roadie to Denver, and she actually helped me pick out a few casual dresses and some really adorable sweaters for this thing -- I had a photoshoot that was BYOF, and I don't think the moron who told the photographer that was a good idea realized I spend most of my time in two-day old gym shorts and hoodies -- yeah, anyway. So as it turns out, running into Kat was a godsend, and the shit she helped pick out for me is still cute enough to warrant an actual trip to dry-clean the cashmere it's made out of.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Toque and scarf? Or straight up ski mask?[/b]

PEL: Really depends -- most times, I'm a toque and scarf kinda gal. I don't really like too much covering my face, or you start getting this weird-ass sweat-line on your upper lip that's really just a fucking total disaster, but I digress. The only time I really change it up is when I'm doing dry land training, especially in the mornings during the fall and winter when I'm doing my long distance running -- for that, I use a full-face mask since it helps reheat and humidify the air I take in while running. The training staff gets on my ass about the distance shit, but honestly, it's routine -- I gotta have my 5 miles in the mornings and my 2 at night, and believe me, I eat enough to make up for it.

Quote:[b]REPORTER: Favourite style of food not named cookies?[/b]

PEL: Not on the meal plan? Pizza. More specifically, there's this place down near city center that has what they call a Neapolitan pizza -- this wonderful chunky-stile tomato sauce with capers and black olives and onions and anchovies -- and then I usually have 'em stick pineapple on it for good measure. It's fucking beautiful, fucking the most delicious explosion of flavor you've ever put in your mouth. Yes, I said anchovies and pineapple on the same pizza. What the fuck are you gonna do about it?

On the meal plan? Probably sushi. It's just so simple, you know? Hard to fuck up sushi. Big fan of the octopus and the mackerel, although they've got great yellow perch seasonally as well. Great protein macros, without too much fat and monounsaturated good shit at that when you do go with fattier fish.


Which SHL team interests you most?

Why are you so underrated?

Thoughts on the Jeff Kirkstone trade?

Will Halifax beat Prince George? and Why?

Argonauts Stars Battleborn Czechia

Would you be fine competing with another goaltender from this draft class if you are drafted by the same team?

You're one of the most dedicated people I know, how do you feel having a high amount of TPE even though you were a FA?

Should Kasparek continue with his hockey career or pursue his newfound love for baking stuff?

[Image: tuxpi-com-1618108119.jpg]


Rate your Karaoke skills 1-10? Who is the best Karaoke'r in the rookie discord. Make a ranking please. Also, any plans for you and Pris to go on tour?

If your cat was a transformer which one would it be? If your cat is not represented within the current transformers, tell me which car would represent it.

Explain which sandwich is the greatest and tell me how it is superior to other sandwiches.

If the Rookie Discord smelled like something, what would that smell be?

Favorite tabletop RPG system? Benefits of the system and when the hell are we going to play it?

If I have water in my ear, is it still safe to listen to electronic music?

[Image: 3GSD0dd.gif]
[Image: m1IMt5k.gif]


Why are you so insistent on getting me a boyfriend, Peller? I'm fine alone.

Favorite roommate? ;Wink

Since when do you spend so much time with Laing?

There's a new fingerprint on my vodka glass. Is that yours and why did you touch my vodka glass if it is?

You had better re-download those episodes you wiped from our DVR, otherwise I'm making you sleep on the couch until the end of time.

Can we go out for pizza today?

Top 10 rookie prospects in the draft, and why?

Do you love me? <3

[Image: shlpris41.gif]
sig credits
[Image: FJ4Sjuj.png] |[Image: apAE8qn.png] | [Image: uEsOaLl.png]
[Image: 2dtdoyf.png]
Former affiliates: raiders Jets Stars


Thoughts on Halifax playoff run?

Is #bustkova ever going to break free of the hash tag?

Why did you have to beat us?

Who's your favourite Co GM on Team I?

[Image: Bk1689.gif]

If bread toasts, does toast toast?

If you had to rate the best dressed rookies who would be your top 3?

Toque and scarf? Or straight up ski mask?

Favourite style of food not named cookies?

[Image: 4zfXx6o.gif]

Interview What will be Halifax's needs in the upcoming draft?

Interview For which country do you want to play in the IIHF?

[Image: KSelich.gif]
Thank you all for the amazing sigs & player cards
Germany Citadelles  Stampede [Image: vhY18i8.png][Image: Raptors.png][Image: gs89eGV.png] [Image: eE2UQZC.png] Stampede Citadelles Germany

3. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 5 (Maximilian Wachter, Alexis Metzler) at 16:25
5. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 6 (Steven Stamkos Jr., Brynjar Tusk) at 19:48
8. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 7 (Brynjar Tusk, Alexis Metzler) at 13:55
9. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 8 (Anton Fedorov, Mikelis Grundmanis) at 15:12
10. Buffalo Stampede , Eduard Selich 9 (Dickie Pecker) at 19:43 (Empty Net)

Who's the most underrated Halifax player going into the finals? Into the S31 SHL Draft?

If you were stranded on an island with 4 players, who would you be with?

Have you had any words with Coach Bowman about your lack of starts or are you content with riding the bench?

[Image: BBr47PN.png]

[Image: m9F8nRF.png]

How hard is it to stay motivated and full of pluck when you've got a back up job?

Do you feel there are a lot of comparisons to be made between the Raiders and the Mighty Ducks?

If you had to be a skater, which position would you want to play?

What's the first thing you check when you get on SHL?

Reed Kobo - Winger - #33
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Elijah Jones - Winger - #33 Retired
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Toivo Kosonen - Defenseman - #33 Retired
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[Image: 2ew9foG.png][Image: rnSNsnU.png]

Quote:Originally posted by Fivehole@Sep 9 2016, 06:50 PM
Halifax [b]has had some really rough waters when it's come to our regular season, but goddamn you have to be blind to try and deny that we don't have the talent to wreck Prince George sitting and waiting to be let out of the gate at the first opportunity. [/b]

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]

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Quote:Originally posted by smallwater17@Sep 10 2016, 03:48 PM


Can't help but notice that's not questions for me to answer. :( :(

Quote:Originally posted by Fivehole@Sep 10 2016, 05:00 PM

Can't help but notice that's not questions for me to answer. :( :(
;Wink ?

[Image: ili5NZ2.png]

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Quote:Originally posted by smallwater17@Sep 10 2016, 04:08 PM

;Wink ?

o i c

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