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S62 SMJHL PT #1 - New Places

Congratulations on being drafted! The hard work starts now, and your teammates are all ready to get to know you!.

Written option: You just walked into the lockerroom for the first time. How did your new teammates respond? Did they organize anything to welcome you and the other draftees to the team? Must include 150 words.

Graphic option: Make an image depicting a couple of members of your team hanging out together in the locker room. Must include the team logo somewhere.

3 TPE for doing the thing. (Just one of the things, not both.)

Only S62 SMJHL Rookies (S63 SHL Draftees) are eligible for this PT.

Link PBE or NSFL submissions here to get credit for affiliate claims.

Do not claim this TPE until a post is made in the claim thread.

Deadline: Sunday, November 7th @ 11:59pm EST

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

Falcons Monarchs Switzerland   Switzerland Monarchs Falcons
[Image: qGhUIfY.png] [Image: dGD5tIx.png]

 [Image: mutedfaith.gif]
Credit for the images goes to @Carpy48, @soulja, @fever95 and @Wasty

When Rolf came into the St.Louis locker room for the first time, he did seem to stick out like a sore thumb. His teammates were pretty welcoming and they tried their best to immediately get to know him by asking him questions about where he was from. Rolf answered those questions in the best ways he can despite his occasional problems with English phrases. They showed him and the other rookies thier lockers which each had a small scarecrow plush in there. They explained that the plush was just a welcoming gift for them to the team.

 Rolf did appreciate it, even though he was not sure what he would do with the plush. He eventually decided that he would carry it around and bring it to all the games as a good luck charm. Rolf did mention that he had a lot of scarecrows like that on the farm, and hopefully that would somehow lead to good luck if Rolf keeps it with him. The team didn't quite understand, but decided to humor him.

[Image: wfm-sig.png]
[Image: Wf5B9wj.png]

The night of a draft can be a bit disorienting. I spent the days and the hours before the draft visiting various locker rooms. I had done all my own research, so my main concern was fiddling around with my mock draft. Then I heard my name called at number six.

I headed as quickly as I could to the Scarecrows locker room and was congratulated by some of veteran, including Top Cheddar, McZherl and Merica. Merica was quick to get me set up, starting on a render for me that he since finished and that I just starting to use today. Rolf Kohonen and Alix Nunez soon followed me into the room as the draft progressed. When I woke up the next morning, I saw that three more members of our draft class had been signed to the Scarecrows.

We don't have a hyperactive locker room, but this still feels like a team that is coming together. Speaking on behalf of my fellow Scarecrows rookies, we want to make S62 a memorable season for the S59 and S60 players who may not be with us going forward. Let's reach for the least for the Four Star Cup.

[Image: embros.png]

[Image: ddIlIkT.png]  [Image: qzGJBye.png]
Player Render by Merica

Ivan's entrance into the Detroit locker room after the draft was somewhat different than he had dreamed. Lacksamus was fortunate enough to play with the Detroit team as a Draftable Free Agent in the late parts of the prior season so it was a celebration of the permanent change vs walking in completely off of the street. Ivan expected little fanfare upon walking into the room but was surprised to see excitement from the team and the management over the new additions to the team. Then bringing in Azjha, Tree, and Jansson just lit the room on fire. After last season's disappointing results the entire Detroit team is looking forward to clawing our way back up the standings and showing the SMJHL that Detroit cannot be overlooked and will be a force to be rekoned with in short order. We are now working on some individual and team coaching in preparation for the pre-season start and will be looking at S62 as a chance to put the league on notice that we are here and have big dreams.


[Image: thiefofcheese.gif]

[Image: Yztckjo.png] 

Sig credit: Ragnar, Carpy48, High Stick King


Lias had a rough time on draft night. He was expecting to be drafted much earlier than he was, and even though Nevada, the team that drafted him, picked him with their first available pick (they didn’t have a pick in the first round), they also TRADED DOWN before they did it. It was honestly a little insulting. But Lias has never let a little blow to his pride get in the way of his dreams, so he showed up to the locker room in Nevada with a lot of resolve, ready to get started and meet his new teammates. He was immediately surprised to discover that many of them are not actually human - there is a moose, a penguin, a wurmple, and an assortment of colorful characters even amongst his human teammates. He was very happy with the welcome he received; someone put a detached mannequin leg at his stall, which he thought was very funny, and immediately decided that he would give the leg to someone after every home game this season, just to recognize a teammate he thinks had a good game.

[Image: gunnarsoderberg.gif]

[Image: xJXeYmQ.png]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]
. : [Image: zS2lCMp.png] : .

Denisova watched from his home in Jelgava, as the first round picks in the SMJHL draft were chosen, until eventually the 13th overall was picked. He was heading off to Newfoundland. The coming days he said goodbye to his friends he had grown up with, and to his family who’d have to leave to head to Canada. Eventually he boarded the plane off to Newfoundland. 

He arrived early the next morning with some of the most severe jet lag he had ever experienced. Feeling like shit, he rested in a hotel before he made his way to the locker room for the first time. They had his jersey hanging up, next to al’Thor’s and Williams-II’s. Nothing too crazy was done when he arrived and he appreciated that it wasn’t made a huge deal. 

Denisova was always on the quieter side, not a huge talker, and he kept it this way when he met his teammates for the first time. They were nice, and Valters was honored to play with them, but he was nervous.

The SMJHL was completely different than anything Denisova had experienced before, however his fellow Berserkers helped ease him into his new role as a professional hockey player.

[Image: Rn4Vt1E.png]

The team held a small welcome dinner for the new rookies that had just been drafted. Being drafted alongside the 6'3 Centerman Brain (not Brian, Brain) Brettski, and the 6'8 monster of Brent Ashe II, Bilbo stood at... (well hes listed at 5'1, but appears to be much smaller in the eye test) ...a significantly lower height than the rest of his cohort. At first no one noticed him at the door, so he just made his way to his seat. When drinks were served Bilbo stood up on the table and made a toast / introduction.

"May the Great Falls Grizzles slay the Kraken and whoever else stand in our way!" And slammed his entire pint.

In a look of awe the whole team came to realize this little man knew how to party. A night of bar hopping ensued.
The rest of the night started to get hazy for the entire squad. Brain kept pointing out that Bilbo lost his shoes every time they left an establishment.
With a small toke from his pipe, Bilbo laughed and carried on with his current adventure.

Tekkeitsertok stumbled off the plane wearing a thick Canadian Goose jacket, previously used as a shield against the frigid, whipping winds of the Canadian North. Only to be overcome with a still heat and swishing sand, provided by the Nevada environment. The offensive defenseman unzipped his jacket and placed it into his newly-acquired Battleborn team bag. Selected in the third round by the Nevada faithful to be the newest addition to the blue-line, Tekkeitsertok initially struggled to acclimate to the weather. It wasn't until night fell and the temperature dropped enough for the young defenseman to feel more at home. At the rink, he met his new teammates who were all rather intrigued by the newcomer's name. After pronouncing his name for players and staff alike, what felt like hours turned into a conversation about what his new nickname would be. This conversation led into the night and not much progress had been made.

Although many stumbled with the name, Tekkeitsertok began to feel more at home with his teammates supporting him after the longest trip he has ever taken from his home.

[Image: giphy.mp4]

When Evert entered the Detorit locker room he was astonished by the dirty carpet first of all but also how good the coffee was. Evert didnt know anyone in the locker room but that didnt stop him from greeting his fellow teammates. There was three other draftees who were at least as nervous as Evert himself. Azhja, Lacksamus and Bubba Tree. The overall mood got better and better when the team captain came in with two six packs of some premium lager. The team really bonded togheter and after a couple of beer everyone spoke with each other like they had been friends for years. Apparently having a party in the locker room is a tradition in Detroit and considering what happened that night Evert finally understood why the carpet was so dirty.

When coming in to do pre-season exercise the next day everyone was very tired. Lacksamus even vomited on the ice because of his hangover... Amateur...

Draft day had been a long day for Sam Azjha, he'd just gotten home to his small apartment in Whitstable, England from a camping trip and fallen asleep after watching the first 3 picks of the SMJHL draft, but woke up after about 30 minutes later and went to get something to eat, but was trying to go quickly because most mock drafts had him in the early-mid second round, but as he walked back into his room with a sandwich he heard "at 15th overall, the Detroit Falcons select Right wing, Sam Azjha" he finished eating his sandwich, then packed his bags and took the next flight to Detroit.

once he entered the falcons locker room he was greeted by his new teammates, as they suited up for their first practice of the season he apologized for not talking earlier, as the flight to the United states had tired him out a lot, and he was still jetlagged 5 hours.

Hey guys I'm Brent Ashe ll. I think that I my locker room was an example to set for all locker rooms. They welcomed me with open arms as well as helped me instantly on how to get started. I think that this locker room I feel that this is a locker room is starting good and hope as the season comes around I think that it is fun to look at as a starting team as a good locker room I feel that this locker room has not only welcomed me but helped me to get better than my other guy. I think that it's been definitely more better for me. I think that a locker room is important for me to improve as a player for now and the future. I want to give props to the players and gms and coaches for all the help so far. I want it to be this way from then on because this has helped me and this could helped help others when they come in as well.

179 words

So i was picked fairly late in the draft being the scrub i am. So by the time all the picks have passed by the hype in the draft was pretty died out and there was not much excitement. I just went home chilled out and took it all in getting drafted to an SMJHL team was a great feeling for me. The next day though i walked into the locker room and everyone on the team introduced themselves too me and welcomed me in like their own. We never done anything extravagant we just talked about hockey and how we are going to get better. Some guys had my gear duct taped together almost like the biggest tape ball ever so that was a little unfortunate. Other then that its been eyes on the prize and how we're gonna get better. We all have been getting along so far its been great!

After a really exciting draft day, being selected 2nd overall, Lesgo was ready to take his first steps into his first J league locker room. He opened the door and was shocked at the sight. It was a huge, magnificent locker room with a giant Outlaw logo in the middle. tears came to Lego's eyes and he finally knew he made it. He walked over to his locker and seeing his name plate, it was official.  The outlaws welcomed him with open arms! They all great him with great enthusiasm. It wasn't even an hour in the locker room and he already was being helped with tips and tricks to maximize his abilities. He even got a wonderful signature from @Merica ! Being selected 2nd overall has some pressure but with the he is being received he really feels comfortable in Anaheim. This was already feeling like home for Lesgo. There are some tough days ahead leading into his first SMJHL season, and he already is feeling like he belongs.

[Image: image.png?ex=65728e45&is=65601945&hm=aa5...7eb2e58f9&][Image: vanbiesbrouck_ff.png?ex=6578c8f6&is=6566...a506d1cd1&]
Sig by adamantium

I walked into the locker room after the draft had concluded. Blown away that I was taken first overall. Even more blown away that the Carolina Kraken traded so far up for me. It really made me feel wanted. I walked in expecting to see the general manager and maybe the captain with it being a Friday night. However, I was met with much much more. I had seen the locker room before, but this was different, I am apart of the locker room now. Everyone was there, the whole team. The energy in the room was elevating and exciting. It wasnt but only a few minutes of me walking in that a Kraken hat was slapped onto my head (not sure by who, its all a blur) then champagne was going everywhere. On me, on the floor, in mouths, wherever. It was a small celebration, but one I will remember forever. I am proud to call Carolina my home.

[Image: badwolf221B42.gif]
[Image: DG0jZcS.png]

You just walked into the lockerroom for the first time. How did your new teammates respond? Did they organize anything to welcome you and the other draftees to the team? Must include 150 words.

As I walked into the locker room, I heard the words of my people "Yo do you like wheel of time dude?!" Yes, it was Sopath. Strangely, that wasn't the oddest thing I saw that day though. It appeared as though licking feet was a bonding practice in the Newfoundland locker room, as though if you licked somebody's feet, you were bonded, in spirit to them to protect them against losing, and back them up in scrums. It made you truly, a team. While disgusted, I wanted to fit in with my new team and show them I would do what it takes to not only be a Newfoundland Berserker, but to earn that four star cup I so desperately wanted. I walked over to Mikko Rashford, the guy with the biggest feet on the team, and gave it a massive lick, hoping to show I was worth being drafted in the first round. His reaction of approval was all I needed to know that I was truly in. I was a Newfoundland Berserker for life now.

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